Well, it's been a while since we've been in touch! We sincerely apologise for the delay in getting our post up - but it's only because we've been super busy beavering away on our Patema Inverted release! And boy do I have a lot to share with you today.
So where are we on the project?
The home video
There is plenty to update you here!
The English dub is pretty much done and ready to be incorporated into the film! Yay! As we mentioned during the campaign, there was already a dub on the books and paid for so it wasn't part of the Kickstarter but it sure is nice to have that all done.
The video extras are currently being translated and we expect them to be done by the end of this month. This means that we've been able to send off all the video elements (except the extras of course) to the authoring house - who are now working on it. So in a nutshell, everything's on schedule!
As mentioned during the campaign,
we're including the light novel for Patema Inverted as an extra as a thanks for the support. This novel has been translated by Jonathan Clements and is now currently with the designer to be turned into a lovely, easy-to-read book.
We've also recently received the pages for the visual fan guide here in the office and have now sent them away for translation. It's a gorgeous book so we're really excited that we can include it as part of the ultimate edition. It's never been translated into English so we're excited to be the first to offer it for English-speaking fans! And finally,
we're adapting the press notes from the release of the film in Japan to release digitally to backers too! The press notes are currently sitting with our resident creative person and she's hard at work turning them into a lovely digital extra.
Backer surveys and posters
And the big question we've been getting for a while:
when will the backer surveys go out? I know we've been vague about this but I can finally confirm that the backer surveys for Patema Inverted will go out by Friday July 25th. The posters will be sent out shortly afterward. Sorry for the delay on that folks! But since we are talking about posters, we've had to search high and low for poster tubes in the awkward quad sizes and in just the right number... I think you can see from the picture below that we were successful? And that's just a small portion of them - our office is lined with poster tubes so we really can't wait to get the posters out and reclaim some office space! So in conclusion, everything is moving ahead and we are on schedule! As ever, any questions, comments or queries add them to the comments below.
Thanks everyone and enjoy your July