Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Lutga said:
I wonder if they'll do one of these for the Berserk movies too?

I'd love that. I really want to watch them but the prices for them don't really drop. The third one in particular is always on the high side. If they did a box set for like £25 or something is buy in a heartbeat.
Yeah, it's weird how the third one hasn't ever dropped in price at all - a shame, as it's by far the best of the trilogy (and also probably one of the most f**cked up, mentally scarring anime films I've ever watched too).
Andy Hanley of UK Anime Network has received his copy of A Lull in the Sea Premium Edition Blu-ray.

Why MVM, why do you not use O-cards so that the box doesn't have to have your logos on them? :(
Oh well, it's the same as the US version right so that means it pretty awesome.
No fair when those of us who ordered from Amazon have probably another two weeks to wait.

I might have to try to display the box with the reverse side facing out. The spine is half nothing-dull and half logos nooooooo.
Indeed it does look really nice :) SHame I probably won't watch this release until I own all 4 parts, which looking at the release schedule will likely be by end of January so it's not too far away.
I have to admit, I'm not sure if I really want SAO II but I think it'd be a shame if I later found I liked the show and had missed out on the nice shiny box. I think the odds of me liking it are pretty good though, to be fair.

The problem I have with fancy boxes to hold multiple releases is that they usually come with a "placeholder" part, I don't really like to throw that kind of thing away (especially if they have a design on them) but I never know where to keep them either.
SAO2 looks great, i'm the same i won't watch it till all 4 parts are released.

Wonder if Index is getting a rigid slip box like Nadia & Chunibuyo have.
DragonBlaze67 said:
Wonder if Index is getting a rigid slip box like Nadia & Chunibuyo have.

Chunibuyo has the same box as Nadia? I was under the impression it was just a flimsy slip.

Shouldn't of cancelled my order. Ah well, off to Amazon.
Smeelia said:
The problem I have with fancy boxes to hold multiple releases is that they usually come with a "placeholder" part, I don't really like to throw that kind of thing away (especially if they have a design on them) but I never know where to keep them either.
If it's anything like their Kill la Kill box you don't have to worry about that, it just had some plain cardboard as a placeholder. I do get where you're coming from, though.
Dannielle said:
DragonBlaze67 said:
Wonder if Index is getting a rigid slip box like Nadia & Chunibuyo have.

Chunibuyo has the same box as Nadia? I was under the impression it was just a flimsy slip.

Shouldn't of cancelled my order. Ah well, off to Amazon.

Have a look in the Animatsu thread, there's some pics of them both there.
Jon O Fun said:
Hold up, so Index is now an EIGHT DISC blu ray release....... (sarcasm)
I think it's because it's just the cover of the US release with all the funimation markers removed as that was a combi release (and that are is likely not to be final).
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