I wouldn't touch them. They have a bit of a whiff of bootleg about them with the green banner stating it has English Subtitles, and that the covers appear badly cut with the Emotion logo in the bottom left which should be the Honneamise logo.Gemsy-chan said:Its not a bad price to give a punt on but i don't know if the dvd's are region free like the Blu-rays are. Plus if its a show like Unicorn then its best on blu-ray.IncendiaryLemon said:Some guy on eBay (The same guy I bought my Freedom off for cheap) has a near complete set of Gundam Unicorn DVDs up for only £7. Not as good as the blu rays and it is missing the last DVD but these DVDs seem to go for about £10 a piece on Amazon so £7 for 6 is a great bargain.
Edit: It appears the Japanese dvds have the Emotion logo on them unlike the blurays which have the Honneamise logo. The real deal still doesnt have that crappy green banner though.