What did you BUY today?

Eugh Joshawott, I want these now. One for me one for my Brother. Boooooo.

I'm boring AGAIN. Ordered a porch door. £1190 including fitting. Much better than the £1500 quote I got last year.
I bought a copy of Street Fighter x Tekken, which is turning out to be pretty good, one of the smoothest fighting games I've played for some time, especially within the Street Fighter franchise and it's not a total ballache trying to play through on the medium difficulty, unlike Street Fighter 4 (looking at you Seth). Though I'm a bit pissed that they were cheap with the endings, just a narration with a black screen and some text? Come on guys, you can at least give us some illustrations to go with them! The opening could've been better as well, such as having different openings for all the characters. Also, what's up with Marshall Law's voice in this game? Why does he sound like Sonic the Hedgehog when he says his dialogue?

And also a crate of Fosters, just to tie over until we get some homebrew on the go.
From MCM Glasgow:

Cute Pikachu cushion
Asuna and Kirito keyrings, Sakura keyring (from Naruto for a friend),Saber keyring (for another friend)
Eevee plushie
Pandora Hearts pocketwatch
Sylveon cupcake :3
Saber Lily figure
Ordered 2 blouses and a pair of loafers from H&M. Hoping they suit me so they can be part of my new ensemble for my new job. I'll be buying a sweatshirt from there after work as they ran out of sizesmall online too.

My boilers being a prick so I' having to pay a £50 call out for that too. Yay...
Ryvita & the Salmon & Dill philly. OMG so nice together!

I'm also after buying a pen for my new job. One that demonstrates my personality. Want to be me in a subtle way for a while so people don't instantly judge me wrong or whatever. After all, an X-Files keyring on my school bag in year 7 got my LOTS of sh*t from people thinking I'm weird haha.
Oooooh very nice!

La Senza are closing down here in town, yesterday it was bras for a fiver, bought two for 10 instead of 60. Today they've all got knocked down to 2 quid! So I've bought 6 for £12 instead of £180. Mwahahaha. Bras for life now! hahahaha.

(I will not be putting them in the what I received picture thread ;) :p lmao!)
Eeeeek huge jubblies! They must be a pain but also AWESOME! hehe.

I never checked for that size but those of us with large mammories seemed to be faring better than those smaller sized in the sale atm. All large cups and sizes are mainly what's left so I've bagged a good selection. I seem to be inbetween so had to opt for 2 on the smaller side.

I'm bloody going back for a third time tomorrow to see if I can find any my Mum and friends size! lmao. Bra mule! :p
Haha they are indeed! Not sure about awesome though, maybe to other people who use them as a pillow lol

Oh really? Usually it's the other way round for me lol I'll have a browse and there's nothing above a D cup left ;_; typical huh?

Hahaha, that's awesome! If you see anything in a 38/40 H or HH I will gladly throw money at you x
Oooooh I haven't seen any for £1 yet, just shed loads of panties in those materials that would just not be good for you if you get me ladies! :p lmao.

Hopefully with this being the last day it's open, I'll see some for a quid!

GolGotha, I've noted your size on a post it and will take a look for you :)
-Danielle- said:
Oooooh I haven't seen any for £1 yet, just shed loads of panties in those materials that would just not be good for you if you get me ladies! :p lmao.

Hopefully with this being the last day it's open, I'll see some for a quid!

GolGotha, I've noted your size on a post it and will take a look for you :)

Haha oh gosh, those ones are horrid! Surprised that they're still around and that women actually buy them!

Awww thanks hun! Hopefully luck will be on my side today haha
Luck is not on your side, my Mums or my friends I'm afraid :(

The shop was baron bar that awful viscosey material underwaer. Sorry my lovely.

Going to buy the Womens Health Mag after work as I'm liking that a lot of the articles are about food and tummy exercises. You get another free mag in and I get 10% off at Superdrug so I'm hoping they have that mag there!
Just ordered the Aldnoah.Zero Soundtrack.

The soundtrack in this series has been the first in a while for me that made me really pay attention to it. I can't wait to have the CD and just listen to it on loop constantly <3