Looks alright, can't say the wooden box does much for me tbh. The book sounds pretty interesting but honestly not sure if I even care anymore, they took far too long to get this out but we'll see how I feel by release day. That said it's bloody expensive for a film, over £40 is pretty silly and it was that before it got upgraded to an Ultimate Edition as far as I'm aware. I also find it kinda funny that the "Ultimate Edition" won't even have the English dub lol.
The book is completely worth it - normally I'd just say a delay is what it is but in effect the only slowdown for us here was in fact the attempt by the licensor to make this the definitive book in the world. We're proud of what was done with it and in this case respect the need to do it this way even if not ideal.
Re the dub - still genuinely believe one is non-essential just now but if we have an opportunity down the line there may be a way to introduce it to folks who bought the Ultimate at least digitally
Hope folks enjoy anyway, it's been a long ride for us!