What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Evidently I forgot to post this here... My pickups for the entirety of last week. Not pictured, but I also got Estival Versus afterwards.

Also jelly of those Ranma sets >_>

I forgot that the AoT game came out already, may have to look into it although truth is I've no idea how fun an AoT game would actually be.
@Mangaranga, see you were able to get your hands on volume 5 of Ranma. Glad you were able to find a copy of it ... hopefully for a decent price.

@IncendiaryLemon nice pickup, will order this one tonight from Amazon, blind buy but the review on here convinced me. Will also pick up HaNaYaMaTa you have reviewed, watched first two episodes of it on Crunchyroll and this show should fit me very good.

Haven't posted for a while in this thread, but that had it's reasons. Last week i was in Italy on holiday and the week before it, was unable to take some photos. So here is what i received in the last two weeks.

Week before leaving to Italy. Fist of the North Star finally arrived after little over a month from Amazon, but for $24,95 you don't hear me complain (now back at $102,91) :)






And while i was in Italy this lot arrived from UP1USA, and i've picked it up on Monday in the post office.


From all the pictures in the last week or so it seems like more AUKNers backed the Otaku no Video Kickstarter than the Bubblegum Crisis one.

Which is not something I would have expected.
From all the pictures in the last week or so it seems like more AUKNers backed the Otaku no Video Kickstarter than the Bubblegum Crisis one.

Which is not something I would have expected.

Was in that situation myself, initially didn't back Bubblegum Crisis simply because i was unaware of it at the time. But did buy it afterwards and happy i actually did.
I kind of wish I backed Otaku no Video. Bit more open to older animation now after watching Gunbuster and Gundam 079, so I wouldn't have minded seeing it. I do recall it being rather pricey though...
Went for the Otaking edition of Otaku no Video, which came down to $50 + $15 shipping. Also backed Riding Bean which is also $50 but with $20 shipping
No pun taken ;) Yeah i know, high shipment costs. But then again for Otaku no custom charges either, as AnimEigo shipped them to the UK for Europe and Spiral Galaxy handled the rest of the shipping route.
I'm in the Otaku No Video club too; a very welcome upgrade to something I have bought multiple times before. The shipping was at least painless this time even if it sucks that global package distribution is still a bit of a mess.

Also bought Otaku No Video and watched it for the first time last week. It ended up being pretty special for me as I watched it for my 1000th Anime completed, seemed absolutely perfect for such a milestone and I really enjoyed it. Especially the Sonoda interview where he's the tape collector, was in hesterics watching that. So many great references and so many things about it rung true to me even some 20+ years later. I supported BGC (I went so far as to be on the loading screen lol) & Riding Bean too and will likely support all the AnimEigo Kickstarters.