The General Conversation Area

Did anyone see Hatsune Miku in the Metro today? It was really... bizarre reading it. The "story" was on their third page, the one they usually reserve for stories about bunnies and the like.
Ah, no problem since they have it online, cheers for the link.

edit: heh, yeah, that is kind of random. And so factually inaccurate, making out like she doesn't exist, those jokers.

It Has Been To Long Brethren!!

Come, Let us Bask in the Glow of the Monitor, Whilst Quaffing our Mead
Well a little piece of me dies each day so I'm ageing...Oooh "'aning' right well..For a while I was watching some, how to say 'normal' cartoons like Chowder (funny stuff) so I wouldn't have much to say other then lerk so I just didn't come at all.
Other then that I was a Wales last weekend for 4 days (Cardiff Bay area, very bustling). In that time I got to watch Asobi, witch was a waste of time. Though I got to catch up on some other shows witch I download right at the last minute before we went away.
Right at the moment I'm sending a few choice emails about the October expo that's next week, with some interesting guest attending (Roger Craig Smith & Stephanie Sheh (at last some talent)) and thinking about getting a Brownie Flashholder for my Kodak
Otaku-san said:
Right at the moment I'm sending a few choice emails about the October expo that's next week, with some interesting guest attending (Roger Craig Smith & Stephanie Sheh (at last some talent)) and thinking about getting a Brownie Flashholder for my Kodak
I presume you shall be joining us, then. Excellent.
You can regale us with tales from Cardiff. I have much to learn of so isolated a place as that.
ilmaestro said:
It's awesome, you should definitely move it to the head of your viewing list.

well let me watch some Amagami first since I've still to see Ai's arc. I don't know about you or anyone else but I like to keep up to date on series that I've been watching first before plummeting into a new story. Otherwise yes first Amagami then Ore no Imouto.
My former college's online prospectus contains a picture of me, oddly enough. Several other students are shown sitting on some steps, whilst I climb these steps avoiding any interaction with those around me. This may well be to their benefit.
morning, anyone ever had really wierd dreams? ive been having really wierd ones lately, they arent good for my depression either, its always raining in them and people are upset and stuff but I cant help them, its kinda hard to explain I guess, but its really bringing me down
Stuart-says-yes said:
SciFiBoy said:
morning, anyone ever had really wierd dreams? ive been having really wierd ones lately, they arent good for my depression either, its always raining in them and people are upset and stuff but I cant help them, its kinda hard to explain I guess, but its really bringing me down

I have weird dreams all the time, I believe your dreams reflect how you feel or something, so maybe your dreams reflect your depression.

I guess, it would explain alot, probably should speak to my GP about it, might need a new perscription or something, I really dont like having these dreams cause I feel like **** when I wake up :(
I don't think you can medicate dreams away. I love my dreams, even the deeply disturbing ones, as I just love being somewhere other than the (usually ****) real world. I had a Fallout themed dream on Saturday night; even though at one point I was sawing someone's limbs off with a chainsaw I was still disappointed when I woke up.
I've had two dreams I would categorise as being "awesome". One involved my school on fire, due to smoking teachers (i've typed up that story before) and the other was me as Spyro the Dragon flying around (think bonus world, game 3).

The majority of the time, my lazy mind just doesn't create a decent enough narrative so I forget whatever images almost instantly.

You can train yourself to start lucid dreaming, somehow. That should sort it out.