What did you RECEIVE today?

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Mutsumi said:
Nuh uh, it is on PS3 as well, so I get to play it online for free. :D

Damn, I could have got it for 2 pence less hehe.

Nice one, have fun playing it. I myself I about 2 thirds through the campaign, its amazing. :D
I need to finish the campaign on CoD4MW1 still. XD

I received today two items I ordered for my wife's birthday:
Rammstein - Volkerball 2DVD + CD special edition
Katamari Forever - PS3
Leon was released in 1994, how fast do you think Natalie Portman ages? :p

Edit: now I'm wondering if you corrected yourself or if I totally misread you. I could have sworn that said "two of the best films of this decade" a minute ago...

I didn't receive volumes 6-8 of Black Lagoon. I should have done. I am not best pleased.
Spyro201 said:
Mutsumi said:
Forgeworld Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon arm
Forgeworld Dreadnought Plasma Cannon arm

All while I was on the loo

Dude that must have cost you...

About £15 total. The arms are just under £7 each + 10% postage. Not bad for being able to correctly represent on a model any weapon you can have that doesn't come in the box normally.

I'm all set for Dread bits now though, just going to be other vehicle bits now like custom doors, turrets, etc. If I don't glue the top hatch of my Rhinos I can put guns on instead to make a Razorback, missiles for a Whirlwind, or a turret for a Predator without sponsons, all of which I can buy from Forgeworld as less than the cost of the vehicle normally.

Also got Drgonball boxset 2. :D
A letter from my grandparents with £50 in it :D

(i didn't even get the letter.....i got my gf to walk up to the post office to get it for me Muhahahaha)
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