Captain Karen

Spent a little Christmas money, I'm behind on Marvel stuff so I thought I'd do some catching up.
Spent a little Christmas money, I'm behind on Marvel stuff so I thought I'd do some catching up.
Our opinions could not be anymore opposite, Phase 3 has been truly pathetic in my opinion GotG2 in my opinion was the crux of that a total shambles. HC was decent enough but not really ground breaking and Thor 3 was a joke literally a comedy they turned what should have been a serious movie into a freaking comedy. It just seems Disney have regressed into this comedic shell after criticism WB received about the dark nature of BvS. A comic book film can have comedic moments sure but once it actually turns into a comedy that is it, why should I take the film seriously when it doesn't I mean:I'm of the opinion that Phase 3 has been absolutely killer for the MCU. All 3 you have there are truly fantastic films. Especially Guardians 2 which is just an absolute joy.
Our opinions could not be anymore opposite, Phase 3 has been truly pathetic in my opinion GotG2 in my opinion was the crux of that a total shambles. HC was decent enough but not really ground breaking and Thor 3 was a joke literally a comedy they turned what should have been a serious movie into a freaking comedy. It just seems Disney have regressed into this comedic shell after criticism WB received about the dark nature of BvS. A comic book film can have comedic moments sure but once it actually turns into a comedy that is it, why should I take the film seriously when it doesn't I mean:
.Who thought having a literal ass joke in a movie was a great idea? Wtf Disney/MARVEL
After the great phase 1 everything since was beeeeeeen so ehhh (Winter Soldier was great but then they churned out garbage like Civil War) they found a formula and haven't budged from it. They just repeat the same jokes in the film again and again and again it is like we get it MARVEL you are never gonna go dark why they decided to use GotG has a blue print for films not Winter Soldier is beyond me.
Whoa this got wayy to rant-y I apologise!
eBay. Can't find season 1 anywhere for a reasonable price but this was under £6I do wish we get ah my Godess on Blu ray some day, season 1 is already OOP in the US, where did you get this from?
I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, I've just got and had a look and found that the slipcover in the case wasn't position correctly. Doesn't quite line up perfectly but it is better than it was.It's bothering me more than it probably should that the image of Makoto looks like it's too small for the cut out on the slipcover (or it just doesn't fit properly)... Is the slip just not sitting right or is that the case?
Ah that's a relief then as I'd quite like to own that on, would suck if it didn't look right. Cheers.I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, I've just got and had a look and found that the slipcover in the case wasn't position correctly. View attachment 2196