What did you RECEIVE today?

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Thank'ee all.
Even the bank brought forth a gift: my new Visa Debit.

I've had to set up a Direct Debit with PayPal to avoid additional fees on transactions made with Visa Debit cards (there are 'complications', so I hear). That aside, it's quite nice to own an intercontinentally-recognised card.
Zin5ki said:
I was treated to a sirloin on the South Bank today. 'Tis the anniversary of my birth, you see.

happy belated birthday =)

i got this morning living for tomorrow manga -yaoi- and black lagoon 1st and 2nd barrage from up1 =) and saiyuki reload vol 7 from BD.

plus a load of crappy junk mail
A 'personal' letter from my Conservative MP (by which I mean mail-merged, I'm not having an affair with him) including a little survey and a pre-paid envelope. I was going to chuck it straight in the bin, but the final question caught my eye...

What is the local or national issue which most worries you at the moment?

I couldn't let that opportunity pass by, could I? My answer?

The prospect of the Conservative Party winning the next election.

Bon Voyage, letter.
ayase said:
A 'personal' letter from my Conservative MP (by which I mean mail-merged, I'm not having an affair with him) including a little survey and a pre-paid envelope. I was going to chuck it straight in the bin, but the final question caught my eye...

What is the local or national issue which most worries you at the moment?

I couldn't let that opportunity pass by, could I? My answer?

The prospect of the Conservative Party winning the next election.

Bon Voyage, letter.

I love you. XD
ayase said:
A 'personal' letter from my Conservative MP (by which I mean mail-merged, I'm not having an affair with him) including a little survey and a pre-paid envelope. I was going to chuck it straight in the bin, but the final question caught my eye...

What is the local or national issue which most worries you at the moment?

I couldn't let that opportunity pass by, could I? My answer?

The prospect of the Conservative Party winning the next election.

Bon Voyage, letter.
They know better not to send this sort of stuff to me.... =)
Claymore Collection... ::sigh::

It's a god-damned plastic brick. It's going straight back and I'm cancelling my pre-order for Darker Than Black as well. WTF Manga? I'm guessing the cheapness of this release means they do have the BD lined up for release at some point. I'll be waiting, and for now I'll have my £26 back please.
I hate it when that happens. I've been faked out by the picture on the sight before. Outlaw Star was probably the worst (besides the Back to the Future Set). You'd have nightmares!

OT/ Received Tickets for a wedding show (I think their Sarah's) :roll: and also received An art book from my cousin call The Art of the Darkness, which is exactly what it's called.
Nothing today. My Gospel volumes arrived yesterday, though.

ayase said:
Claymore Collection... ::sigh::

It's a god-damned plastic brick. It's going straight back and I'm cancelling my pre-order for Darker Than Black as well. WTF Manga? I'm guessing the cheapness of this release means they do have the BD lined up for release at some point. I'll be waiting, and for now I'll have my £26 back please.

God, all you ever ******* do is moan. You get anime for free, you moan. You get a box set for less than people paid for the 'singles', you moan. Cry me a ******* river!

Instead of reading about philosophy, you should look into cross-dressing. Bloody woman...
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