What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected and I found it encapsulated the micro-culture of Akihabara well (at least as I understand it ^_^').
It was mindless madcap fun which I sometimes find myself in the mood for but I find a lot of the popular ones don't engage me and just grate (also I can only watch so many harem anime without getting fed up of them :p).

I also picked it up as I doubt it'll ever get a release here and I think it might not sell too well so may become hard to get later down the line.
May I ask where you purchase from?

Really love the HMV exclusive artwork, if they'd put that on the steelbook rather than the normal cover art, I'd have totally bought it. Movie is great fun, by the way, would totally recommend it.
Makes me realise I haven't visited my local HMV in ages, always end up at the one in Oxford Street after Uni on some days.
Arrived yesterday.

Got from the UP1 clearance. Still need some earlier and later volumes but as these were cheap I thought I would grab them now.
Received my Qwertee order from when these were £4 each and picked up Batman Ninja from HMV. Now the question is what collection does Batman Ninja go in? Anime or DC Animated? XD.