What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I received one pre-order Blu-ray in the mail today from Crunchyroll US:

Goblin Slayer Season 2

This bigg heccin' lovely wardrobe was delivered yesterday, I look forward to filling it with clothes when I've put it where I want it to go, currently it's in my living room while I sort out the rest of my flat (lots of stuff to move around, bookcases to unbolt from walls and rebolt to walls in different positions, need some old furniture removed, etc.!) :)


  • Art Deco Mid-Century Wooden Wardrobe Interior.jpg
    Art Deco Mid-Century Wooden Wardrobe Interior.jpg
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  • Art Deco Mid-Century Wooden Wardrobe Front.jpg
    Art Deco Mid-Century Wooden Wardrobe Front.jpg
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This bigg heccin' lovely wardrobe was delivered yesterday, I look forward to filling it with clothes when I've put it where I want it to go, currently it's in my living room while I sort out the rest of my flat (lots of stuff to move around, bookcases to unbolt from walls and rebolt to walls in different positions, need some old furniture removed, etc.!) :)

Be careful you don't end up in Narnia!

Well that’s my budget for about the next month blown all at once. Good investment? Bad investment? Will I ever be able to find the other volumes? Will I even want to? Who can say? I grabbed the nicely priced £6 ones from the “K” section first and then started to notice them all over the place, someone obviously decided to liquidate their collection. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. Most of them seem to be OOP and have considerably higher asking prices online.
Well that’s my budget for about the next month blown all at once. Good investment? Bad investment? Will I ever be able to find the other volumes? Will I even want to? Who can say? I grabbed the nicely priced £6 ones from the “K” section first and then started to notice them all over the place, someone obviously decided to liquidate their collection. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. Most of them seem to be OOP and have considerably higher asking prices online.
Best of luck finding Neko Black!
Annoyingly, this wasn't due to arrive until Saturday despite pre-ordering it months ago, so I cancelled it and ordered it again last night, to get it to arrive today. Thanks, Bezos.

Oh look, it's been so long I forgot this was even happening:


It is a nice set, but what makes it a little bitter-sweet (along with the long wait) is that the exact same product has been immediately made available from their store for €35 meaning I paid €40 out of my €75 pledge for a hat, which compared to the two artbooks, A3 poster, signed canvas print and t-shirt and assorted extra goodies I got for $100 Canadian from the Season 1&2 Kickstarter (and the blu-ray from that was exclusive to backers) is not a whole lot. Frankly I would rather have had the artbook from the €250 tier, which I notice I can also buy for €35. Plus Season 3 on blu-ray to fill the gap never ever, thanks Netflix.
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