Let me start with the most caring and important company on the UK scenery at this point. I hope to see them release their Q1 2015 release schedule soon and get word on what's going on with Blood Lad.
What catches my attention is that all of Anime Limited's licenses beside Nerima Daikon Brothers and Outlaw Star are for Blu-ray (and DVD).
I hope that isn't going to annihilate the chances for certain SD titles to get (re)released in the future since some of my favourite anime don't have Blu-ray masters.
Although I'm aware there're experiments with putting SD anime content on Blu-ray I doubt Anime Ltd would commit to that for series like Moon Phase, Vandread and School Rumble I want them to license. =P
I would also like it if Andrew gave us another "XX anime movies and YY anime series that haven't been announced by us yet are in the process of being licensed"-count like he sporadically did in the past.
→ Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (
I can't remember ever hearing about this show before, so Andrew made a great acquisition! (not sarcastic, I think this is a great move)
I'm not really convinced about and by the animation, but the premise sounds good so I'm going to probably give it a chance.
Checking the
Blu-ray vs DVD comparisons posted by NormanicGrav I find the Blu-ray looks way better just like with Shakugan no Shana. One again I might be the only one thinking that though.
At this point I can't comment yet whether I'd pre-order it, but I'm simply interested. When some release dates get announced I'll be able to give a better answer though.
The anime ended 30 March 2005, so if Andrew can release it 30 March 2015 it'll be released exactly 10 years after the anime ended which would be great timing on that part!
Judging the FaceBook post I checked after writing the above line Andrew might have that idea already.
→ Short Peace (
This definitely feels like the "lesser of the three" if you compare the three announcements.
I have my doubt I'd pick this up. I watched a livestream on the game and while okay I don't expect to be blown away by the short pieces to justify paying for it.
But like some others have said, Andrew is a master in convincing people to get his releases. *whistles mysteriously*
→ Baccano (Blu-ray) (
Andrew mentions he thinks nobody expected this, but I actually did expect this one. Now go and get the Blu-ray rights for Clannad, Andrew!
That put aside
(seriously, go get the Blu-ray rights for Clannad, Andrew), I should say some more on this announcement.
I'm happy to see this announced for UK Blu-ray, I was tempted to import the US release a few times, but I didn't and am glad I didn't.
I just hope the presumably forthcoming Ultimate Edition isn't going to be overly expensive. I personally think a SRP of £59.99 might be pushing it already though, but we'll see what they come up with.
It seems like a great show with neat animation and plenty of praise for the English dub, which is only a bonus.
This is by far the best announcement of the weekend and a pre-order candidate.
I tried ordering the announcements from most to least interesting here in the MVM section. I tried.
→ No Game No Life
Great announcement. I'll definitely consider getting this, assuming this will be a Blu-ray release.
I have my doubts about their tweet stating this is going to be a Q1 title though. It's not even in Sentai's release schedule of January or February.
→ Michiko and Hatchin
What happened, Andrew? How did you lose this title to MVM?!
Seriously though, if MVM are putting this out on Blu-ray (with artbox perhaps) they'll have already a great start to 2015.
I'm only interested in a complete collection or collector's edition parts though.
→ Kamisama Dolls
Great license announcement. Blu-ray please.
→ Otorimonogatari and Koimonogatari
Obviously this was expected, great to see these instalments of the second season surface.
I'm still going to wait for a complete collection for the second season though. It'd take way too much shelf space otherwise.
→ Battle Girls: Time Paradox
I'll consider it if it gets a Blu-ray release, otherwise I won't. I'm interested though. Not as much as with Kamisama Dolls, Michiko and Hatchin & No Game No Life though obviously.
→ Tsuritama
I am considering it. But as with all the others a Blu-ray is essential for me to consider buying it.
→ Infinite Stratos 2
I got this anime recommended before, but without Blu-ray I'm definitely not picking it up.
Just like Joshawott I question what they are planning on releasing in Q1 2015 given nothing much has been announced for it yet.
It's not unusual for Manga to have a quiet Q1, but this quiet would be overkill. Maybe they are going to surprise us with some Blu-ray upgrades or something else? I'm not getting my hopes up though.
→ Samurai Brides
The good news is we got the Blu-ray confirmed. The bad news is that we don't know whether this actually is a Manga release, a Kaze release or a Kaze release in disguise (like the One Piece movie collections).
Either way, unless they print more of Samurai Girls on Blu-ray I doubt I'll pick this up. I do want to watch the anime though!
→ Yu-Gi-Oh!
I'll consider it when it drops in price if it is a PAL conversion.
Agent-347 said:
→ Q → Could we see a UK release of Hyouka?
→ A → The odds are high of a release at some point, so it's likely a matter of "when" not "if".
Good to hear! I am definitely interested in watching this one! ^_^
Sad we haven't heard anything yet from either USA or UK about this. I'm waiting. (I do hope it'll get dubbed though)
Agent-347 said:
→ Q → Tamako Market or Chunibyou to come to the UK?
→ A → "There's something in the works", says Manga Entertainment.
Interesting! I honestly would prefer to see Chu2Koi released by Anime Ltd... But it all comes down to me wanting a rigid case. :3
The annoying part in this all is that Sentai releases are getting locked to region A again. :/
Tamako Market would be a good announcement, but I wouldn't mind this being a barebones release, I think.
It surprises me neither Anime Limited, Manga or MVM had an announcement for either Tamako Market or Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai.
I will -however- be disappointed if whoever gets Chu2Koi doesn't make an actual collector's edition with a rigid artbox.
If Andrew reads this, any teases you can give us? "At least one of the titles you mention you want to go to us is actually going to us" would already be pleasing. ^_~
Elaniel said:
Shame Lodoss wasn't one of them.

I know I keep going on, but that is the one single show I really am desperate for a license and Blu-Ray.
You have only one show you desperately want Anime Ltd to license? Only one? ONE?!
Seriously. It's sad to think about it, none of the series I already watched and really really really want to own have been announced/licensed yet in the last few years (or released on the right format).
It's like saying I have bad taste without actually saying it. xP I'll just continue under the assumption like with Hyouka and Chu2Koi that it's an event/announcement bound to happen though.
Cel said:
I can only imagine the glorious Attack on Titan Ultimate Edition All the Anime could have gave us. Shame Manga got it and give us that piss poor "collectors edition".
Yeah, that collector's edition is a disgrace to even regular editions. I'm not planning on buying it, ever.