What did you RECEIVE today?

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Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition and Splinter Cell 3D for the 3DS (who'd have thought) both arrived today, £4.97 for each game was an offer I couldn't refuse, the huge box Dixons used was kind of overkill though.

animefreak17 said:
Congrads on the 200th page

ilmaestro said:
Thanks, I will accept this honor on behalf of the forum software for choosing 15 as the default number of replies per page.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wDajqW561KM?version=3&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wDajqW561KM?version=3&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Someone had to!
Madoka Magica v1 LE - with no customs charges and via Royal Mail! Sorry, Josh...may you be the lucky one next time.

Also got Princess Jellyfish, with crummy free keyring, and Arakawa Under The Bridge x Bridge.

Rui said:
Madoka Magica v1 LE - with no customs charges and via Royal Mail! Sorry, Josh...may you be the lucky one next time.
Well, I ordered my volume 2 LE from UP1 anyways. Figured that I'm likely to get hit with customs with UP1 and the price of the item, plus customs, equals UP1's price, but hopefully won't have the hassle of having to go to the depot.

Where I get volume 3 from though? We shall see!
Rui said:
Also got Princess Jellyfish

Also received Metroid: Other M, cheap deal from Amazon Warehouse. I think I actually have more interesting Wii game waiting to be played than any other console right now.
Binary Domain.

Now I am wondering whether to play this first, or wait for Yakuza: Dead Souls as, despite being a Yakuza game, was the first third person shooter the devs made. So it'll likely not be as tight...Hmm.
I realise I'm part of the problem here, but I can't bring myself to pay full price (or full price minus usual online discount) for Binary Domain when it's so obviously going to flop hard and be 20 quid within a month. Especially not when The Last Story LE is out this week...

Seemed pretty decent from the demo, though.

As for Dead Souls, I can't muster one iota of interest in that game despite being a massive Yakuza fanboy. I mean, zombies? Really?
fabricatedlunatic said:
I realise I'm part of the problem here, but I can't bring myself to pay full price (or full price minus usual online discount) for Binary Domain when it's so obviously going to flop hard and be 20 quid within a month. Especially not when The Last Story LE is out this week...

Seemed pretty decent from the demo, though.

As for Dead Souls, I can't muster one iota of interest in that game despite being a massive Yakuza fanboy. I mean, zombies? Really?

Being the end of the fiscal year developers love to release everything at the same time, as per usual...I only buy a few games and, despite that, it usually ends up being the niche stuff that drops in price quickly. There are a few exceptions to the rule, anything Yakuza being one, but I mostly wait. Although saying that anything Suda 51 I just eat right up on release date. I absolutely adored Shadows Of The Damned, despite not being able to recommend it at full price to anyone else. I'm sure the same will happen with Lollipop Chainsaw but...Eh. I think Suda owns my wallet by now.

Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to Dead Souls because of the spectacle that a Yakuza game brings, and that a zombie spin off should hopefully be out of the norm enough to create an interesting game, or because it has Majima singing karaoke. My tastes are pretty easy to satiate! :D
Received my ranson parcel from RM. After opening it it was indeed the MSG Collection 1 (the market trader was All your music from Amazon UK - order cost was £17.95 plus shipping although the parcel listed the order as $24.05).

I also received the following,

Repo Man Steelbook (Region B Blu-ray)
Yup, that $24.05 is 60p or so over the £15 limit using HMRC's exchange rate for the month. Presumably they listed the price without shipping in $ to try to get it under the limit, but couldn't quite make it?
The Last Story LE

For an LE that I got for around £30 it's rather nice. Box size is roughly the same as the CC Monster Hunter Tri bundle (And I assume CC Xenoblade bundle too) and it has some nice things in it. The artbook is quite nice, if a little on the short side, the soundtrack cd is one of those "premium" ones where you only get 7 tracks though (I think i've just been spoilt by FFXIII-2 including the entire OST.) and the steelbook looks quite nice.

Also something to note - The main game box itself even has a nice reversable cover! I'm not sure if I've owned a Wii game that has one of those. It does feel like something packaged to show off the nice artwork though, which does work!
teonzo said:
You've been hit by customs on a parcel sent by All your music?

Maybe they don't know the new limit is £15 for imports or maybe it was just a random pick by the customs people as I received an order for UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Seasons 1 & 2 which was around £26.00 which slipped through the customs net (can't remember which trader sent that though).

Joshawott said:
Ouch, £17.95 for being 60p over?! Madness.

No. The order subtotal was £17.95. Adding shipping took it to just over £19. The parcel stated it was for $24.05.

The custom charge was £11.12 including £8.00 handling fee from RM and £3.12 in tax.
You know, I think most people would take the VAT hit on the chin; it's the Royal Mail "handling" fee that takes the piss.

Joshawott said:
ilmaestro said:
No JP voice track, though. :headshake.gif:
I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get used to hearing anything but American voices in anime and video games, unfortunately xD
Regional British voices in the case of The Last Story (and Xenoblade). Makes a refreshing change from hearing the usual Bang Zoom bunch, good as they are.
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