Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Complete DVD set

SpaceDandy said:
Again those horrible rectangles that ruins the artwork :/.

The problem is that deviation from those rectangles now would ruin the pattern when everything is lined up on the shelf.

Give it another year I'd say and the way direction animatsu are heading with their packaging will have exceeded anime ltd. Anime ltd won't be outdone on packaging so they'll have to transition to pure art packaging. I'm willing to let the rectangles slide for now as they are still a relatively new company trying to make a name for themselves. Once they've done that (Based on the SAO II online figures it looks like we may see I'd say this will be the series to do this - It peaked higher up the DVD + Blu-Ray chart than even Spirited Away! and continues to sell well.) I think we'll see pure art packaging for certain editions.
I've no problem with the rectangles, but the rest of the artwork is just a bit messy, would vastly prefer if less was going on in the images.
Buzz201 said:
I've no problem with the rectangles, but the rest of the artwork is just a bit messy, would vastly prefer if less was going on in the images.

This is my issue too. The art itself is really cluttered.
Yeah, the rectangles are ok for some shows but the Space Dandy covers are already as busy as is humanly possible before the addition of extra logos and distractions. It doesn't really bug me, but I can see potential for improvement. They did a lovely clean art box with the TTGL ultimate edition so it's definitely something they're aware of.

Also hoping this one is a top loader.

Since a lot of people are wanting it, what advantages does a top loading box give over a side loading box? If anything, it seems like it would be slightly more hassle to tip a box upside down to get the contents out than simply tilting it to the side.
IncendiaryLemon said:
Since a lot of people are wanting it, what advantages does a top loading box give over a side loading box? If anything, it seems like it would be slightly more hassle to tip a box upside down to get the contents out than simply tilting it to the side.

Just that it is in keeping with the first release, and IIRC the first release was top loading due to the artbook size (i think). Ideally everything would be side loading, but because Part 1 is one way, Part 2 should be the same, imo.
Off the top of my head (by no means all);
Utilizing one of the smallest edges for loading maximizes the size of the other edges for artwork.
Having the smallest edge missing maximizes rigidity.
To weigh in on the "do we, don't we" dislike of the rectangles on Anime Limited artwork; could it just be that the honeymoon period with them in the UK industry is starting to wear off? I think that's the case for me personally with their artwork, I've been so taken aback and happy that we're getting rigid boxes for releases rather than horrible slipcases, that I wasn't being typically over-critical of the additional branding they've been applying. But over time as they build up on my shelves it's starting to annoy me along with the size differences and paper/wrapping/glue method experimentation, and I can't get away from the fact that the Funimation boxes are just better designed with a nice clean aesthetic and consistent materials.

These companies are dealing with the casual buyer and the hardcore buyer, with little inbetween. The casual buyer doesn't care who the licensor is, and the hardcore buyer knows who the licensor is without it needing to be emblazoned on every side of each release.
antonusklesk said:
To weigh in on the "do we, don't we" dislike of the rectangles on Anime Limited artwork; could it just be that the honeymoon period with them in the UK industry is starting to wear off?

The fact I pre-order everything they release shows to me i'm not outof the honey moon period. I like the uniformity of the spines, really helps make it feel like a collection when I have them all lined up next to each other.
britguy said:
The fact I pre-order everything they release shows to me i'm not outof the honey moon period. I like the uniformity of the spines, really helps make it feel like a collection when I have them all lined up next to each other.

Me too! I'm just finding that the discrepancies between releases are starting to irk me a little. I still think they're awesome and love their licensing choices, I just think they could become perfect (imo) with some design tweaks and uniformity.

Space Dandy Season 2 for example, while I know changing it will make it not fit with the first 13 episodes, that design just needs the rectangles removing and the AL logo from the front used on the side instead of the circle-encased one, which is just too large and enables the "Collectors edition" label, which again imo is unnecessary; the use of a rigid box itself suggests that without it being pointed out.
I don't mind the rectangles overall. If they say complete series or whatever that's totally cool with me but I'm not too keen on the episode count versions. However it's not something that I take great issue with but I can see why people would take a disliking.

In regards to the art work, I love both! They match how I see the show ..crazy, bonkers, colorful!
britguy said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Since a lot of people are wanting it, what advantages does a top loading box give over a side loading box? If anything, it seems like it would be slightly more hassle to tip a box upside down to get the contents out than simply tilting it to the side.

Just that it is in keeping with the first release, and IIRC the first release was top loading due to the artbook size (i think). Ideally everything would be side loading, but because Part 1 is one way, Part 2 should be the same, imo.


The artwork for Dandy S2 is great. I hope the front cover artwork doesn't run into the spine, although that could be the case for consistency.
Re: Rectangles - Anime Ltd. have brought uncompromising standardization to anime packaging design in the UK and for that Andrew frankly deserves a knighthood.
ayase said:
Re: Rectangles - Anime Ltd. have brought uncompromising standardization to anime packaging design in the UK and for that Andrew frankly deserves a knighthood.

On that note, I will end whoever at Dark Horse thought this was a good idea. Once was bad enough, but twice?!

SpaceDandy said:
Again those horrible rectangles that ruins the artwork :/.

Also, it's an O-CARD. There's a clean version of the box underneath - if you don't like the rectangles, take it off and put it on your shelf clean - that's the whole reason I use an O-CARD usually where I can ;).

So TL;DR - no artwork is ruined - it's way too cool a piece to not have a clean option to :).


antonusklesk said:
britguy said:
The fact I pre-order everything they release shows to me i'm not outof the honey moon period. I like the uniformity of the spines, really helps make it feel like a collection when I have them all lined up next to each other.

Me too! I'm just finding that the discrepancies between releases are starting to irk me a little. I still think they're awesome and love their licensing choices, I just think they could become perfect (imo) with some design tweaks and uniformity.

Space Dandy Season 2 for example, while I know changing it will make it not fit with the first 13 episodes, that design just needs the rectangles removing and the AL logo from the front used on the side instead of the circle-encased one, which is just too large and enables the "Collectors edition" label, which again imo is unnecessary; the use of a rigid box itself suggests that without it being pointed out.

Re discrepancies - we do keep an eye on it and listen to folks so you never know how things will change over the next year ;).

Re the box - because we knew there'd be a difference in opinion there, we did make all the text on an O-CARD that will go round the box as opposed to on it. There's several reasons for this and it does help maintain consistency for those that care about that, it provides an artwork pure option for those that prefer that :).


msgeek said:
SpaceDandy said:
Again those horrible rectangles that ruins the artwork :/.

The problem is that deviation from those rectangles now would ruin the pattern when everything is lined up on the shelf.

Give it another year I'd say and the way direction animatsu are heading with their packaging will have exceeded anime ltd. Anime ltd won't be outdone on packaging so they'll have to transition to pure art packaging. I'm willing to let the rectangles slide for now as they are still a relatively new company trying to make a name for themselves. Once they've done that (Based on the SAO II online figures it looks like we may see I'd say this will be the series to do this - It peaked higher up the DVD + Blu-Ray chart than even Spirited Away! and continues to sell well.) I think we'll see pure art packaging for certain editions.

Well re changes and transitions - if we're talking a pure artwork box then you really want no clutter - no BBFC, no company logos etc at all on it really. The solution we come to wherever we can is to use a bellyband/obi or an O-CARD to give you that option. In which kind of case you can remove everything (including our logo from all facing sides of the box then :).

In the case of Dandy S2 - it means you have an option of a 100% clean artwork option vs the details etc (ala Gurren Lagann Ultimate) - which is FYI my preferred format for all packaging :). Like I say - always flexible and willing to listen to folks though :).


Ah O-Card with clean artwork underneath is the best :) Cheers Andrew.

Can you confirm about top loading/clear keepcase?
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