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MGS4 Spoiler:I think they were upset about Snake not killing himself and Big Boss's magic revival (which i admit was a little far-fetched) only to die again.
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Iliked MGS 1, then I think it got ****. I mean "snake eater" COME ONN!!! *drops to knee's and holds hands out*

Im still playing Tenchu Z on Hard. Looking forward to Assassins Creed 2 :p
haha well i have to agree the series did drop after MGS1, im glad MGS4 revived that brilliance. anyone who said the ending was **** obviously bought the game without playing the rest of the series to fully understand and appreciate what it all means.
the only thing i had problems with in the ending....The wedding, it just didn't really seem that important
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MrChom said:
Sega only really used a development codename as the product name once, and that was Project Saturn.

I love my Saturn....and my copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga...mint condition, no less. It's worth a small fortune, but I'd never sell it, I love Panzer that much.

but wait till all of my haul arrives in the post... you will be suprised at some of the rare games and the condition i go them in at decent prices!
i may have to re-buy Tech Romancer & JoJo's bizzare adventure for the DC...as i think my friend has lost them! (he said he'd pay so woohoo lol)
Lupus Inu said:
Ninja Boy! said:
JoJo's bizzare adventure for the DC
Easily the best anime fighting game, my copy doesn't work properly anymore though. ;_;

that game rocked so hard....

anywho...i wanted to take a pic of my whole Dreamcast hoard but i have to suddenyl fly abroad to Dubai tomorow so i thought i might aswell list all the things i got...anywho here they are:
- Jet set radio (2 copies) both brand new and sealed for like £7 each!
- Plasma Sword brand new sealed (i had this game on the DC in the past but my friend lost many of my games....a rare obscure capcom fighting game...i had a small collection of awsome Capcom DC beat em ups)
- Power Stone 2 mint uber condition
- 2 brand new DC controllers boxed/sealed for like £4 each!
- VMU Memory card, brand new and sealed for like £3
- DC Scart cable brand new and sealed £6
- and the holy purchase of them all......Project Justice (Rival Schools 2) UK PAL version......brand new and sealed! for a bargain of £40!!!!! (looks like i cant see this baby arrive in the post...*sniff*
- and also a non DC game, the original Rival Schools for the ps1...still waiting on that too.
- looks like i will have to somehow get ahold of jojo and tech-romancer when i get back from dubai....granted there is still a copy of it on ebay...
evangelion rocks said:
Finally,someone else who's heard of Tech Romancer!^_^Such a great game, but has one of the hardest final bosses ever!

Tech-romancer imo is one of Capcoms hidden gems and if not 'the' best anime styled video game ever!!
just look at the following video, its the anime intro to the game which you unlock.....which is awsome...and the music...epic....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q2-UpK0r2hY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q2-UpK0r2hY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

*gah* look at me getting distracted.....i should be packing right now to fly out tomorow morning -_-..but i just wanna stay and play DC all day lol.
Spyro201 said:
MechAnnoyed said:
I'm playing Bionic Commando: Rearmed. But, tomorrow I shall be playing the new Ratchet & Clank PSN tittle, Quest for Booty. Yay!

Is it going on PSN tommoro then??

I believe so. I think the file is about 3Gb. Will certainly take a long time with my crappy connection.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

So nice to see most of my adolescence turned from tiny models into animated violence. But remember....in the grim darkness of the far future....there is only war!
MrChom said:
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

So nice to see most of my adolescence turned from tiny models into animated violence. But remember....in the grim darkness of the far future....there is only war!

Excellent game, are you playing it with any of the expanions? i was delighted to hear that my first army had finally been turned electronic, that's right Tryanids are in Dawn of War 2 :p