Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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I wasn't really paying attention to Samurai Jam before but, having read a bit about it, I have to admit I'm somewhat tempted to give it a go. It sounds like kind of a fun time, though I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up wishing for a bit more depth/development.

Apparently it has exploding clothes, I can't think of a show I've watched with exploding clothes in it that I didn't enjoy.
Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Collector's Edition Unboxed by Anime Limited:

Main set contents:
Booklet contents:
Nice TG set - these are the kinda sets i want to see more often from AL. Unfortunately, Funi's comes with more so I am willing to wait a bit longer for their release of the series.
I'll be the first to throw my hands up and say my grammar is terrible but...
"from the director of Oscar nominated director of 'possessions' comes an an adaptation of this year's most chilling manga."
Is that supposed to be worded like that? :)
Jon O Fun said:
I'll be the first to throw my hands up and say my grammar is terrible but...
"from the director of Oscar nominated director of 'possessions' comes an an adaptation of this year's most chilling manga."
Is that supposed to be worded like that? :)

I wouldn't call that a Grammar problem, that's just laziness and not proof reading
Mrclt1994 said:
Jon O Fun said:
I'll be the first to throw my hands up and say my grammar is terrible but...
"from the director of Oscar nominated director of 'possessions' comes an an adaptation of this year's most chilling manga."
Is that supposed to be worded like that? :)

I wouldn't call that a Grammar problem, that's just laziness and not proof reading
Just further proof that NO ONE reads the quotes on DVD boxes! :D gotta say tho 90% of packaging snafus really don't bother me it's more comical really :)
Can't help but wonder how many people are supposed to check these things and yet missed this. and to an extent what the whole process is for those... Are people being paid for their time or are they just getting sets in the hope that they will review... Maybe their "hearts aren't really in it"... Makes me think something like the "bug bounty" programmes of the software world could reduce the rate of "bugs"... Some minor rewards to the first reviewer to spot and report on any issues.

Sorry started rambling a bit there. But yeah minor stuff like that doesn't bother me... I just get a bit perplexed at how they seem to keep getting missed even though (surely) the QA process gets better with every release...
Jon O Fun said:
Mrclt1994 said:
Jon O Fun said:
I'll be the first to throw my hands up and say my grammar is terrible but...
"from the director of Oscar nominated director of 'possessions' comes an an adaptation of this year's most chilling manga."
Is that supposed to be worded like that? :)

I wouldn't call that a Grammar problem, that's just laziness and not proof reading
Just further proof that NO ONE reads the quotes on DVD boxes! :D gotta say tho 90% of packaging snafus really don't bother me it's more comical really :)

Actually - I did and corrected those, DVD one will reveal it but yeah, it's an oddity that it went to print as opposed to anything as my print file doesn't match that so likely manual error on the (freelance) designers side.

DVD one isn't that as Keith checked it, being in time to just view it :).

msgeek said:
Can't help but wonder how many people are supposed to check these things and yet missed this. and to an extent what the whole process is for those... Are people being paid for their time or are they just getting sets in the hope that they will review... Maybe their "hearts aren't really in it"... Makes me think something like the "bug bounty" programmes of the software world could reduce the rate of "bugs"... Some minor rewards to the first reviewer to spot and report on any issues.

Sorry started rambling a bit there. But yeah minor stuff like that doesn't bother me... I just get a bit perplexed at how they seem to keep getting missed even though (surely) the QA process gets better with every release...

We cover this in the latest podcast here in a bit of detail at the end: http://blog.alltheanime.com/podcast9/

That said - you'll find on a disc QC level it's very rare today that you get any issues on our authored discs, can't really take responsibility if it's a master produced by another partner in the US or Australia as that's their part (also never really had any issues there though). Sometimes stuff slips through there but you can't catch everything always short of going to battery testing, which costs a tonne more as the "lowest" level is 10,000+ discs.

As to "their hearts aren't really in it" - it's not that at all - the issue was there were two people working the product side of things before - Kat who was full time and me! Since her projects were OK, you can assume those full-time in were fine, but obviously as I do a lot more than product I was (and am) a bit more lax. Hence hiring someone else to take it on full time, before any product since going out, he's checked them too.

Like discs, it doesn't guarantee you will never, ever miss anything - but it damn well reduces it :).

TL;DR - better process is in place, how it happened in one word is "Andrew." Sorry!


anime_andrew said:
As to "their hearts aren't really in it" - it's not that at all - the issue was there were two people working the product side of things before - Kat who was full time and me! Since her projects were OK, you can assume those full-time in were fine, but obviously as I do a lot more than product I was (and am) a bit more lax. Hence hiring someone else to take it on full time, before any product since going out, he's checked them too.

Thought I'd clarify that when I said "their hearts weren't really in it" I was talking about 3rd party reviewers and not Anime Ltd staff I can totally see the "can't spot for looking" scenario applying there... I mean... not that I know the first thing about this stuff but the reverse has a logo for the "Video Packaging Review Committee"... I don't know who they are but they don't seem to be painting a great picture of themselves if they are a committee whose job is "review packaging" and the packaging they have their logo on has an error... but yeah not something that bothers me but (if my assumptions are right about the purpose of said committee) and I were in your shoes I would be like... "why are you failing to spot this stuff 3rd party people..."

On a related note I've received mine now and have to say I love the packaging. I think the J-Card works better than the O-Cards and white colour / texture / reflectivity levels seems to be really well balanced. Slipcover is highly details and doesn't appear "cheap" or likely to "rub off" so good choices there.
MVM Entertainment Artwork

The Eccentric Family: Complete Collection (Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]


Such a good show, I'm still annoyed they didn't announce it until I already had the US version locked in as I'd have liked to support it.

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