Heyo, boys, girls and aliens! The ethereal shinigami Agent-347 is here!! ;D (
How I imagine the public's response)
I haven't commented on anything since
5 August 2014... I just posted the Sentai Filmworks
December 2013 and
January 2014 schedules and that's it.
So basically I am way behind on commenting on news stories.. I'm trying to focus on commenting on stuff that's worth commenting on.
I tried to do it reverse chronologically (alike Twitter) so people who don't want to read comments on stuff from August can just stop reading at some point in this post.
I'm going to make a separate post for comments on stuff after 22 October though
(so mostly MCM announcements which I feel should all be in a separate topic).
OCTOBER 2014 POSTS/NEWS (1 through 22 October)
NormanicGrav said:
Sentai unveiled their February line up:
New English Dub:
Leviathan ~ The Last Defence [Zettai Bouei Leviathan] - Complete Series - Blu-ray & DVD - 3rd Feb
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions [Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!] - Complete Season 1 Collector's Edition - Blu-ray/DVD Combo - 24th Feb [originally stated for December, got delayed to this date]
Blu-ray release:
Diabolik Lovers - Complete Series - Blu-ray - 24th Feb
New titles:
Engaged to the Unidentified [Mikakunin de Shinkoukei] - Complete Series - Blu-ray & DVD - 10th Feb [Subtitle only]
Golden Time - Collection 2 - Blu-ray & DVD - 3rd Feb [Subtitle only]
Hozuki's Coolheadedness [Hoozuki no Reitetsu] - Complete Series - Blu-ray & DVD - 17th Feb [Subtitle only]
Reideen - Collection 2 - DVD - 10th Feb [Subtitle only]
Space Brothers - Collection 1 - Blu-ray & DVD - 24th Feb [Subtitle only]
Maiden Japan titles:
Patlabor: The New Files OVA - Complete Series - Blu-ray & DVD - 17th Feb [Subtitle only]
I don't like to call "BS" on stuff, but really... Sentai's is so full of BS right there.
Before moving on, let me point at a post I made back in February,
and just read the first couple of lines!
Guess which anime are getting dubbed? Those I mentioned there. *frowns once again*
I really feel like at least Engaged to the Unidentified should have received the dub treatment. Also Reideen and Golden Time should have received the dub treatment, but well... >_<
I'm definitely going to watch Chunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai, I'm hoping Anime Ltd pick up the UK license though so I can support a company who totally deserves it in my opinion.
I'll consider watching Leviathan now it's getting dubbed, no firm decisions as per usual as of yet.
NormanicGrav said:
Funimation January 2015 line-up:
A Certain Scientific Railgun - Complete Season 1 (Blu-ray/DVD) - 20th January
Chaos;Head - Complete Series: S.A.V.E. (Blu-ray/DVD) - 13th January
Fairy Tail - Collection 3 [Parts 5 & 6 put together] (Blu-ray/DVD) - 6th January
One Piece - Box Collection 1 [Collections 1-4 put together] (DVD) - 6th January (Amazon Exclusive)
One Piece - Collection 11 [S4 V5 & S5 V1 put together] (DVD) - 13th January
Quiet month as predicted, I think it's time that I start buying the One Piece Collection sets given they're now doing them. Fairy Tail C3 wasn't surprising given Manga UK is bringing theirs out and it's about the right time for Funimation to do this sort of thing.
I'm probably going to get the Chaos;Head S.A.V.E. combopack when I get confirmation the title is on the spine on the reversible cover.
I'm planning on getting the Fairy Tail collections via Manga Entertainment UK at some point. Lately I have been tempted by the neat price point on Zavvi for sure.
I hope Anime Ltd manage to pick up the A Certain franchise.
Not interested in One Piece at all.
animefreak17 said:
Why do we in Britain have to have such lack of fandom .........maybe we need to spread the love
The problem isn't a lack of fandom, but a lack of support from the fandom.
I can't give the source but I remember reading a report how over 80% of potential profit doesn't happen due to illegal downloads in the music industry. (badly worded, but I think you get the idea)
I'm pretty sure that also counts for the tv, movie and especially anime industry.
In fact, I believe Jerome even said once there definitely are over 100,000 British animefans, but only a few thousand who actually support physical anime legally.
This is a trend I also notice at college. I'm the only person I know of who supports physical anime releases, though there are 2 persons I know of that buy the English manga of anime they really like.
Maybe I'll get to know more supporters, but at the moment it doesn't look good. Quite a lot who simply watch anime illegally on some site they usually go to, not attempting to watch it on a legal site.
I doubt they are even aware about legal anime licenses at all. I can't really make any firm statements as of yet and I will investigate but I don't have a good feeling about it currently.
anime_andrew said:
Rui said:
NormanicGrav said:
Now this is going to be tough. With Rightstuf handling the franchise, their sets generally look good (you know, those chipboard artbox sets like Funimation's but with thin-packs i.e. Utena) and since they're giving Blu-ray a chance at some point I'm torn between US and UK (as I can probably guess that Anime Limited will eventually have the UK rights to Gundam given Manga and MVM can't handle it).
It's definitely going to be interesting - having a choice of two different tempting releases is definitely better than the alternative! It would be great if they can share production duties so both sides get the best possible release in terms of discs. Both companies are capable of gorgeous physical releases 
Sorry Andrew, don't mind us just assuming you're going for the other Gundam titles too even if you haven't actually said so; it's fun to speculate!
We'll definitely be moving into this and I hope to advance things shortly - I'd suggested starting with G no Reconguista but I may step my schedule up now...
If Andrew attempts to read this entire post I want to say he'll definitely need to do some blog posts on the franchise on how all series connect and neat trailers (dubbed and subbed).
I haven't watched anything Gundam before and while I know I can easily find more details, even on this forum, it's a series which would be complicated to get into.
I can't say at this point whether I would be able to afford buying Gundam BD-releases & DVD-releases, but I just wanted to put the above out there.
NormanicGrav said:
Funimation have announced the release dates for their next Bandai rescue titles - the .hack shows.
Good news is all four of them will be available by the first half of 2015, the bad news is that they are DVD only.
.hack//SIGN - February 24th
.hack//Legend of Twilight - April 7th
.hack//Roots - May 19th
.hack//G.U. Trilogy - June 30th ~ No English dub will be produced, this title will be released as subtitle only.
If I check CDJapan for .Hack I only find a Japanese BD for G.U. Trilogy, perhaps they first want to see how it performs before they commit to a dub and Blu-ray.
I'm fully aware of what they announced when they rescued the title, but it's really annoying if you want to watch the entire .Hack franchise dubbed.
Either way, I'm awaiting somebody rescuing the franchise in the UK for NTSC DVD/Blu-ray. (And I know MVM have Quantum)
Dannielle said:
Anti-delays are nice to see, but I doubt I'll be speeding up my decision in regards to Kill La Kill together with the anti-delay.
Hope there'll be enough copies circling around so volume 1 CE isn't OOP by the time volume 3 finally gets released in Spring 2015.
Mangaranga said:
Ario said:
Just like to point out that it's cheaper to import the R1 copy, and by doing so you're not supporting Manga nor do you have to put up with PAL conversions.
This is a case of "what's the neat thing to do?" versus "what's the easy thing to do?"..
I have bought PAL conversions before despite not being a fan of PAL conversions, but strongly prefer native NTSC when it comes to DVD. But getting the R1 edition isn't really an option for me...
I may get it when the series has dropped in price, something we all know is bound to happen at some point with MangaUK releases. (especially DVDs)
I haven't made a firm decision yet, but am just saying I may get it when the price drops.
anime_andrew said:
Gurren Lagann - Ultimate Edition:
- Delayed until 2020. Kidding, it's on it's way to the warehouse now and I'll get samples shortly - expect photos of me hugging it in the foetal position after the pain we went through on it!
Whahahahaha... Seriously though, I would have approved of that! Chances I could afford it would likely have been way higher.
NormanicGrav said:
NIS America have announced the home video plans for The Eccentric Family, coming to Blu-ray subtitle only in January with the same packaging treatment as Toradora! Release Date: January 6th 2015
I hope this performs well enough so it gets dubbed later on since this looks like a great series.
I may watch it subbed if it doesn't get dubbed though. It's a series that joins my consideration-list.
NormanicGrav said:
What's left of KAZE:
- The rest of Bleach
- The Future Diary
- Magi Season 2
- Nisekoi
- A few licenses on Animax which may/may not go to them (Chunibyo!, Date A Live, Maoyu etc.)
No, no, no... Left of Kaze is void, right of Kaze is void, behind Kaze is what doomed them and in front of Kaze is doom.
NormanicGrav said:
Funimation have confirmed that Soul Eater NOT! will be receiving a bilingual* release on Blu-ray & DVD in Summer 2015.
*English dub and original Japanese language.
Time to bug MangaUK again for that Blu-ray for Soul Eater!
Nope, scratch that. Let's hope it goes OOP from Manga. So Anime Ltd can license it instead and give it what it deserves.
Mangaranga said:
Some more upcoming AniplexUSA release dates:
- Silver Spoon Season 2 - 16/12 (DVD only)
- Sword Art Online Extra Edition - 23/12
- Kill La Kill Volume 3 - 23/12 (LE has "Original Soundtrack CD #2")
- Kill La Kill Volume 4 - 24/02/15 (LE has ""Making Documentary" DVD #2")
Not entirely surprised that they decided to dub and release SAO Extra Edition. I am surprised it's taken them so bloody long to do so though.
I hope Anime Ltd will be allowed to move up Kill La Kill volume 2 of 3, otherwise we'll be in for a long wait between volume 1 and 2.
Either way the wait will minimally be 4 full months. Plenty of time to do thorough QC and all though.
Rui said:
Why do you all default to thinking 'can' means 'toilet' before any of the word's other meanings? Some people ;P
Wait, 'can' also means 'toilet'? Seriously? I should Google this instead of commenting this here, but well.. Colour me surprised.
Mangaranga said:
Assuming it was posted in the wrong thread so:
kuuderes_shadow said:
New american distributor, along with 2 titles from the upcoming season: http://www.crunchyroll.co.uk/anime-news ... or-ponycan
Though personally I'm more interested in this part: "PONYCAN also has future plans to launch new anime for worldwide streaming on a regular basis."
TL;DR: Pony Canyon has set up a US arm which will start releasing titles physcially in 2015 on BD and DVD "promising the same high standard of quality as the Japanese editions. "
So it's another AniplexUSA - in that it's a japanese company setting up a US arm with JP Quality releases. I'm perfectly fine with that.
Makes sense considering they have released quite a few high profile titles on home video in Japan like K-On, Free! and Attack on Titan.
Maybe this is who Andrew was referring to regarding the rights to Free! when he said "someone who can't really use them is sitting on them I believe."
And PONYCAN's older titles will be released under the label OFTUNA. "PONYCAN OFTUNA" =P
The only things I personally have to fear is prices, region locks, sub-only releases for titles that deserve or I want to watch dubbed,... *everybody stops listening as I continue my long list*
NormanicGrav said:
Aniplex Special Announcement for September was the Kill la Kill OVA at NY Comic Con... LOL
Q&A at around 45 mins in:
- No news on Madoka Rebellion English dub
- Kill la Kill OVA is subbed at NYCC, no information besides that
- 'Not sure' about Kill la Kill on Toonami
- Gurren Lagann domestic release "Keep in mind we're trying to provide the best quality release" "It is a domestic release and not an import"
- No news on Persona 3 Movies and Sword Art Online II English dub
- No news on Kara no Kyoukai re-release "if you want it we'll look into it"
- Irregular at Magic High School dub "do you want a dub?"
They're taking their time with Madoka Magica Rebellion... =/
anime_andrew said:
NormanicGrav said:
If Andrew does get Gundam, I wouldn't mind if they start off with Gundam Unicorn then proceed with the original shows.
I really want Unicorn but we could only do DVD for now if so and it's a show that really merits Blu-Ray so I'll have to wait a bit there.
I did just license a show that has a G in the title though...
the following posts it's actually hilarious how Andrew was talking about Gundam in the first place and people started guessing non-Gundam stuff. xD
Agent-347 said:
Sentai Filmworks January 2015 slate:
06 January 2015 - Dog and Scissors [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
06 January 2015 - Non Non Biyori [BD & DVD][SUB-ONLY]
06 January 2015 - Qwaser of Stigmata - Complete collection [BD & DVD][SUB-ONLY]
13 January 2015 - Amagami SS+ [BD][SUB-ONLY]
20 January 2015 - Little Busters! Refrain [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
20 January 2015 - Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse - Collection 1 [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
27 January 2015 - A-Channel [BD][SUB-ONLY]
27 January 2015 - Log Horizon - Collection 2 [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
27 January 2015 - Maid-Sama! [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
NOTE: Dog & Scissors and Maid-Sama are Blu-ray and dub upgrades simultaneously!
I'll consider watching Dog & Scissors. I definitely want to watch Maid-Sama. Log Horizon I'm waiting for a complete collection. (in the UK)
I'm pretty excited about Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse, for some reason. I'm also certain I'll be watching Little Busters (incl. Refrain) at some point in the near to distant future!
I wished Sentai had decided to dub pretty much all of the sub-only releases slated for January. :/ Not completely positive what I'll do with those anime yet. I'll watch at least one of them subbed, maybe even all.
sniper_samurai said:
NormanicGrav said:
Hopefully we will get a new series. Really want to see Dancing Very Merry Christmas get adapted. Also hope its not KyoAni, they did well with FUMOFFU but were a bit poor with Second Raid.
It'd really suck if it was a new anime series if you keep in mind the Anime Ltd Ultimate Edition planned for Winter/Spring 2015 (Q1/Q2).
I mean, if a new series would come out the Ultimate wouldn't be as ultimate anymore, and that'd mostly suck for the people who paid the £80~ish price that's expected if you keep the £129.99 SRP in mind Andrew mentioned earlier this year.
NormanicGrav said:
Funimation news:
- Ben-To and Sankarea will finally be re-released in 2015 (early 2015 for Sankarea) as the uncut materials have finally arrived
- Evangelion: 3.33 is still not finished - "a lot more approval, JP add their own subtitle track, JP handling a large portion of the production"
- They don't have the rights to Season 1 of Free!
- Danganronpa The Animation news is a weird response (based on the livestream response), "We don't have any news but we do have the home rights confirmed"
Re: Sankarea: Yes, finally.
Re: Evangelion 3.33: Sure...
Rui said:
NormanicGrav said:
Heads up folks - Manga UK's release of Gargantia is barebones. You'll only get the main episodes and OVA Episodes 14 & 15.
These lot aren't included (which were Blu-ray exclusive on the Viz release):
- Petite Gargiantia Mini-Episodes 1-13
- Petite Gargantia Special (subtitled only)
- Clean Openings & Ending
- Textless Episode Scenes
- Original Japanese Commercials
- Original Japanese Promotional Videos
Heh, no wonder the UK got it early. So if you want the episodes only, pick up Manga's release. If you like extras then well...
I am now officially assuming that wherever Manga UK doesn't go out of their way to aggressively promote things like extras and proper premium packaging, they will be absent or held for ransom on a special edition :/
Glad I ordered the US set.
It's sad we're missing out on the extras, but since I want to watch the anime I feel forced upon buying the MangaUK release.
But whatever happened, I'll probably be forced to do the illegal thing to watch certain of those extras, which sucks.
Rui, you only started assuming that last month? I expected you to assume that already for ages. XD
ConanThe3rd said:
NormanicGrav said:
Thinking about it just now. What if Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 is an Endless Eight style finale to the whole Rebuild series? Starts off with the events of 1.0 til 3.0 and vice versa until Shinji hits the 'Congratulations' button.
Because if there's anything I'd want more of is another **** Endless Eight.
You gave the Endless Eight only 4 starts? *puts sunglasses on and smirks*
NormanicGrav said:
Well this is interesting (Mangaranga this might be worth your attention since you do have the original sets).
Take a look at these screenshots between the first BD-Box of Haruhi and the new re-release of Season 1:
Melancholy I:
Melancholy III:
Notice any difference? :|
A bit hard to say which one I prefer, I think the former because the latter might be going overboard. But honestly I'd have to see in motion samples to actually have a valid preference.
I mean, the Shakugan no Shana BDs also look way better than the DVDs to me.
anime_andrew said:
Elaniel said:
Cel said:
The AoT soundtrack can be bought on Amazon. I already got it last week.
I was hoping to buy it from their store directly. May as well go with Amazon as it's not shown up still after many weeks. Last time I checked Amazon it was 2-4 week delivery so typical it showed up as soon as I gave up looking.
Expecting stock of AoT in office next week so it'll be listed then
I wonder why this still isn't listed on the Anime Ltd shop 2 months later.
Agent-347 said:
Sentai Filmworks December 2014 slate:
02 December 2014 - Diabolik Lovers [DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
02 December 2014 - Love, Chunibyou and Other Delusions [COLLECTOR'S EDITION COMBOPACK][DUAL AUDIO][SRP: $129.98]
02 December 2014 - Queen's Blade: Beautiful Warriors [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
09 December 2014 - EF: A Tale of Memories and Melodies [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
09 December 2014 - Hiiro no Kakera: The Tamayori Saga [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
09 December 2014 - Infinite Stratos II [DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
09 December 2014 - Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf [BD][SUB-ONLY]
16 December 2014 - Detroit Metal City [BD][SUB-ONLY]
16 December 2014 - Hidamari Sketch SP [BD][SUB-ONLY]
16 December 2014 - Reideen - COLLECTION 1 [DVD][SUB-ONLY]
16 December 2014 - The Ambition of Oda Nobuna [BD & DVD][DUAL AUDIO]
Of course I'm aware the Love, Chunibyou and Other Delusions set got delayed to 24 February 2015, but that's the most interesting title of the bunch.
Really hope to see Anime Limited license that show though so I don't have to consider getting the Sentai Filmworks set.
The Ambition of Oda Nobuna definitely interests me. And I hope MVM also release an EF ~ Tale of the Two BD complete collection early 2015.
The only title here I really think of that should have been dubbed is Reideen.
NormanicGrav said:
Makoto Shinkai Collection (Voices of a Distant Star / Place Promised / 5 Centimeters Per Second / Children Who Chase Lost Voices / Garden of Words) Update
Is the Shinkai box set still expected in Q4 and is there any idea of the month yet?
Anime Limited
We've settled on the dub costs etc so may well push ahead for end of year or Q1 on this now as the Shinkai Collection may well be timed to coincide with his anniversary in Japan - more on that in this quarter though!
I'm waiting on more news on this. Hope to see Anime Ltd reveal everything about Q1 2015 in the next 2 weeks or so.
NormanicGrav said:
I hope the Magical Girl Lyrical Nonoha Vivid anime will finally offset some anime distributor to license the other instalments for Blu-ray and dub the third series.
NormanicGrav said:
Funimation November 2014 Line up:
Certain Magical Index, A Season 1 DVD/Blu-ray Complete (Hyb) - $49.98 11/18/14
High School DxD New (Season 2) DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series (Hyb) Limited Edition - $69.98 - 11/11/14
High School DxD New (Season 2) DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series (Hyb) - $64.98 - 11/11/14
One Piece Season 6 DVD Part 1 (Hyb) Uncut - $39.98 - 11/18/14
One Piece Season 6 DVD Part 2 (Hyb) Uncut - $39.98 - 11/18/14
Toriko DVD Collection 2 (Hyb) (Eps 27-50) - $34.98 - 11/4/14
Yamada's First Time: B Gata H Kei DVD/Blu-ray Complete (Hyb) - S.A.V.E. Edition - $19.98 - 11/4/14
Confirmed for December 2014:
Cowboy Bebop DVD Complete Series (Hyb) - 12/16/14
Cowboy Bebop Blu-ray Complete Series (Hyb) - 12/16/14
Cowboy Bebop DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series (Hyb) Amazon Exclusive Premium Edition - 12/16/14
Cowboy Bebop DVD/Blu-ray Complete Series (Hyb) Funimation Exclusive Premium Edition - 12/16/14
Fairy Tail DVD/Blu-ray Part 14 (Hyb) - 12/2/14
I'll be getting
High School DxD New BD from MangaUK in 2015. (I also hope to see an OVA collection)
I'm probably going to be buying the
Yamada's First Time S.A.V.E. BD when it gets confirmed the reversible cover has the title on the spine.
NormanicGrav said:
The DVD and Collector's Edition Blu-ray for Battle of Gods include the additional extras, whereas the standard Blu-ray does not. It also can't be helped that they're pulling yet another Attack on Titan problem here - putting HD extras onto DVD.
I may not give a damn about anything Dragon Ball (besides being glad it's available for the fans), but those actions with the HD extras do annoy me.
MangaUK isn't moving forward anymore, honestly... ever since that company tried to act professional it became boring and annoying. Hope to see some major changes soon.
I don't have anything against Jeremy, nice chap. Neither do I dislike Jerome, though his radio silence the past 3 months makes me think he's starting to be done with the anime industry.
It wouldn't completely surprise me if he announced he's passing the torch to a younger chap next year. He has been through a lot of **** in the past 9 years after all.
NormanicGrav said:
Joshawott said:
FUNimation have nabbed Haruhi (seems to be everything sans Disappearance), Lucky Star, the Steins;Gate movie and the Strike Witches movie. Also, home video rights for D-Frag, BlazBlue: Alter Memory, Freezing Vibration, Riddle Story Devil and Unbreakable Machine Doll.
^ This.
Looking forward to adding Strike Witches movie to my collection, kind of hoping they'll make it so it fits nicely next to the Strike Witches artbox but I doubt they'll do that.
I'm waiting for the UK release of the Steins;Gate movie to buy myself the Steins;Gate complete collection. So yeah..
I can't really comment what my thoughts are on the other licenses given I know barely anything about them. But I'm sure I'll comment on some of those when they enter the US/UK schedule.
Given I'm growing extremely frustrated with Sentai Filmworks I'm not too mad about The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya & Lucky Star ending up with Funimation. There won't be a workaround to play the presumably A-only discs, but at least it stands a decent chance to get what it deserves. Although Sentai are now also releasing Limited Editions I'm really pissed at some of their dub decisions and don't have a lot of faith in them at the moment of speaking, so anything I remotely am afraid of getting another season that should get dubbed using the existing cast I'd rather not have go to Sentai. I'm living in fear about Zero no Tsukaima. LET THE HORROR END. Give me those other seasons' dubs.
I still wish I could afford the JP BD-box, it seems like a heavenly awesome set.
MISCELLANEOUS (Small/Other stuff/comments)
- The "
Rui bought a region B player" post is pretty big news, but I don't have anything useful to say in response to it.
- I agree with the "
I'd rather have a physical release than having a stream for them", I really wish Anime Ltd would announce some DVD-only stuff. Next to the lack of streams in Belgium I strongly prefer not having to rely on my internet connection. I also feel I actually gave something back when I bought a release opposed to when I stream on eg. YouTube. (even though I know YouTubers like Etho and Guude Boulderfist make a living of YouTube)
- I wonder if there's an update on
Joshawott's brother ft. Kill La Kill.
- I like some of the details we got from
Sunrise at Otakon.
- It's good to know From the New World will get
a complete collection. Wonder what's taking so long for Needless and Shakugan no Shana II though.
- Reading
this again today makes me smile because I know what happened after that. =P
- Also
this puts a smile on my face given nothing has been revealed as of yet. =P
- "
The internet is a strange place" => It's not just the internet, NormanicGrav!
- The Attack on Titan release is a mess, indeed.
I agree. They improved because Blu-ray is cheaper now though, but they seem to be screwing with us more than ever.
- I wonder whether MangaUK would consider releasing Black Rock Shooter on Blu-ray. Probably not. =/ It's an awesome anime in my opinion, though. (In reply to
- I really hope Andrew Partridge didn't actually
vomit blood last month.
- Funimation's
December 2014 line-up is pretty uninteresting.
- M
yeah. *gives a you know what I'm thinking look*
- Gun-da-smile. (
- There are quite a few interesting titles amongst the ones mentioned
Sentai teasing they have 4 of.
The Simpsons anime references: funny. =P Imagine if those anime actually had their casts Simpson-ified.