Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Wow, that box looks gorgeous. Makes me want to catch up just so I can buy it. I've got enough lined up in August already though...

Also, something to point out, no BBFC on the Blu Ray. Wonder if that's a mistake or if it will be on a piece of card or stuck on or something...
IncendiaryLemon said:
Wow, that box looks gorgeous. Makes me want to catch up just so I can buy it. I've got enough lined up in August already though...

Also, something to point out, no BBFC on the Blu Ray. Wonder if that's a mistake or if it will be on a piece of card or stuck on or something...

Not a mistake. They aren't legally obliged to have it printed on the box. All the BBFC ratings etc will be on a small o-card like KlK and Space Dandy.
sniper_samurai said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Wow, that box looks gorgeous. Makes me want to catch up just so I can buy it. I've got enough lined up in August already though...

Also, something to point out, no BBFC on the Blu Ray. Wonder if that's a mistake or if it will be on a piece of card or stuck on or something...

Not a mistake. They aren't legally obliged to have it printed on the box. All the BBFC ratings etc will be on a small o-card like KlK and Space Dandy.

Ah right. Fair enough.

One other thing I'll say about this release is it makes me question the price of Kill la Kill Part 3. Like, Why is Part 3 £43 when it comes with the same contents as SAO (A collector's box, an art book and the episodes) which is currently £25?
IncendiaryLemon said:
sniper_samurai said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Wow, that box looks gorgeous. Makes me want to catch up just so I can buy it. I've got enough lined up in August already though...

Also, something to point out, no BBFC on the Blu Ray. Wonder if that's a mistake or if it will be on a piece of card or stuck on or something...

Not a mistake. They aren't legally obliged to have it printed on the box. All the BBFC ratings etc will be on a small o-card like KlK and Space Dandy.

Ah right. Fair enough.

One other thing I'll say about this release is it makes me question the price of Kill la Kill Part 3. Like, Why is Part 3 £43 when it comes with the same contents as SAO (A collector's box, an art book and the episodes) which is currently £25?

So many reasons. Cheaper license, expect to sell more SAO, license restrictions. Also could be due to us having 4 parts for SAO rather than 3 for KLK. Then the price essentially works out almost similar (if not slightly less for SAO)
I'm still not 100% on the SAO art if I'm honest - there's just something about it that doesn't click with me. The big box to hold all the parts looks stunning though.
IncendiaryLemon said:
h right. Fair enough.

One other thing I'll say about this release is it makes me question the price of Kill la Kill Part 3. Like, Why is Part 3 £43 when it comes with the same contents as SAO (A collector's box, an art book and the episodes) which is currently £25?

Probably because this will be 4 parts rather than 3 and AL know they cannot charge KlK prices for all 4 volumes, opr do not want to charge that price for a 4 part show, so have lowered the cost?

Also, Amazon have reduced the price of SAO to a true bargain level. On a side note, I'm paying £10 for Tiger and Bunny: Rising when usual films are around £25! Thank you amazon!
You're right, £25 is a bargain. Just makes me wish Kill la Kill was too...

As Alaniel points out, it's probably out of their hands.

Also, I put my pre order in, as it is quite cheap. Dragonball, Madoka, Chunibyo and now this all in the same month. Christ I hope I get a job soon, or no way I can afford all of this.
Oh, I see the T&B box art's changed. Might have been why it was delayed? I'm super excited for it either way, like others I've got it locked down at just over a tenner.
serpantino said:
I still suspect that Animatsu and Manga UK are basically the same anyway. I think that Animatsu was created to allow a little more autonomy and to distance themselves from the terrible reputation Manga UK built up.
Given that among there releases are at least two in NTSC and two from Geneon, both things that Manga are unable to deliver, autonomy is the main issue.
oh for the Love of God, they UK release of SAOII will be split in to 4 pieces too?! Darn...

ps.: Will grab it anyway, since the first CE is only 24 GBP with free delivery on Zavvi which is a bit better than the US Aniplex release.
Tind said:
oh for the Love of God, they UK release of SAOII will be split in to 4 pieces too?! Darn...

ps.: Will grab it anyway, since the first CE is only 24 GBP with free delivery on Zavvi which is a bit better than the US Aniplex release.

Aniplex US are responsible licensing the series in English-speaking territories, so Anime Ltd. are limited to what they negotiate with them for.
IncendiaryLemon said:
sniper_samurai said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Wow, that box looks gorgeous. Makes me want to catch up just so I can buy it. I've got enough lined up in August already though...

Also, something to point out, no BBFC on the Blu Ray. Wonder if that's a mistake or if it will be on a piece of card or stuck on or something...

Not a mistake. They aren't legally obliged to have it printed on the box. All the BBFC ratings etc will be on a small o-card like KlK and Space Dandy.

Ah right. Fair enough.

One other thing I'll say about this release is it makes me question the price of Kill la Kill Part 3. Like, Why is Part 3 £43 when it comes with the same contents as SAO (A collector's box, an art book and the episodes) which is currently £25?

Three key reasons:

1. SAO II is in 4 parts (the same as the USA one), not 3 so the argument was it had to be priced reasonably to match market reality for a collector's product of that length as it matched the part count.

2. Difference in extras - Aniplex were very fair and open about what extras we could use, with that we constructed a price that reflected what we were allowed to do in conjunction with them.

3. Different shows - committee's and pricing does vary sometimes (not huge distances as you'll see) but that's a factor too but not a tangible one :).

Hope that helps!

IncendiaryLemon said:
I see, thank you for the explanation.

Also - different cost of goods basically too actually while there - page count being larger for KLK per part too (188 pages for part 1, 216 pages for part 2, 136 pages for part 3) so basically the booklets in KLK were over two times larger per set easily and for example the cost of the lift of lid differs a fair bit from the one for SAO (not huge as we're using a fancy finish on the SAO box).

Worth being aware as yes same type of content but hugely different because of page count would you believe :).

Andrew, is the Black border around the artwork on the SAO II box part of the design? I note that the Japanese box doesn't have that, and i remember you spoke about Baccano before.
Mangaranga said:
Andrew, is the Black border around the artwork on the SAO II box part of the design? I note that the Japanese box doesn't have that, and i remember you spoke about Baccano before.

Shouldn't be but that's how the image was supplied but am not keen so we're seeing what can be done to extend the image. The box was a bit smaller on the Japanese one so we had to wait for final design grids to change it :).




Someone screwed up again on the Rebellion covers. 1) it's Manga not Animatsu 2) who on earth puts the BBFC on top of the title on the spine?

Should be a simple fix, they just need to move the title closer to the spine image.
I have to admit, that Madoka cover is really strange for a standalone release - it doesn't exactly do much to sell it; it arguably even makes it look like a totally different kind of show.

This would have been the ideal artwork:

I don't normally get mad at BBFC logos on boxes but man, that one is the worst I've seen.

Seeing the art they used for the box makes me wish it was the special edition they put out in Japan

Samurai Bride Blu-ray is a thing again? I must have missed that.

It'll be interesting to see if Manga rise from the ashes or become some horrifying undead monster that's constantly hurting the ones it loved in life (or maybe something in-between, maybe a horrifying undead monster that is mostly harmless).
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