What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

A free empty rightstuf box :D
As an aside I have so many boxes and bubblewrap it's insane. Really useful for sending people box sets, not so much for having space in my room. I'll throw boxes away but bubblewrap is sacred and I can't bring myself to dump most of it :p
Got this through the post from @Lambadelta today. Although i'm partial to a lot of Vs fighters from Capcom Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3 has some special memories attached to it. Foolishly I sold it and other saturn imports years ago. Great to have it back in the collection. Thanks Lambadelta.View attachment 2028
Damn, didn't realise Lambadelta was even selling VSAV, otherwise I might've went for it, even though I don't even own a Saturn. :p
Wow, that's not so nice-looking, is it? That's a bloody shame. :(

How bad a state was the Zavvi envelope in?
There was nothing particularly wrong with the jiffy bag, no tears or anything. In fact all the rest of the set is in perfectly good condition, even the shrinkwrap was, it's just the slipcover that's gotten damaged somehow. Luckily that damage is on the side that you don't see when it's on the shelf.

More black friday stuff (excluding 12 angry men) More would have already arrived but we don't get regular mail on tuesdays anymore and today was indepence day so things are taking longer to arrive (though it's not like i have hard time waiting)

I loaned Nioh twice from library and beat the main game and the DLC's but there's still reasons to come back to it and it was just 20 euros.

I would have played POE on PC already but my current and previous PC's aren't/weren't for gaming so i didn't have chance to play it. This should be a good port but sadly théy didn't fix the horrible loading times and i got the impression that the load times are worse on the PS4 and that's something that i'm not looking forward. Otherwise it should run smoothly and the good thing is that you can speed up the combat so at least the basic combat and such goes fast.

More black friday stuff (excluding 12 angry men) More would have already arrived but we don't get regular mail on tuesdays anymore and today was indepence day so things are taking longer to arrive (though it's not like i have hard time waiting)

I loaned Nioh twice from library and beat the main game and the DLC's but there's still reasons to come back to it and it was just 20 euros.

I would have played POE on PC already but my current and previous PC's aren't/weren't for gaming so i didn't have chance to play it. This should be a good port but sadly théy didn't fix the horrible loading times and i got the impression that the load times are worse on the PS4 and that's something that i'm not looking forward. Otherwise it should run smoothly and the good thing is that you can speed up the combat so at least the basic combat and such goes fast.
Good choice, 12 Angry Men is a great film (my second favourite actually)
It's listed as AB|124

Does that suffice with Funi these days or would it be better to actually test? What was the link for the site that can test DVD's? (I really need to bookmark that).

Unfortunately it will require testing. We've noticed two titles listed as A|B|1|2|4 that ended up being A|1 only (Joker Game and The Testament of Sister New Devil), so we'll have to test them this time around rather than automatically adding them to the US Region [B|2] Compatible Blu-ray and DVD Imports Thread.

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