What did you RECEIVE today?

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£240 CC bill

Bleach 30 (will never read)

6/14 SS packages until next week it is, then. Booooo.
received Saturday -
Lucky Star manga 1 - 3
Several Code Geass mangas (Lelouch, Susaku and Numally)
Kiki's delivery service, Totoro and Grave of the fireflies.
Kirrimir said:
lol Unlucky Mutsumi, I received Higurashi novel 1.

Not so much unlucky as unwise. My own fault for being a compulsive spender.

FF13 arrived today, so I'll see you all in a couple of weeks. :D
I got ff13 collectors edition -well i got that yesterday lol-

I did get ff13 collectors edition guide book -not that i will use it first time through-

also got a4 and a3 pads of bristol board paper
Final Fantasy Collectors Edition PS3

Final Fantasy Collectors Edition Guide (Like Aya, won't use it for the first run through :p)
Received today...

This Ugly Yet Beautiful World vol 1 GN.

Final Fantasy XIII Collector's Edition Guide.
With so many of you getting the FF XIII guide as well, now I do want it too... Never bought a guidee before, but unlike you I would use it the first time, as I may not play it again later.
Guides are as outdated as magazines, imo. Walkthroughs are all over the 'net, so why buy one? I don't expect an answer its just me not understanding the need for them anymore.
Jayme said:
Guides are as outdated as magazines, imo. Walkthroughs are all over the 'net, so why buy one? I don't expect an
answer its just me not understanding the need for them anymore.

It's more for the sake of having "it all". The Collectors Edition Walkthrough is numbered and has some really great artwork. I wouldn't buy the STD edition though.
Jayme said:
Guides are as outdated as magazines, imo. Walkthroughs are all over the 'net, so why buy one? I don't expect an answer its just me not understanding the need for them anymore.
Well, just like most things in life there is no real need for it. I've never had a guide before, so I can't really answer that, but this does looks pretty.

Jayme said:
Ah, its numbered? My ears actually picked up then. Things are always worth having when they are numbered.
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