Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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I demand 3D bevelling and gold leaf inlay on the outer case, with silk ribbon wrapped around to keep it shut. The outer case must open like a book and have a velvet interior with a slight but pleasant scent which will change with each anime release.

Lets take anime collecting to the next level and make it a pleasure to our senses!
sniper_samurai said:
Ok here are some better shots of Nadia including a comparison with KlK vol 2 for the box.

The discs appear to be identical to Sentais with the large yellow subs. Plays a splash screen for Sentai, Animatsu and Siren before going to the FBI copyright warning.

Definitely Sentais discs with the region changed.

Had my mr bluray set to region A and got the lock out screen. The usual Sentai bypass worked to get it to play without switching the region back to B :D
st_owly said:
On that note, I will end whoever at Dark Horse thought this was a good idea. Once was bad enough, but twice?!
[image clipped]
This is mind blowing. I'm pretty sure companies must do this on purpose just to toy with people.
Does anyone else feel that by replacing the logo the Madoka set has become relatively ugly? The BBFC logo is bad enough to start with, but the Manga branding makes thing much worse IMO. For a UK release it actually looked pretty acceptable before.



I honestly don't mind. In an ideal world, there wouldn't be any branding but I'm not exactly getting torn up about something that takes up such a small fraction of the box. That said, I do praise Animatsu for having such a subtle logo. Would have been nice if Manga had changed the colour of their logo to match the Aniplex one. It's still a few months out so there is room to change it if they see negative feedback.
Ugh yes. it seems like two step forwards and one back. Look at Funi LE's - single logo, minimalistic. The box above with just the aniplex and animatsu on - generally fine, two logos but at least the animatsu logo was minimal and kept in line in terms of size and colour with the aniplex one. The bottom one just looks like someone took a crap on the corner.

LE's should have minimal visible markings but O-Cards (IMHO) are fine for extra logo's or BBFC ratings.

Don't get me wrong. Either of the two are much better than nothing, I'd buy either, and I really appreciate the fact that we now seem to be getting more and better quality releases in the UK, it's just frustrating that we now seem to be so close - and yet so far from really nice sets.
I dunno, they could make the Manga logo a bit bigger and then it would help offset the eyesore of that bright red BBFC badge.

The Animatsu one is definitely much more pleasant and tasteful than Manga's logo (though I personally find the grin a little creepy - personal taste is a funny thing).

At the end of the day, it's just a logo. Yes, it looked nicer before - but if I'm honest I'm more concerned with watching the show. The main cover art is nice, and that's largely enough for me.

I really hope someone picks up SoniAni thinking it's a light, fluffy K-On type show based on that front cover...
Lutga said:
At the end of the day, it's just a logo. Yes, it looked nicer before - but if I'm honest I'm more concerned with watching the show. The main cover art is nice, and that's largely enough for me.
Manga UK: Even our Logo is utterly disliked!
Aside from the associative negativity that has built that response over time, it's also just quite an old logo at this point, one that didn't look great in the first place and unfortunately combined the graphical logo with text, rather than separating them. That leaves little maneuverability other than a complete rebranding.
We're a pretty small and embittered group of hardcore pedants here. I'm pretty sure out there in the wider world Manga and their logo are probably one of the most recognisable brands in anime, changing it or making it less noticeable their products probably wouldn't help them sell more copies.

Rui said:
they could make the Manga logo a bit bigger and then it would help offset the eyesore of that bright red BBFC badge.
That would be my preferred fix as well - Equalise the sizes so it looks more symmetrical.
To counter Manga's earlier argument that they thought the first two Madoka movies would sell badly - they're now the No. 1 most pre-ordered anime title on Amazon.
Lutga said:
To counter Manga's earlier argument that they thought the first two Madoka movies would sell badly - they're now the No. 1 most pre-ordered anime title on Amazon.

I bet sales are front loaded though, wouldn't surprise me if they'd all but dried up by release day.
Buzz201 said:
Lutga said:
To counter Manga's earlier argument that they thought the first two Madoka movies would sell badly - they're now the No. 1 most pre-ordered anime title on Amazon.

I bet sales are front loaded though, wouldn't surprise me if they'd all but dried up by release day.

Same, iirc Manga were extremly disappointed in the early sales of the series on bluray. Having the movies just come out on Netflix US probably lose some sales too.
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