Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Not sure what to say about the Nadia Animatsu release. I mean I'm happy they're using chipboard artboxes for these types of sets but the final result kinda puts me off. First of, they should have put all of the major information on a slipcase (a la Kill la Kill) because they had a good opportunity to add some nice art for the chipboard. Now with all the logos and information placed everywhere and not to mention the Blu-ray banner on the top the set just doesn't look right to me. It would have made some sense if the box was cardboard like Shigurui and the older Funimation sets but that's just me. Another thing that puts me off is the Blu-ray case they are using for this set. A Thin Blu-ray case would be cooler than using the fat UK cases, heck Anime Limited have no problem using them for the standard edition sets for their TV shows (Cowboy Bebop, Durarara!!, Gurren Lagann).

Sorry if this rant annoys you, I was expecting something among the lines of their Shigurui set rather than this. As for me I may pick this version up in the future since it's exactly the same as the US version (which I prefer to see in UK sets so that the A/V issues are minimal to zero unless they have occurred in the US) but I'll wait till the price goes down.
I'm all for clean, beautiful boxes as much as anyone here (see my rants on Anime Limited of all people) but I'm okay with this for some reason. It's not perfect, but nobody in the UK gets it 100% right, but like Anime Limited, I can see why they went with thing they went with. Big blue banner on the top is silly, but I guess they just want people who see it on a shelf to know that it is in fact a Blu-ray. Better ways to go about it, such as a J-card, but overall I don't feel as harsh against this. I think the halfheartedness of it works in its favor for me, as dumb as that sounds. It never set out to be this crazy expensive collectors edition with books and digpaks and so on, so I never went in expecting such. Hey its an awesome show with a little sturdy box, cool. All they needed was an amaray and that would have been fine for me. Now will I pick it up? When it drops in price a bit I guess, because when I look at the price, that's when I start to see why the untidy nature of the box would sour people.
NormanicGrav said:
Not sure what to say about the Nadia Animatsu release. I mean I'm happy they're using chipboard artboxes for these types of sets but the final result kinda puts me off. First of, they should have put all of the major information on a slipcase (a la Kill la Kill) because they had a good opportunity to add some nice art for the chipboard. Now with all the logos and information placed everywhere and not to mention the Blu-ray banner on the top the set just doesn't look right to me. It would have made some sense if the box was cardboard like Shigurui and the older Funimation sets but that's just me. Another thing that puts me off is the Blu-ray case they are using for this set. A Thin Blu-ray case would be cooler than using the fat UK cases, heck Anime Limited have no problem using them for the standard edition sets for their TV shows (Cowboy Bebop, Durarara!!, Gurren Lagann).

Sorry if this rant annoys you, I was expecting something among the lines of their Shigurui set rather than this. As for me I may pick this version up in the future since it's exactly the same as the US version (which I prefer to see in UK sets so that the A/V issues are minimal to zero unless they have occurred in the US) but I'll wait till the price goes down.

You've got to admit that this looks better than everyone was expecting though, we were all expecting just a slipbox similar to FMA Brotherhood. 2 normal UK cases for 5 discs isn't that bad, i don't think i've ever seen a normal UK case hold 5 discs, 4 discs is usually the max i've seen.

I imagine they were only allowed to use the same artwork that Sentai used. I think your being abit too harsh on Animatsu, this is only their 2nd release so far as a company.
msgeek said:
Does that say 2045 mins running time for the feature? That's about 34 hours? I haven't seen it but that would mean episodes are about 55 mins? Also would mean 7 hours per BD (there are 5 right?)....

Something must be amiss (could just be it does not say 2045 mins).
That error is carried onto the first box saying it is 1726 mins for 27 episodes. Second box has a stated run time of 318 mins for 12 episodes which is still 18 minutes over what it actually is, but could be due to the extras on the last disc.

Also the boxes aren't the best quality, both have identically broken in the same place, left side of the bottom clip for the disc tray on the spine, just from opening and closing them.
sniper_samurai said:
Also the boxes aren't the best quality, both have identically broken in the same place, bottom clip for the disc tray on the spine, just from opening and closing them.

Wow, that's really ****** to hear if you've only had them a day and they're already broken.
IncendiaryLemon said:
sniper_samurai said:
Also the boxes aren't the best quality, both have identically broken in the same place, bottom clip for the disc tray on the spine, just from opening and closing them.

Wow, that's really ****** to hear if you've only had them a day and they're already broken.

It is a design flaw in the boxes. The clips are smaller than usual and at the very top and bottom of the box. The clips being at the edges also means they are located in the places that they are most likely to break.
BDT87 said:
cyborg 002 said:
Why is it that Shippuden episode 268-270 are not included in either collection 21 or 22?
I hope this is a typo!
The Australian version of Box Set/Collection 21 inc. 258-270
and Box Set/Collection 22 inc. 271-283 as it is over here.
I hope this is just a mistake!

Thanks for the info.
I hope it's a typo too.
DragonBlaze67 said:
You've got to admit that this looks better than everyone was expecting though, we were all expecting just a slipbox similar to FMA Brotherhood. 2 normal UK cases for 5 discs isn't that bad, i don't think i've ever seen a normal UK case hold 5 discs, 4 discs is usually the max i've seen.

I imagine they were only allowed to use the same artwork that Sentai used. I think your being abit too harsh on Animatsu, this is only their 2nd release so far as a company.

I do admit that it's much better than I was expecting and for being a bit too harsh on them. Quite satisfied with the licensing choices from MCM if you want a positive thought (Knights of Sidonia will be looking great for UK fans).

IncendiaryLemon said:
I have the standard Gurren Lagann and Cowboy Bebop sets and as far as I can tell they're the same width as any other case.

I forgot there were many versions of the case. I should have referenced the US style standard Blu-ray cases (the size is between a thin case and a UK case).
I'll give Animatsu credit for not having a back cover which looks like ass this time around, but I'd far prefer it if they ditched the banner and went for thinner US style cases for releases of this kind.
At a stretch, a wraparound for the information (Like Anime Limited) would also be great. It all adds up to having a much better presentation as a premium item, although granted in this case it's a standard release.

NormanicGrav said:
I do admit that it's much better than I was expecting and for being a bit too harsh on them. Quite satisfied with the licensing choices from MCM if you want a positive thought (Knights of Sidonia will be looking great for UK fans).
Not if they use the Sentai masters it won't :(
msgeek said:
Does that say 2045 mins running time for the feature? That's about 34 hours? I haven't seen it but that would mean episodes are about 55 mins? Also would mean 7 hours per BD (there are 5 right?)....

Something must be amiss (could just be it does not say 2045 mins).
This is just an accurate appraisal of how long it feels like the island episodes go on for.
Pleasantly surprised with that. That isn't a chipboard art box is it...?

If it is and they have also done away with the blue banding they had around Nadia I'll be even happier.
There's still too much marketing junk on the 'art' box but it's good to see them steadily going in the right direction each time. I thought that all Animanga UK releases were following the same process now with Animatsu doing the marketing and Manga UK the production. The only real difference being who licenses what to begin with and whose logos go on the box.

msgeek said:
Pleasantly surprised with that. That isn't a chipboard art box is it...?

If it is and they have also done away with the blue banding they had around Nadia I'll be even happier.

Looks like it by the description : "This limited edition Blu-ray box set includes a rigid artbox designed by character designer Junichiro Taniguchi. Bonus Features include: Textless Opening and Ending Theatrical Trailers TV Commercial Collections 16 Page Booklet " :mrgreen:

Tempted to order the set now, was just going to purchase the third film but this looks gorgeous.
Dannielle said:
msgeek said:
Pleasantly surprised with that. That isn't a chipboard art box is it...?

If it is and they have also done away with the blue banding they had around Nadia I'll be even happier.

Looks like it by the description : "This limited edition Blu-ray box set includes a rigid artbox designed by character designer Junichiro Taniguchi. Bonus Features include: Textless Opening and Ending Theatrical Trailers TV Commercial Collections 16 Page Booklet " :mrgreen:

Tempted to order the set now, was just going to purchase the third film but this looks gorgeous.

Sounds promising.

If they can just add a cardboard band for BBFC logos and such like this would actually be (potentially) awesome...
msgeek said:
If they can just add a cardboard band for BBFC logos and such like this would actually be (potentially) awesome...

If only Animatsu could hop onto this forum and notice this, maybe they could.
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