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For me, it's just simple ease of viewing and habit - I'll always watch the dub first so I can focus completely on the animation. Then if I like the show I might go back and watch it subbed the second time. My eyes tend to start to hurt after a while too if I've been reading subs for more than a couple of hours.
I also prefer dubs. I prefer not reading my way through a series, as Lutga says, it lets you pay more attention to what's actually happening. I tend to find I'll either be too focused on the lower third and miss something happen or I'll be too focused on the animation and miss some fast dialogue or signs. I've never let subs put me off a series but if I have an option, I'll always pick a dub. Well, unless it's particularly bad. I have a high tolerance for what people call bad dubs. I love the Madoka dub, the K-On dub, the Eva dub, etc, I don't see issues with them. The only time I've chosen sub over dub was Gundam Seed. That is the only dub I've found legit unbearable. Edit: Oh and also any 4Kids dubs. I'm sure they're fine for kids but if you go back and watch them as an adult, it's incredibly cringey.
I prefer subs, but have no objection to dubs. Except the ones that are done in excessively annoying, over the top, seemingly permanently cheery (even when something bad is happening) American accents. Which as we discussed the other day, is basically any that weren't made by FUNimation...
It's weird because when I think of reading subs I think of the same negatives. I won't be able to see what's going on or I'm focusing on the lower third of the screen, but for some reason when it comes to watching a show and reading the subtitles I never even realize. I guess it's just second nature. In fact every once in a while I realize that I'm reading subtitles and I'm like "oh yeah I'm reading" and I'll go out of sync for a few seconds as the sensation kicks in but really like I said, the whole thing syncs together (400% synchronization) for me. In fact I'd say it has enhanced a fair few of my viewings like with Patlabor The Movie 2. The text was fast and frantic and it was a fantastic experience, I really felt like I was there, sweating as the pressure built up as we reached the climax haha. One of my favorite viewing experience of all time.

I don't look down upon people who watch dubs, that would be stupid as all hell however I can't really deal with them at all (the dubs not the people watching them! :p). It's a none issue. I don't like dubs and that's the end of it, I don't push my opinion on others.
To be fair, sometimes I'll switch to subs if a show isn't 'going in' in its dubbed form, as I find having to read subs makes you pay attention more, especially if it's a pretty wordy script. But yeah, I kind of feel I need to be in a different frame of mind to do it - as in 'happy to sit down and read for an hour or two' instead of 'something to bung on while I'm eating'.
Yeah I guess that's the thing, I will only watch one show at a time and usually watch my episodes at night in the dark with full concentration and surround sound so I guess in that sense its easier for me to sit down for say two hours and read the subtitles. It's usually why I'm slow with watching things too :p
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Buzz201 said:
But anime is near universally native stereo, so you don't really gain anything from surround sound... :?
Not really, I tend to watch movies the most and rarely watch TV series as I don't get the time anyways but even so by surround sound I just mean volume cranked up ALTHOUGH a lot do in fact take full advantage of the additional channels :) At least the stuff I watch do!
Lutga said:
I once legit saw someone say on MAL 'If you watch dubs you aren't a true anime fan'


Utter foolishness.

I rather think that being a true fan is more contingent on somebody enjoying wha they're filling their time with and supporting it meaningfully. Provided they're doing that, they could watch it in a stripey leotard while covered in nutella for all I care. How people enjoy their entertainment isn't anybody else's business.
Buzz201 said:
qaiz said:
and surround sound

But anime is near universally native stereo, so you don't really gain anything from surround sound... :?
Even if there are only two channels, you still benefit from filling a space with sound using more speakers.

Car stereos, for example. Pretty rare to get quadrophonic sound from radio or CDs, yet there are usually still at least four speakers.
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More Resurrection F BO news, 8th day gross for U.S was $1,216,036 which takes the total U.S domestic too $7,232,704. Incredible! On such a limited release too! To make things even more nuts is the fact that the 8th day gross was higher than Battle of Gods opening day gross ($1,072,600) last year! With today being the last day Resurrection F is being shown means it won't outgross DragonBall Evolutions domestic gross ( $9,362,785 ) but I suppose beating DBE Worldwide is good enough.
As I said on the Streaming thread, the censored TV version is probably the absolute limit of what you could get away with sex wise in the UK, and it was obvious from the random rays of the light that there were a lot of upskirt shots. Given the show is reasonably trying to avoid being completely one-sided, I'd be curious to see if they've done anything with the male nudity, although I think they've probably pushed that as far as they go anyway.

The only thing even vaguely surprising about those screencaps is that Nico Nico got the uncensored version, and FUNimation didn't.