The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
Any time off, will be annualleave, i can't just take it as unpaid. I feel happy that now all my bank holidays and sickpay will be paid.... and that i'll have annual leave assigned to me, i no longer have to accrue annual leave on a ratio of 10 hours worked 1 hour annual leave. i just have to take any time i want off early, as annual leave.... working my life around a "week by week" basis has just died, now i have to plan and scrape and save and be more observant of my money.... CRAP!!!

Thats both awesome and sad news. lol

I know what it's like having to work life around work. I used to have to work 80+ hour weeks in the states and even though each year I got a weeks paid holiday, I never took it cause well, I never had anywhere to really I was to tired and stressed with work to even think about going any where haha.

Being observant with money sucks lol but it prevents being broke and going into debt so... lol
80 Hour weeks? ouch, i'm contracted to 37.5 hours per week, although i've been able to get out of having to work full weeks on the small loophole called "on call"

I get to take an on call mobile home, sit around doing anything i would do normally. but the phone can ring and i have to answer who ever needs my help.... thats between 17.30 and 20.00 which goes by rather quick really. Due to the hours i "put in" on call i'm usually owed time each week, which is why i've been able to leave early every friday, its a nice loophole and the pay is better, so long as the on call service is there, i'll leave early on set days lol.

Thankfully with my post closing, and being opened as a perm member of staff they have to pay all owing annual leave....which currently totals (including the hours i'll be paid for working last week) to 66Hours 15Mins paid to me this week. They now give me 27 days annual leave to take between now and april, where i'll be reset to 27days anyway. Overall i'll have to scrape by this month until the 25th (where i'll be paid by the new trust for 15th - 30th nov) and the 27th (where i'll be paid by the old trust for between today and the 14th) So for the next 2/3weeks, which include, a birthday this weekend, my mums birthday next weekend, and my birthday the weekend afterwards.... then 2 paydays :)
Akiha said:
Being observant with money sucks lol but it prevents being broke and going into debt so... lol
Nah, that's easy, just get more than you spend! *says that looking all matter of factly*

Anyway, congrats on becoming a perm Tachi. You went the other route that I've took. I used to be a perm and now I'm a contractor. I think it gives me a lot more freedom, as well as release me from all the corporate politics sh*t.

Oh and I used to be paid by the hour about 5 years ago, so back then I used to work 70 works a week =P
Hey guys been catching up on some lucky star, also this PC game called Street Line Racing: Redline, it's a sequel to this in depth car game where you can customise the appearance and tune parts from the fuel and air intake to the dampers. Most of the Mods for it are Russian made, but there are a few choice Brazil ones too, from Dodge D100s to Chevy Opalas'. I'll post some pictures somewhen

Anyhow other then that I've made an Apple Crumble, so if you want to to come over to have some
Congratulations on getting a perm, Tach. Just look where it got Brian May.

Otaku-san said:
Anyhow other then that I've made an Apple Crumble, so if you want to to come over to have some
Damn it, now I want apple crumble.

::remembers 24hr Tesco is now less than five minutes walk::

Be right back.
Stuart-says-yes said:

Also I went to tokyo toys and the lady behind the counter was cosplaying as miku hatsune at her job. It seems like an awesome job, standing at a counter in cosplay listening to anime OP's.

Wavering degrees off want

Those artbooks thay had at the Expo of Shugo Chara and Neko Overrun, bloody £35 each. Your paying for the binding, then anything else!!
the words "FOR FU.CKS SAKES" just don't cover it.

**** day at work

**** on call ahead

****** best friends gf is back so he's not going to the gym tonight/

****** people in general and my gf is going out tonight now, rather than save her money and come out on friday with the rest of her friends.

SHITTTTT this i'm going home.
Stuart-says-yes said:
It seems like an awesome job, standing at a counter in cosplay listening to anime OP's.
One downside to the role is that the location of the store changes once a year or so. Since I first started visiting it, the place has relocated twice. On each occasion, it moved to an increasingly smaller premises within the Trocadero.

me and the other half seem to have everything sorted out now. hopefully the rest of today and tomorrow fly by, just need to see her.

What made you move to england Akiha? surely not the weather :)
What are you talking about? I LOVE the pouring down rain we've been getting here all damn day. haha

Actually, the weather here doesn't bother me to much, I'll miss the nice warm/hot summers for sure but I do enjoy being here and life is more...calm.

I moved here to be with my husband actually.
So more a change of scenery/pace of life then :) can’t fault anyone for that,

Thankfully no rain in sight today Just wanting the day to end. Get to see the gf at lunch tomorrow. And then again at night.
Ah well that's good. I know what it's like having to wait to see your other half. My husband and I had a 4 month visit interval. It was tough let me tell you.
Damn :/ i found it really bad for the first week we where apart, so much so that i quit the forums (I've been here years and infact founded this thread) until i got to a stage that i thought normality had come back, looking back on it though, lifes always changing and there's no such thing as normal. So i'm just living week by week until the weekends come and i can go see her.

Sometimes...distance makes the heart grow fonder.....sometimes getting too fond can become self torment.

Thankfully there's beer, and gym, and best mate, so lifes not so bad lol.

Will need to talk to you more, you seem nice to talk to :)
Evening folks, i hope all is well Tachi, that kind of stuff is awful for anyone in a relationship

oh a lighter and completely unrelated note, i passed my driving theory, if i am honest i was a bit apathetic when i found out, but i'm very pleased nonetheless
Tachi- said:
So i'm just living week by week until the weekends come and i can go see her.

Sometimes...distance makes the heart grow fonder.....sometimes getting too fond can become self torment.

Very true on all counts.

Tachi- said:
Will need to talk to you more, you seem nice to talk to :)

Aww thanks, likewise =D

memorium said:
oh a lighter and completely unrelated note, i passed my driving theory, if i am honest i was a bit apathetic when i found out, but i'm very pleased nonetheless

Congrats!!! I still need to get my driving situation sorted out. I have until July next year but it be best to get my UK license before that.
I have just realised that Akiha lives nearby to me.
Have you ever been in the Delicatessen on West Park Street? They serve Australian carbonated beverages and pleasant summer kebabs, though one has to keep ones elbows close to ones person to prevent causing an incident.
Zin5ki said:
I have just realised that Akiha lives nearby to me.
But nearer to me. Though I also live but a 36-39 minute rail journey from yourself now Zin5ki.

Harrogate I find overrated, though I find myself disillusioned by many British cites now; especially given the rapid decline in media retailers. I used to enjoy browsing shops, but it's no fun when there's no choice.

"I think I'll have a look for that DVD I'd like in HMV. Okay, let's see what price it is in Z... Oh, Zavvi doesn't exist any more. Well then, I'll have a look in Bo... Oh, Borders doesn't exist any more either. Music Zone?"

"Forget it, I'll just go home and look on the internet."