What did you RECEIVE today?

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Le Chavvy Don vol. 5, completing my £3.99 per volume collection. Happy with that.

Gunsmith Cats Burst vol. 2, which I have brought with me to read today. Pretty sure I'll have the time.
How does Sonoda's art look in GSC Burst? There was quite a gap between the end of GSC and the start of Burst, so I'm wondering whether his art is more refined (or just different).

Yesterday I received Spice and Wolf, and this morning I received all 8 volumes of Moribito (mmm, Super Jewel cases) and the art box. No more spending for a while ^_^;
fabricatedlunatic said:
How does Sonoda's art look in GSC Burst? There was quite a gap between the end of GSC and the start of Burst, so I'm wondering whether his art is more refined (or just different).
It's perhaps a little cleaner, but really very little has changed in terms of his drawing style. I think perhaps his choice of angles to draw and panel arrangements has improved a bit, but he was pretty damn good at that to begin with.

Rally's bust does seem to inflate and deflate somewhat between chapters, but then I think that's always happened. My guess is that like her guns, she has a couple of custom large sized padded bras to increase even her ample measurements for certain occasions.

I forgot to mention that the 'Parental Advisory' sticker was amusingly placed over May's crotch (cover art here) which could possibly have lead anyone looking at it to believe it was more explicit than in fact it was.
A lot of books.

TBD have been good to me for awhile now; rarely sending me yellowed/damaged books. 8/9 of my ordered Drifting Classroom volumes have arrived, all were sealed on arrival and only volume nine has a knock. Impressive, considering the four Suikoden books I ordered from them and a number of others in the past were sent in poor condition.

However, sadly for me it seems Amazon - who I had faith in - have decided to play the role of book villain this time around. I ordered Gantz 1-2 from them. Volume one arrived sealed and new. Volume two arrived unsealed, yellow, the cover pages are bent outward and a page has been bent in the middle of the book for bookmarking purposes. Le sigh... At least I can read it before sending it back.

The other books from them weren't as bad, thankfully... though one Yotsuba spine has white marks/a few tiny pieces missing from it and the other volume has knocks. Nothing to cry a river over, but annoying.


Drifting Classroom 4, 6-7 & 9
Gantz 1-2
Yotsuba 2-3
MPD Psycho 2
When buying from amazon, (as i'm sure your aware) amazon itself is the middleman, So it could be an idea to take note of the company/individuals account that are selling their stock through amazon for future reference?

Therefore when you recieve a less than plausible item you can return it and your list will prevent you from using them again.
Today I received...

Gundam 00 part 1 Limited Edition.
Haruhi Suzumiya volume 4 GN.
Pretear complete collection.
Samurai Champloo boxset.
Zaion volume 1.

Also for the PS3, I received Agarest Generations Of War Collector's Edition.
Azumanga's 600+ page collection (knock at top of spine, but the rest is mint. It and Yotsuba will be good reads.)

Ikigami 1 (was sent in only brown paper, but somehow survived with only one dent. eBay...)

Gantz 6 (still waiting for the final anime volume to be sent, and I have no choice but to wait. Play are useless...)
Tachi- said:
Aion said:
Gantz 6 (still waiting for the final anime volume to be sent, and I have no choice but to wait. Play are useless...)

Worth watching? I've been meaning to start it for a while.

According to Fabio, no. According to me, yes.

I have a few blog posts/former forum posts attached to my MAL profile.

If you like your stories bleak, cynical, gory and with lots of deaths and boobs, then it's probably worth checking out. The anime has got me buying the manga.
Cheers Aion, i'll read your review and see if its alright. So long as its not retarded like Requiem into the darkness then it'll be alright.
Gantz 4-5 (though it was sent yesterday, I'm still waiting on Gantz 3. TBD are slow at times...)

Gundam: Stardust Memory OVA (from eBay. Will go together nicely with my other Gundam OVA AL collection.)

Baccano (yay, it made it! I have something that's supposed to be pretty damn good to watch.... one year!!!!!!)
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