And some more books, because I am ill and can't stop myself:
Two standalone LNs on the left from Kamachi Kazuma (the author of the Index LNs), the bunko print of the latest Hyouka volume, and the latest volume of Horizon, as well as the reversed side of the reversible Hyouka cover, and a random book cover:
A handful of manga - I still haven't read or watched Soul Eater, but I have literally judged Not! by its cover and decided it was too cute not to buy. Denki-gai no Honya-san sounds pretty amusing, and WatashiMote... well, they gave me the choice of some free stuff when I bought the Not! volumes, and apart from the item related to Not! the other one I chose was related to WatashiMote, so I thought I should buy a couple of volumes:
Bokura no Hentai is just a pretty amazing story, was quite disappointed when asked if I wanted to attend the mangaka's signing session and had to decline as it was after I had come home. :-/
Finally, MaoYuu. I am not convinced this will make the best anime when it hits in the Fall (depends how exactly they try to adapt it, I suppose), but the books seem fantastic from what I've read, the cover illustrations are top grade, and, well, Sawashiro Miyuki is in the Drama CD cast: