What did you RECEIVE today?

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And for one last boring shipping update (lies, of course, since I will at the very least be posting some barely coherent exclamation of joy when it eventually arrives), I just paid the VAT on the package that contains the Haruhi movie, so I should have it in hand tomorrow morning. ^__^
And I did actually receive my LE BD BRS set today. The delivery guy looked cold.

This is one of the most sumptuous things I have bought in a while, so I will put up some pics later in case people can't be bothered to look for the ones that are already out there.
Stuart-says-yes said:
ilmaestro said:
And for one last boring shipping update (lies, of course, since I will at the very least be posting some barely coherent exclamation of joy when it eventually arrives), I just paid the VAT on the package that contains the Haruhi movie, so I should have it in hand tomorrow morning. ^__^

Suddenly a large cumulonimbus cloud forms above Birmingham, bringing with it a fresh layer of snow, and Haruhi disappears again, lol.
Well, you absolutely swine, this is exactly what happened. :(:(

But I did finally get it today, and am about to watch it in an hour or so. ^___^

I also received v.24 of Fairy Tail (with an anime DVD containing effectively a clip show of the first 38 eps, with Cast and Crew audio commentary), v.6 of K-ON!! on BD, and the "anime edition" of To Aru Majutsu no Idex no Subete.
A ransom note to the tune of £11.40 from Royal Mail, presumably for an item that cost $27.99 from DVD Pacific. According to HMCE's own rates of exchange that's less than £18, but of course I can't appeal because I'll have to reveal what I paid including shipping, and I'll get charged anyway.

Merry friggin' Christmas.
I received today Manga's release of Rin, Daughters of Mnemosyne.

By the way, I have a question for those who own the set: how the hell do I remove the first disc from the set without bending the disc like crazy, to a point it seems it's about to break up?

Surely there has to be a simple way to remove the disc, but I spent 5 minutes "struggling" with the damned case with a urge to just throw it out the window... :)
fabricatedlunatic said:
A ransom note to the tune of £11.40 from Royal Mail, presumably for an item that cost $27.99 from DVD Pacific. According to HMCE's own rates of exchange that's less than £18, but of course I can't appeal because I'll have to reveal what I paid including shipping, and I'll get charged anyway.

Merry friggin' Christmas.
Shipping only counts for VAT if the item itself is already over £18. It has to be worth applying for a refund (since you shouldn't have been charged at all), it's not like a parking ticket or something where you end up paying more if you're determined to be "wrong".
ilmaestro said:
Shipping only counts for VAT if the item itself is already over £18. It has to be worth applying for a refund (since you shouldn't have been charged at all), it's not like a parking ticket or something where you end up paying more if you're determined to be "wrong".
Really? Interesting.

In any case, it was one of my Second Spin orders. For some reason it had been marked with the pre-discount value, so I'm definitely appealing because I can prove what I paid and what I paid was less than £18. Bloody annoying though.

Do you know if HMCE refund the handling fee or will I have to bug RM for that?
I think you will have to bug RM for it, once you have the proof that HMRC have returned your VAT. Super annoying, I agree, but hopefully it will go smoothly enough for you.

I am also secretly a little pleased it wasn't a DVDp order after I said I was pretty confident it was cool to order stuff from there for that amount. ^^;
Heh. I thought you might be concerned about that. Not that I would have blamed you... probably.

Guess I'd better keep my receipt from RM, then. What a pain in the balls.
Note through the door? I'd just be happy for confirmation my parcels are out there, somewhere!

Kaleido Star, Tylor's OVA, Ashita Joe, Fire Child... NOTHING HAS TURNED UP FROM AMAZON SELLERS!

And as for SS/Wherehouse, thus far only one package has turned up. I'm not too worried since they always take awhile... BUT I WANT CITY HUNTER!!!!

I deeply regret ordering Nyan Koi (AIC, pussies, harem...) and Taisho (school girls trying to break out from the chains of oppression men attach to them) from DVD Pacific. Bad timing is bad.

On the plus side, I do have lots of anime en route I want to watch, as opposed to lots only ordered because they were cheap as chips.
Stuff that finally made it through the postal system over the past week,

The Clash - The Essential Plus (Limited - 2 CD & DVD)
Morphine - Like Swimming (US Import)
Morphine - At Your Service (2CD)
Cross Game Volume 1
Comic Party Thinpak Collection
Ultra Maniac Bargain DVD/CD Bundle
Moeyo Ken: The Complete Set
Hare + Guu: Deluxe OVA, Vol. 2
Girls High Collection: The Complete Series
Tayutama: Kiss On My Deity - The Complete Collection
Tide-Line Blue Complete Collection
Battle Royale: Special Edition (Region B blu-ray)
Family Guy Presents: Its A Trap Limited Edition (Region B blu-ray/dvd set)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World Steelbook (Region B blu-ray)

Still got some stuff to arrive though.
Aogu said:
An HDMI cable, a bin and Ikigami 5. #Thats it.
Supposing that you possess sufficient faculties to forecast on the matter, may I be so bold as to ask what you plan to consign to the new bin?

I'd advise against throwing out the cable. Those are sold for a fair penny.
Received a Christmas Eve parcel from amazon with some BDs in it:

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai v.1
Angel Beats! v.7
Shiki v.3
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu v.3
Senkou no Night Raid v.7
Occult Academy v.4
Although my YesAsia present has disappeared into the ether, I have some good fortune to report.

Instead of sending just the first Genius Party film I desired, it seems that Siren Visual sent the boxset containing both the first and the second film. (The invoices say otherwise, suggesting that this distributor is perhaps of the more generous sort.)
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