What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I'll definitely have to look out for that set myself! Quite jealous :p
I'm pretty happy about the fact you liked Gunbuster enough to be willing to buy it for a second time, dunno why, just am lol. I'll be checking eBay daily for someone in the UK selling Diebuster/Gunbuster 2 so if one of these pops up I'll let you know.

As do I. Why anyone would want to get rid of that, for pennies to MM no less, is something I can't quite comprehend.

Beez released a few sturdy digipack sets like the one Bandai Visual used for Gunbuster, though they didn't have slipcovers of any kind. I still have House of Five Leaves and Tatami Galaxy. A sturdy digipack and slipcover would be nice but perhaps prohibitively expensive ^_^;

Yeah no idea why you would sell to MM, I can't imagine they would have got anywhere near what it's worth from them.

I guess cost would be an issue (not that Anime Limited sets are cheap to begin with....), I'm not sure how I feel about digipacks without the slipcovers though, suppose it would be fine if they were sturdy enough.
I'm pretty happy about the fact you liked Gunbuster enough to be willing to buy it for a second time, dunno why, just am lol. I'll be checking eBay daily for someone in the UK selling Diebuster/Gunbuster 2 so if one of these pops up I'll let you know.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Honestly, I'd like to see it again just to see a version with picture quality higher than VHS. And maybe for the uncensored bath scene ;)

I'm also going to be on the look out for the Gunbuster vs Diebuster BD set. It's over £100 on Amazon currently, which seems steep, but if I can get it for about £70-£80, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, assuming I had the cash.
You're probably aware but for posterity's sake, the Gunbuster vs Diebuster BD set is the movie compilations in case you're wondering. Of course it is the only import friendly way to watch the two in HD. Diskotek Released Diebuster as Gunbuster 2 on DVD in the US.
Realised I haven't posted at all since the return of the forums, hello all!

The Perfect Blue steelbook is so shiny, makes taking pics difficult...

As do I. Why anyone would want to get rid of that, for pennies to MM no less, is something I can't quite comprehend.
Perhaps some childless shut-in anime fan died and the executor of their estate just wanted to dispose of their extensive DVD collection in as hassle-free a way as possible. Though I can't imagine how such a thing would happen.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Honestly, I'd like to see it again just to see a version with picture quality higher than VHS. And maybe for the uncensored bath scene ;)

I'm also going to be on the look out for the Gunbuster vs Diebuster BD set. It's over £100 on Amazon currently, which seems steep, but if I can get it for about £70-£80, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, assuming I had the cash.
Are you sure there's even much of a difference between the two? Here's a screenshot of the R1 DVD (click for full size)...

As much as I adore the charm of older looking anime that white line on the left hand side is pretty annoying, is that there on your set too? The rough subtitles also bother me but I guess they're not the worst I've seen. It's a shame this is as good as it gets for Gunbuster over here.

Yeah I'd like to own the movies too, while they don't compare they're still worth watching imo (as long as you've watched the OVAs).
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I'm not sure how I feel about digipacks without the slipcovers though, suppose it would be fine if they were sturdy enough.
Yeah, those things are tough as old boots. Durarara was the first one Beez did and at the time I remember thinking "a digipack that has nothing to keep it closed... wat" but they've held up well.

Though I can't imagine how such a thing would happen.
Er, no, me neither. Dare I ask how things are going?

Lemon: is it the Kiseki release you have? All of Kiseki's DVDs were literally just VHS tapes dumped onto a disc. I imagine some of you whippersnappers are too young to remember how bad VHS looked...
Er, no, me neither. Dare I ask how things are going?
Not too badly, actually. Managing to stick with education this time, not sure whether I'll end up doing what I'm studying at the end of it all (and slightly resentful that if I'd done this when I was 18 it would have been free) but it'll keep me occupied for another three years at least and leaves my summers free for a bit of travelling, which the more of it I do I realise really is my greatest enjoyment in life even if I am still doing it alone. Also feeling more sane than I have since about 2011 - Hell, maybe I'll even start posting about anime on AUKN again.

Nice to see you around, anyway. Hope things are okay with you as well and apologies to everyone else for the off-topicness.