The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

Shiroi Hane said:
Rena Ryuugu said:
Going to have a guess at that sub only release being Toradora or Fate/Zero.
I'd love Toradora, but I don't think it counts as "recent" anymore.

And fate/zero seems unlikely given the dub announcment, unless they snagged it well before that was announced.
Dan said:
Is it gonna be 16:9 or 4:3?
It's gonna be 4:3...unless they somehow manage do a DBZ orange brick on us and decide to lop off the top and bottom ;) There are screens of the JP release here.

My bet for the "big MVM sub-only title that everyone likes" is for either Toradora or Bakemonogatari still.
Dan said:
Ath said:
Dan said:
Is it gonna be 16:9 or 4:3?
It's gonna be 4:3...unless they somehow manage do a DBZ orange brick on us and decide to lop off the top and bottom ;) There are screens of the JP release here.
Damn it, thanks for responding.
Would you honestly want them to crop bits off the original picture to make it fit a widescreen TV? Let me just give you an idea of how that would look and how much of the picture you would lose using one of the screenshots above:


No thanks. Original aspect ratios should always be preserved.
Don't most TVs let you zoom in if you are allergic to black bars these days? Better that way around than wrecking the video on the disc.

No wouldn't want it cropped but when you play DVDs they are widescreen even when they are 4:3 but everything on Blu-ray seems locked to 4:3 ( like DBZ Kai) and I find it really annoying.
Sounds to me that you've got a setting flipped somewhere on your DVD player that stretches 4:3 images horizontally. Everything will look squished and out of proportion.
Ath said:
Sounds to me that you've got a setting flipped somewhere on your DVD player that stretches 4:3 images horizontally. Everything will look squished and out of proportion.

I've never changed my settings on any DVD player and i've had a a few over the years and The Cowboy Bebop DVD for example has always played in widescreen, personally prefer it like to tbh.

Just find it strange that Blu-ry isn't the same, they seem to have taken that option away. Although I did read that basically Kai is widescreen, the black lines are part of the picture, so it would seem companies are manufacturing them like that. Unless I'm talking rubbish :D
Yeah, if the original was 4:3 and it's filling your widescreen TV then it's either been cropped or your TV/DVD player is stretching the image. I can't stand to watch either, but each to their own. I'd certainly prefer it if people who wanted to do so stretched the 4:3 picture via TV/DVD player settings, rather than the original picture being cropped on the discs (something I hope we've left behind) and denying those who want to watch it in original aspect ratio the option of doing so.
ayase said:
Yeah, if the original was 4:3 and it's filling your widescreen TV then it's either been cropped or your TV/DVD player is stretching the image. I can't stand to watch either, but each to their own. I'd certainly prefer it if people who wanted to do so stretched the 4:3 picture via TV/DVD player settings, rather than the original picture being cropped on the discs (something I hope we've left behind) and denying those who want to watch it in original aspect ratio the option of doing so.

I'd second that, then we are all happy :lol:

Btw, I think it's the TV setting.
If the imagem is 4:3, i just change the settings to watch it the way its meant to be. Otherwise i can easily see that the image is quite weird. :mrgreen:
It's all down to preference for black bars versus filling your entire TV up I guess. I mean for a 4:3 image I'd much rather have this:

Than seeing it either squished like this:

Or cropped like this:

It's amazing how things have changed though. 10 years ago it was all about widescreen movies not filling 4:3 TVs and having the black bars on the top and bottom. Resulting in the release of the monstrosities known as pan-and-scan full screen DVDs. Ah well, as long as the video on the disc itself is the way it was intended to be seen, then anyone can mess about it with their TV settings to suit their preferences :)

Anyway I've gone waaaaaay off topic, so here's an interesting looking trailer for the upcoming Flowers of Evil anime.
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Ath said:
Anyway I've gone waaaaaay off topic, so here's an interesting looking trailer for the upcoming Flowers of Evil anime.
I really hope they do this justice. I'd have preferred the manga to stay un-adapted to be perfectly honest.
I find that attitude strange, why would you not be excited for the possibility of an upcoming adaptation of something you like turning out positively and resulting in more people getting to experience it? If they mess it up, sure, be down on them, but if it stays unadapted then they never even get the chance to do it justice.
I was excited for the OVA adaptation of Nana to Kaoru, only for that to be an awful representation of the manga. That experience has left me a little wary around adaptations of manga that I really enjoy.