What did you RECEIVE today?

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Speaking of nendoroids, my Valentine's date arrived today:


Just kidding, I may be be an L fangirl but I'm not like the guy who married his DS.
Still, it's adorable.
A cheque for more money than I have ever owned at once before.*

*I have not ever owned a particularly large amount of money at once, so this is not particularly impressive.

Gonna get me some driving lessons now, and maybe a car after that. :D
I grow suspicious of your so-called "wheelings and/or dealings", Mutsumi. How the dickens does one acquire such a sum by fair means?
Zin5ki said:
I grow suspicious of your so-called "wheelings and/or dealings", Mutsumi. How the dickens does one acquire such a sum by fair means?

Inheritance. :(

Gonna put it in an ISA and use it wisely. Inheritance money is 'special' money and I would feel bad if I wasted it.
Mutsumi said:
Gonna put it in an ISA and use it wisely. Inheritance money is 'special' money and I would feel bad if I wasted it.

I'm sorry for the loss.

If I do say so, if I had such money, i'd invest it in something 'long-term' (or at least, part of it). In my case it'd be a guitar, but maybe if you have a hobby, you could find something particularly special that doesnt go out-of-date (Not an Xbox/PS3/Wii basically lol) that you could still look at and use in many years to come?
Sorry to hear about your loss Mutsumi.

An ISA account have a yearly limit of 3600. If you don't have a need for that money right now, it would be a better idea to enter some long-term fund.
Sorry to hear about your loss also Mutsumi.

O.T. I received £460 worth of Amazon vouchers! Woooh! Now what to buy. A new laptop wouldn't go amiss.
Kirrimir said:
ayase said:
Perhaps not an ultimate gaming machine, but £460 will certainly get you a decent laptop.

It'll get you something that struggles to have the browser open and play music at the same time.
I'm not after a gaming laptop as I have a very decent gaming PC. Also, if you look at Amazon's choices, you'd see there are many decent laptops available for £460 or under.
Kirrimir said:
ayase said:
Perhaps not an ultimate gaming machine, but £460 will certainly get you a decent laptop.

It'll get you something that struggles to have the browser open and play music at the same time.
I'm afraid you're living in the distant past (or buying from very overpriced computer shops). Even my £200 netbook can do that.
Love Roma 1-3. The design of the eyes, which makes the characters look somehow alien and as if they're staring off into the distance rather than at anything specific, makes me doubt I'll be able to read it.

This is what I get for going on THAT person's favourite manga...

I also received Beast Master 2, though when I'll bother reading it remains a mystery.

Yesterday, I received 1-5 of Macross Zero. As expected, they arrived minty-mint. I was surprised to discover, much like old DVDs, Japanese DVDs skip right to the content, and the menu appeared to be a motionless image with 20 white bars. Good value for money...
Thank you all for your condolences on the previous page.

My plan with the money is to put 80% in an ISA over two years (thanks for posting the limit chaos), budget some for driving lessons and test, some for some part time courses at college and maybe Open University is all goes well, and a little for luxury items that I have been putting off getting for years for me and my wife.

I think I may get a metal dance mat as my long put-off purchase. I've been talking about getting one for five years now, it is about time I do.
That was a little embarrassing of me. It should appear I opted for a wisecrack at the most inappropriate of moments. I give my sympathy and apologies where they're due.

I was so fortunate as to acquire store-baked bread for the same price as the value variety at Tesco today.

A can of coconut water was an additional purchase. The pulp wasn't as fine as I expected, so the beverage was somewhat palatable.
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