Upcoming Overseas Anime DVD Artwork

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Imagine Studio Canal will be quick to get this out in the UK, since there's only Kaguya and Marnie to release now in terms of new stuff. It's one that'd benefit so much from the BR transfer too - I wonder if it'll ever get a dub, or if that's just wishful thinking?
Lutga said:
Imagine Studio Canal will be quick to get this out in the UK, since there's only Kaguya and Marnie to release now in terms of new stuff. It's one that'd benefit so much from the BR transfer too - I wonder if it'll ever get a dub, or if that's just wishful thinking?

Unfortunately I don't think Studio Canal will quickly get Ocean Waves out on Blu-ray over here, poor Only Yesterday didn't get the chance. I recall they were waiting for a dub before bringing it out on Blu-ray over here.
I don't see it getting a dub, but the Blu-ray is sure to have English subtitles, and like all of the previous Japanese releases, it'll be region free. Ocean Waves is one of my favorite Ghilbi films, and I've been waiting forever for it to come to Blu-ray. If Studio Canal do localize this, I can see, and I can hope that they bring Only Yesterday as well, which is my favorite Ghibli film. I do wonder whats taking so long in regards to Kaguya, its out in the US. I guess the theatrical run pushed it back, or Studio Canal are waiting for a more strategic slate, maybe waiting to bring it out with another release together.
Gauche the Cellist! Jarinko Chie! I remember seeing those two years and years ago, I hope they get picked up for UK Blu-Ray release or failing that, contain English subtitles.

NormanicGrav said:
Lutga said:
Imagine Studio Canal will be quick to get this out in the UK, since there's only Kaguya and Marnie to release now in terms of new stuff. It's one that'd benefit so much from the BR transfer too - I wonder if it'll ever get a dub, or if that's just wishful thinking?

Unfortunately I don't think Studio Canal will quickly get Ocean Waves out on Blu-ray over here, poor Only Yesterday didn't get the chance. I recall they were waiting for a dub before bringing it out on Blu-ray over here.

I've asked them several times but no luck. Doesn't seem likely at all we'll get Only Yesterday on Blu-Ray. Sigh. I do agree with you too, if we can't get Only Yesterday, I don't see us getting Ocean Waves :|
Denki Gai - Box set. Is it confirmed to be region B? And that it will work on UK PS3/4?
Sentail Filmworks August 2015 line-up:

For release date, region and extras info, see here.




That Vampire Hunter D cover art looks really odd - like they've just slapped a big red font over the gorgeous classic cover art. It doesn't really complement each other.
Lutga said:
That Vampire Hunter D cover art looks really odd - like they've just slapped a big red font over the gorgeous classic cover art. It doesn't really complement each other.

I thought that was the case at first, then someone pointed out this:


In a way, I can understand the font choice but who knows.
the Garden of Sinners: recalled out summer [Limited Edition]
Release Date: Now
Format [Region]: Blu-ray [A B C]

Praise the lord!Memories coming to Blu-ray in Australia on 22/7/15, instant Pre-order, stupid age rating be damned! This coupled with the US DVD release of Robot Carnival and the Patlabor films has me on cloud nine at the moment with overseas releases! AUS shares the same region as the UK when it comes to Blu-ray, but hopefully this is also a sign of this coming over to the UK.
If you haven't seen Memories, you should. One of the best anime films out there, a favorite of mine!
britguy said:
Brilliant. Heres hoping this is a sign for us and preferably anime limited!

Hah I don't know if that's a light jab at me, but I wouldn't mind it. A film like this is bigger than any grudge, a true masterpiece in every sense of the word. I guess I'd buy it, MVM would just do a DVD if they got it, and a movie like this doesn't seem to be within the Manga/Animatsu wheelhouse, i.e. artsy. I'm going for the AUS release, but will easily double dip for any other release. I already own the Japanese re-release, but it has no subtitles.
The old UK DVD version from Sony can be had for a few quid secondhand on Amazon so I don't think MVM would gain much from going DVD only - it'd be BR or nothing I'd have thought...
Lutga said:
The old UK DVD version from Sony can be had for a few quid secondhand on Amazon so I don't think MVM would gain much from going DVD only - it'd be BR or nothing I'd have thought...

Hopefully, it's just when I asked MVM a while back, they said that the Patlabor films will be DVD only in the UK, so although that's a different property all together, it's pretty much made them irrelevant to me until they prove otherwise, I just don't trust them to do a Blu-ray for anything I care about ahah :p. I guess I don't trust them to go Blu-ray for things like this. Lets see..either way Siren Visual have my money.

IncendiaryLemon said:
Never heard of it before, definitely on my To Watch list now though seeing as quite a few of you hold it in high regard.
I wrote a review for it on my MAL page if your interested in the film, its a landmark for sure. Link
Yeah, it really sucks with what happened to Patlabor- am guessing it's because the first part sold poorly.
Lutga said:
Yeah, it really sucks with what happened to Patlabor- am guessing it's because the first part sold poorly.

Yeah the sales for Patlabor always made me sad, the TV series is one of the greatest anime series out there, with one of the best female casts in an animated series, period and the first two films being two of the greatest anime films in general, from the stunning animation to the extraordinary soundtrack. It's one of my, if not my favorite anime property and yet the sales are always poor for it, hopefully people are picking up the Sentai Blu-rays.

On one hand I hope that Patlabor is a one off for MVM and they consider Blu-ray for everything and anything, on the other hand that would make me sad if Patlabor was singled out. I guess at the end of the day MVM have the numbers in front of them and they made a choice. Memories on Blu-ray would make me very happy, but I'm not sure of the sales potential is any more than the Patlabor films, which again makes me very sad indeed. Time will tell in any case, no point jumping the gun! :p
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