The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

Shiroi Hane said:
ConanThe3rd said:
VoxPhantom said:
Cancel the sub-only release and make people wait up to a year for a dubbed release? People would rip into them for another cancellation.
Technically speaking, it would be a delay. Which is a slightly less final beast to cancellation.

Course, they have no balls to speak off so it's easy just to pap out the easiest option and call it a day.
Can you honestly say that if they had cancelled the sub-only release in favour of a later dubbed release, you wouldn't be ranting just as much about that?
Number of complaints against Manga not releaseing Madoka in singles?
devilrules666 said:
Note to sentai stop licensing everything! Space brothers and someday dreamers 2 is a defo buy for me. When did someday dreamers get a second series?

It's a spinoff series and came out in 2008.
devilrules666 said:
Note to sentai stop licensing everything! Space brothers and someday dreamers 2 is a defo buy for me. When did someday dreamers get a second series?
So Sentai decides to license Kokoro Connect.
The North American anime licensing company Sentai Filmworks announced on Monday that it has licensed the Kokoro Connect television anime series. The company will release the series digitally with a home video release to follow next year.
Just Passing Through said:
Ristorante Paradiso Autumn 2012
Hyakko 2013
and Aoi Hana 2013

I nearly died when I saw Aoi Hana. Now all they need to get is Sasameki Koto and i'll just throw money at them.
How about we just start listing series Sentai hasn't licensed at this rate? Seriously nice, though I am as always baffled by their infinite wealth. They aren't leaving anything much for Funi at all these days.

Funimation sues Sentai...

Sentai buys everything under the block so that if Funimation win, a) they have no money with which to pay them and b) if the loss drives them out of business, it will probably be that Funi will pick up the pieces same as last time, and wind up driving themselves out of business trying to service Sentai's new debts.

If Sentai win, they get a wodge of money to help support all their new licenses. And maybe Funi goes out of business, leaving them a monopoly.
If Funi win, ADV stays dead this time.

I'm really not convinced Funi would go down if they lose, all it would allow ADV to do is to **** around for a few more years before they get themselves into another contractual screwjob.
Just Passing Through said:
if the loss drives them out of business, it will probably be that Funi will pick up the pieces same as last time, and wind up driving themselves out of business trying to service Sentai's new debts.
I'm not exactly sure of what happened with the whole Sojitz business, but wouldn't Funimation just avoid a repeat of whatever it was that led to them suing Sentai? Once bitten...

On ANNcast, I think, it was speculated that Sentai are licensing so much in order to accumulate a huge portfolio of shows they can parade in front of Netflix. But it could be that they're just spending every penny they've got just so they have nothing to pay Funi with =D
If they really want to burn some cash I'd like them to put the last part of Glass Mask out and get some more Gintama in the pipeline...:)

It's really nice to get disc release information right when stuff airs, it makes deciding about importing particular shows that much easier.

"#BadNews! #BlackLagoon Season 1 & Season 2 Blu-ray delayed until 30-July. Massive apologies 2 all our customers. S1&2 DVD box set out 9-Jul."

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