Apologies for the double post, peeps - my connection is updating oddly.
Joshawott said:
Didn't even Jerome mention that the Japanese side even get to dictate price? Sure, Japan probably don't give a damn about what only amounts to 10% of their profits other than the fear that the Japanese buyers will realise the foreign releases are cheaper...but can't you already see the problem there? xD. Thing is - what is the fix?
To be fair, that's the conundrum, innit!
What concerns me is the general trend I've seen of late. Bandai's closure in the west has sent the message (to me, at least) that they expect western fans to pay Japanese prices. And there are developments such as the Aniplex stuff that are also quite worrying.
For my part, it's a big deal because it's pricing me out of the market. Seriously. Last year, my financial situation meant that I only really picked up stuff on the Anime Legends line or stuff that was put on sale. If we see an across-the-board trend develop where the cost of legally obtaining anime rises dramatically, then... well, quite likely, I'm done with anime for a spell.
This is why I make a big deal about AFFORDABLE prices.