What Games Are You Playing?

BlackWolf said:
Spyro201 said:
Foxstripe said:
Spyro201 said:
Foxstripe said:
ah thats a shame, we could of been a great team :(

I have Dawn Of War :lol:

when I get hooked up to the net again wec an all have a few games. I cant wait :D

Dawn Of War 2 will be better :p TYRANIDS!!

EDIT: Saying that about the 'Nids; I prefer chaos, and they havent been announced :(

They will be don't worry, though if they still want to keep to only four fractions for DoW2 then Chaos and Imperial Guard will definatly be part of the first expansion for it :p

Aye I also like Guard :) The tanks are just badass. Chimera's are great. Then backed up by Hellhounds/Basilisks; its just pure ownage.
Bash doz 'umies!!! Da biggist and baddest orkz wil stomp a zoggin' mud'ol in them weeklinz! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!

I'll either play as them, S.o.B or Chaos. Chaos will consume all!! Can't wait for DOW2. I loved the original with it's add-on packs (Especially Soulstorm)
Only thing is now will we see new inquistor armies :p I remember playing the Daemon Hunters mods but i wouldn't say no to some Deathwatch Marines...or even how about some of the lost chapters...Legion of the Dammed army with full tricks :p (i can dream can't i)
BlackWolf said:
Only thing is now will we see new inquistor armies :p I remember playing the Daemon Hunters mods but i wouldn't say no to some Deathwatch Marines...or even how about some of the lost chapters...Legion of the Dammed army with full tricks :p (i can dream can't i)

Factions of Chaos would be nice. Id love to try Tzeentch/Nurgle. Magic owning all the way; or just poisoning and moral decimating with Nurgle :)

Also Black; Check your PM's ;)
Legion of teh Damned army would be awesome!!

Nurgle in the tabletop game are a bitch to defeat!!!

My bro plays as Nurgle and every marine has Toughness 5 and feel no pain, so not only am I hitting on a 5+ but he gets to re-roll a 3+ armour save!!

:eek: Tough bastards
Spyro201 said:
BlackWolf said:
Only thing is now will we see new inquistor armies :p I remember playing the Daemon Hunters mods but i wouldn't say no to some Deathwatch Marines...or even how about some of the lost chapters...Legion of the Dammed army with full tricks :p (i can dream can't i)

Factions of Chaos would be nice. Id love to try Tzeentch/Nurgle. Magic owning all the way; or just poisoning and moral decimating with Nurgle :)

Also Black; Check your PM's ;)
I'd so go Slaanesh all the time. I'm a pimp for those daemonettes (well, before the 2008 release of the board game models). Plus, being an artist, I kinda feel a connection to the whole artistic pleasures thing with the way they fight.
I specialised in Tzeentch, i loved my Thousand Sons but it was such a small army compared to the other fractions given the cost of the mark (using the third edition codex mind) but it was fun having all my champions blast everything plus having two wounds didn't hurt. Plus i even had Ahirman with a spiffy paint job leading my forces
Foxstripe said:
Legion of teh Damned army would be awesome!!

Nurgle in the tabletop game are a bitch to defeat!!!

My bro plays as Nurgle and every marine has Toughness 5 and feel no pain, so not only am I hitting on a 5+ but he gets to re-roll a 3+ armour save!!

:eek: Tough bastards

Yeah mon 8)

Warhammer Fantasy: Orcs and Goblins, High Elves, Nurgle (shared), Vampire Counts (Newly starting)

40K: Tau

LotR: Bit of everything; mainly Goblins/Elves

Mordheim: I have a few warbands but my main is Shadow Warriors.
BlackWolf said:
I specialised in Tzeentch, i loved my Thousand Sons but it was such a small army compared to the other fractions given the cost of the mark (using the third edition codex mind) but it was fun having all my champions blast everything plus having two wounds didn't hurt. Plus i even had Ahirman with a spiffy paint job leading my forces
I rather make my own bosses and such, as my chapter in the board game is a custom one in it's own right. Technically, it was originally a pure Slaaneshi army (with the Sisters of Battle converted). But it built up to a more Undivided group, because of the newer rules of Chaos (being pirates and cultists groups rather than full-flegded geneseed traitors).
Foxstripe said:
hey spyro, do you play warhammer regualy? If so me too :) i'll have a proper chat with you soon about it but I gotta rush off because of work :(

I havent managed to play recently for quite a while however im gonna be getting back into it more now im able to make time. I dont have much to do; and im lazy when it comes to exams; so I can fit a slot in for painting after school.

If you want drop me a PM and il give you my MSN address.
Chaz said:
BlackWolf said:
I specialised in Tzeentch, i loved my Thousand Sons but it was such a small army compared to the other fractions given the cost of the mark (using the third edition codex mind) but it was fun having all my champions blast everything plus having two wounds didn't hurt. Plus i even had Ahirman with a spiffy paint job leading my forces
I rather make my own bosses and such, as my chapter in the board game is a custom one in it's own right. Technically, it was originally a pure Slaaneshi army (with the Sisters of Battle converted). But it built up to a more Undivided group, because of the newer rules of Chaos (being pirates and cultists groups rather than full-flegded geneseed traitors).

I haven't checked out the new rules, i did make some new characters up but my friends kept laughing at them :roll:
BlackWolf said:
Chaz said:
BlackWolf said:
I specialised in Tzeentch, i loved my Thousand Sons but it was such a small army compared to the other fractions given the cost of the mark (using the third edition codex mind) but it was fun having all my champions blast everything plus having two wounds didn't hurt. Plus i even had Ahirman with a spiffy paint job leading my forces
I rather make my own bosses and such, as my chapter in the board game is a custom one in it's own right. Technically, it was originally a pure Slaaneshi army (with the Sisters of Battle converted). But it built up to a more Undivided group, because of the newer rules of Chaos (being pirates and cultists groups rather than full-flegded geneseed traitors).

I haven't checked out the new rules, i did make some new characters up but my friends kept laughing at them :roll:
Wanna PM some photos of them to me? I'll do the same with mine (although one may look like crap, but he's supposed to look like that.)
Probably for the best :p

@Chaz sadly they never got past the design phase :( as even when i wrote down what i wanted them to look like (bits and pieces) they just laughed (probably my fault though at naming them at that point) I was working on a chaos biker though which i intended to do a really good job on though my pride was painting a Tau Battlesuit to resemble the First Gundam :p
Spyro201 said:
Should we just create a thread for Warhammer/Games Workshop stuff save derailing this one??

It's almost 140 pages long, I don't think it's too much of an issue if we go a LITTLE off-topic.

Kudos for the Gundam Tau, BlackWolf.

This thread is now making me want to play GW stuff again....but then I look at the 1,000 points of Imperial guard I have who are neither fully painted nor glued...and I die a little inside.
Thanks :p all this talk is making me want to finish it (wasn't a lot left to do expect add the yellow to places and to make the white fuller) While i would love to start again i think if i start painting again i would avoid buying new stuff and just finish off everything i've got left...then maybe buy another Tau Battlesuit and try another Gundam custom