thedoctor2016 said:Jam?
IncendiaryLemon said:I'd hold off on buying Berserk; a blu ray's coming soon.
HdE said:MY GOD! How freaky is that?! I asked for Berserk, and the deal of the week is... ... ctid=25992
...not Berserk. It's Rozen Maiden: Zuruckspulen.
IncendiaryLemon said:You're almost clairvoyant.
Gemsy-chan said:I had Berserk once on dvd, couldn't get pass the first disk though. Just didn't like it.
BanzaiJedi said:I've not had any serious issues with CeX either, some of their stuff is immaculate and some can be really grubby, but everything I've bought works okay either way. I do hate how tough it is to get their price stickers off cleanly though, it often leaves a big sticky patch behind.
Huh, thanks for the tip. Sounds like it would be useful when I build my next gunpla too, so I'll definitely get one.HdE said:BanzaiJedi said:I've not had any serious issues with CeX either, some of their stuff is immaculate and some can be really grubby, but everything I've bought works okay either way. I do hate how tough it is to get their price stickers off cleanly though, it often leaves a big sticky patch behind.
I've said this before on this forum, but it bears repeating: Get yourself a Gundam eraser marker off Amazon / Ebay. They're great for removing persistent gunge and even marker pigment from plastic and card.
Amazon have you covered. A lot of Beez catalogue are still available in France. Pretty much anything they released here was also released in France with the same discs, though sadly not the other way roundst_owly said:I've never had any issues with CeX either apart from the final disc of Planetes I bought from them, but it was so long after I bought it when I eventually watched it that I couldn't send it back. I'm going to try and see if I can get it restored as the chances of finding another are pretty slim now. It was only about £2 anyway so it can make the collection look good if nothing else.
st_owly said:I've never had any issues with CeX either apart from the final disc of Planetes I bought from them, but it was so long after I bought it when I eventually watched it that I couldn't send it back. I'm going to try and see if I can get it restored as the chances of finding another are pretty slim now.