What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Naruto sets 1 through 8 from Amazon US. They came out to around £23 per set, including shipping costs to the UK, so not too bad of a deal for roughly 27 episodes per set.

And my God, the subtitles are better than I expected on my TV; much better to read than the AL subtitles for my eyes, personally. I do like how the covers create an image when put together like this as well.

Although, the on-disc Blu-ray menu is much better in the Anime Limited set, in my opinion.

Lu over the Wall was one of the last Blu-ray's I had left to upgrade to the collectors edition and I got it for an absolute bargain, £8.99 brand new! I also upgraded my old copy of Dazed and Confused to the Criterion version as I heard it is much better. Finally I picked up a couple of Ralph Bakshi movies that I still needed on Blu-ray, I got the German version of Fire and Ice because it was a lot more reasonably priced than any other version.
You would not believe how long I spent mulling over what headphones to buy. I started looking into options in August...last year. I was planning to wait until the Sony XM6 comes out next year, but circumstances forced my hand when both my current pairs of aux-compatible headphones became unusable for different reasons at the same time.
A mix of everything and proof I still buy anime.
Italian films are from the 88films Halloween sale and Mallrats from ebay after taking over a month to arrive.
Walled In from Zavvii because locking formats to store exclusive is the new cool thing to do 🤦‍♂️
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Nice to see some love for Mallrats.
Ben Affleck is funny in the cast commentary.
Nice to see some love for Mallrats.
Ben Affleck is funny in the cast commentary.
Affleck kills it being the biggest a$$hole on the planet.
He was also the bomb in Phantoms!
So far only watched the extended cut (that's nearly 30mins longer!) I don't know if it's my bad memory or them using alt takes for a lot of the scenes but damn the main male & female leads (Jeremy London & Claire Forlani) are absolutely terrible!!
Affleck kills it being the biggest a$$hole on the planet.
He was also the bomb in Phantoms!
So far only watched the extended cut (that's nearly 30mins longer!) I don't know if it's my bad memory or them using alt takes for a lot of the scenes but damn the main male & female leads (Jeremy London & Claire Forlani) are absolutely terrible!!
I've just got the region 1 DVD, maybe I'll see the extended version one day.
If I remember correctly, I made my parents go to shops in California to find this, Dogma SE and The Killers DVD (both films and loads of extras).
The Kevin Smith Blu-ray's and DVDs are what have made me so moany about extras. Very little compares to his added value.
I agree with you re the 2 MCs.

As topless psychics don't exist, my wallet is safe.😲
I received two Blu-ray titles from Crunchyroll US this week, one on Tuesday with a Gift Item, and one on Thursday along with a second Gift item:

Psycho-Pass: Providence Limited Edition with GWP Standee (11/5)
Extra Psycho-Pass GWP Standee shipped separately (11/7)
86 Eighty Six (11/7)

