What did you RECEIVE today?

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Tachi- said:
chaos said:
Ryo Chan said:
chaos said:
Oh Brighton... Enjoy Tachi. I'll give it a pass, this time, as I'm really tired and I still have a party, I mean, meeting tonight and another party at friends on Sunday.

u need to be a normal otaku and have no outside life, makes life easier
Who said it's not an otaku party?
Even though I have an outside life, I'm still the second biggest otaku here according to MAL. ;)

Who's the top Otaku??
and ah fair enough mate, another time then :)

(i have a very busy social life Ryo, and i'm fast becoming a mini otaku lol)
Death Jester was about ten days ahead of me on anime watching time.
Received the following from Axel Music

One Piece - Complete Second Season - First Voyage
Clannad After Story - Collection 1
Hunter X Hunter Vol. 4 (Collector's Edition Box Set)
Noir & Madlax collections.

Oh bugger. I thought as I carried the parcel up the stairs. It was making an awful rattling sound which didn't bode well for it's contents. Upon returning to my flat I proceeded to open Noir first. To my surprise, a small packet containing a branded dog tag fell out. So that's what the rattling was! Feeling relived, I opened Madlax and two small pieces of clear plastic fell out, along with the interior swing tray.

ayase said:
Noir & Madlax collections.

Oh bugger. I thought as I carried the parcel up the stairs. It was making an awful rattling sound which didn't bode well for it's contents. Upon returning to my flat I proceeded to open Noir first. To my surprise, a small packet containing a branded dog tag fell out. So that's what the rattling was! Feeling relived, I opened Madlax and two small pieces of clear plastic fell out, along with the interior swing tray.


I am going to have to buy a selection of spare DVD cases as so many of mine are turning up broken. I have always been lucky with the discs not being more than cosmetically scratched, but it really is bugging me how brittle the plastic of some cases is.
Well it is clearly not a bot, but really, targeting an anime forum to promote your vintage jewelery? Bit of a long shot don't you think? Bit of a no hoper?
My 2010 Spicy Wolf calendar has finally arrived. It shipped from YesAsia six weeks ago, leading me to believe that some customs official somewhere had seized it and was fapping to the A2-sized image of a naked Horo (July & August if you're interested). It's much better than the craptacular A4 Gurren Lagann one I bought last year.
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