What did you RECEIVE today?

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Our long-lost postman turned up!


One Piece season 1 set 3 DVD (it was the missing volume in our collection so far so we can now carry on!)
Tekken 6 Limited Edition
320GB 2.5" HDD

ayase said:
Have you seen Origin? Reviews are mixed and rightly so, but it is visually stunning in HD. The proper hand painted backgrounds look particularly amazing.

I gave it 5/10. I watched it in HD, too. For Fabio, that's equal to the score I awarded Gunbuster 2.

I'll summarize the story for you:

Dragon-trees, created on the moon, destroy the moon, moving to earth after doing so and near enough wiping out mankind. After this, instead of killing everything, they let a few humans continue to live. The setting is a three-way town where a forest is one side, forest hating mecha people are on the other and neutral people are in the middle. The main character goes super saiyan after awhile, becoming one with his inner tree in order to be able to beat gigantic robots with his fists, whilst doing backflips a lot. He saves the world by stopping a mechanical volcano from wiping out all life, almost turning into a tree as a result. Humans decide to live as one with the dragon-tree people. The end.
Nice to see you taking the time to rubbish my recommendations without suggesting anything yourself Aion. Along with potentially spoiling the film for anyone who hasn't seen it with an overly simplistic synopsis.

I found Origin frustrating myself, mainly due to the very odd pace and lack of exposition in the second half. But it isn't a terrible film, and it does sound as though you're sneering at it simply because you don't like it's fantasy theme.
Actually, I misread/didn't read your post, and I assumed you were looking for a recommendation. I was attempting to assist you in your time of need by revealing how silly the story is.

If you can explain why anyone should care about the lead, his 'tube' girlfriend or anything in general, good for you. Me? I can't remember jack all about it - I was glad it ended.

Too bad you've watched it; going on your reaction, there would've been some amusement to be had if you hadn't. I can imagine more lady-like postings.

I don't go by genre: I prefer realistic but I'm happy to watch whatever. Princess Mononke is fantasy and deals with he environment, and I do believe I awarded that top marks at one point.

There's no point making recommendations when taste varies greatly... well, that and I'm too lazy to think about it. My MAL account (3x your day count, btw - me > you), with a nice looking lists and lots of numbers is there for a reason.

Btw, morning.

I wouldn't have been particularly bothered by the plot spoiling myself, I'm only annoyed by explicit spoilers SPIKE DIES, etc. (I don't know why I'm telling you this mind, you'll likely use it to make me rage at some point). I just thought some people might be put off Origin unnecessarily by your synopsis - MAL suggests plenty of people enjoyed it despite it's flaws.

And I'm never going to be jealous of your MAL list, but get back to me when you have a harem and a classic car collection, that might provoke a reaction. ;)
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Aion said:
...My MAL account (3x your day count, btw - me > you), with a nice looking lists and lots of numbers is there for a reason.
Did you just admit I'm almost 2.5 times greater than you???

ayase said:
And I'm never going to be jealous of your MAL list, but get back to me when you have a harem and a classic car collection, that might provoke a reaction. ;)
On the harem thing, I hear that in certain countries it's just a matter of having enough camels...
Ayase: Have you watched FMA yet?

Chaos: In your case, with the amount you've seen, I'm not bothered - it's as if you're compensating for something.

On topic: My Please Teacher box set / final My Hime volume package from SecondSpin appears to have gotten lost. I've got to contact SS.

Also, I'm still waiting for Princess Tutu. Fate/stay night arrived swiftly, thankfully.
@Aion - Yes I have, we chatted about the film if you remember. Were you intending to spoil Maes Hughes' death? Too late, that was spoiled for me by people writing non too subtle comments during the forum character battle last year. Spoiler tags don't tend to work if it's obvious what's underneath them. Then again, FMA has plenty of other spoilers you could really ruin it for people with.
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Aion said:
Chaos: In your case, with the amount you've seen, I'm not bothered - it's as if you're compensating for something.
Indeed I am/ was! I'm compensating for the lack of interesting people around me alll the time. Most of my time in Belfast and my first few months in London, I didn't had many friends, so spent a lot of nights and weeekends watching anime. I've fixed that already, although I still wanted to have more friends into anime closer...

That and the fact I've started watching anime in the early 90's might mean something =P

Mutsumi said:
Devil May Cry Blu-Ray that I won! :D

*super happy*
Glad that you've got that as well.
I would have thougth the postal strike could delay its delivery.
If it's limited edition, would you really want to expose the included garment to the elements? That could devalue it.

The same goes for all clothes however, and I don't see many naked people on the streets. (Though if one peers into a West End bar, things appear to be completely different...)
Rui said:
Mutsumi said:
Today I received.....


Tekken 6 Limited Edition

Finally :)

Not quite cold enough for me to don the hoodie yet here...


I'm wearing mine now. :D Sharing it with my wife too, because while I've been a Tekken fan longer, she has been much more of a fan than me. She got me back into it after I drifted from it after Tekken Tag.
Chaz said:
Got Higurashi: When they Cry complete series today. The only good thing about today, to be frank.
Good man! =)
It's my favourite series, hope you like it as well. BTW , make Ryo watch it with you ;)
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