Denny Fisher
Dragon Knight
Nice to see another Paul Champagne box.I received the two replacement discs here in the US today for AL's Your Name CE box set and Steelbook versions today, after missing them yesterday due to the package needing a signature...
I also made a random purchase from a member of another anime forum; this was basically just to add a second Paul Champagne custom box to my collection, to go along with my one-off Twelve Kingdoms Blu-ray Box he made for me a few years ago. I already own four different copies of this series, so this one makes five, lol... Escaflowne 8-volume DVD set with Paul Champagne custom aluminum box:
And yes, it's a mecha title, one of the very few I actually like, despite all the giant doof-bots in it.
I have the gasaraki box but missed out on his evangelion box.
Its a shame he no longer does them.