The General Conversation Area

Ended up at work about an hour and half longer than I thought I would today. Was fun when you realise you can scream bloody murder when things start going wrong and there's nobody around to hear you.

Must have been a sight on the camera system, though.
Max Takeshi said:
Ended up at work about an hour and half longer than I thought I would today. Was fun when you realise you can scream bloody murder when things start going wrong and there's nobody around to hear you.

Must have been a sight on the camera system, though.

Dare I ask what went so wrong you were inspired to exclaim such a phrase?
Maybe he just thought "sod it, i'm here longer than i have to be, this hunk of crap on my desk is giving me grief, nobody else is here.... i can go batshit crazy and nobody will ever know"


Morning people,

I love getting on the bus to work in the morning...realising i know people on the bus from high school (this morning a girl from my tutor class in high school for 5 years was on the bus) and they don't recognize me :) Just love the confused look on their face and the obvious "i know you from somewhere but i don't know where" plastered all over their face :p

I've done it! I've found the Sake i bought at the Japanese Matsuri, I've been looking all over for this, it tastes so nice that i could do with a couple of bottles stashed away for special occasions.

Kasumitsuru Sake (Kimoto Karakuchi) 300 ml

Going to try this aswell:
Hakushika Nama Sake 180 ml
Tachi- said:
Just love the confused look on their face and the obvious "i know you from somewhere but i don't know where" plastered all over their face
How quaint. I seldom enjoy such episodes, for there they come not without an air of awkwardness.
Godot said:
Dare I ask what went so wrong you were inspired to exclaim such a phrase?

Nearly fell down some stairs backwards :( Then smacked into a glass door.

Would've been frightening if it wasn't so damn funny.

And yes, Tachi-, going crazy is a particular highlight of the day for me. Even better during the autumn/winter months since everybody can just peer in a window and see you participating in such a peculiar scenario.
Zin5ki said:
Tachi- said:
Just love the confused look on their face and the obvious "i know you from somewhere but i don't know where" plastered all over their face
How quaint. I seldom enjoy such episodes, for there they come not without an air of awkwardness.


Max Takeshi said:
Godot said:
Dare I ask what went so wrong you were inspired to exclaim such a phrase?

Nearly fell down some stairs backwards :( Then smacked into a glass door.

Would've been frightening if it wasn't so damn funny.

And yes, Tachi-, going crazy is a particular highlight of the day for me. Even better during the autumn/winter months since everybody can just peer in a window and see you participating in such a peculiar scenario.

They'd have a task with me, 8 floors to see me going crazy lol I guess you’d have to be one of the guys ab sailing down the building, cleaning the windows outside to see that.

This begs the question...

Are we human? or are we dancers? ;)
Sounds good mate :)

I'm currently trying to talk to the missus about an misunderstanding, she's decided to look through the back history of this thread....needless to say, things i've said in the past for comic affect have backfired on me. SO i'm pretty much trying to avoid the dog house :p

Have on call tonight, but hoping to talk to the other half on skype and make everything cool again.
F-king hate these antisocial working weeks that require all my endurance to stay alive, especially through the tough times... Really has been a naff week.

Hope everyone's been okay. Not been online much, far too tierd to do so.
@Tachi - I'm probably the kind with the confused faces. lol But I've also had it the other way around too.
Stu, you need help mate lol. I've had a weird dream in the past myself….where I woke up and all facial hair was gone, replaced with moist rice, which I'd shave off…and it instantly grew back afterwards. It was disgusting and for about a week I shaved everyday to get rid of any facial hair, i knew it was impossible...but still felt strongly that by shaving each day i'd be "protected" from it. (this was years ago, looking back it might me as simple as: my body was changing, and for my brain to come to terms with such changes, it tried to explain it with rice…..which I tend to eat a lot of)

@ Chazzy chaz, out of the doghouse now. Going up there today so should be a good weekend ahead :) Hopefully you'll have a good weekend too :thumb:
Just had a perculiar Death Note moment that I thought I would mention here.

I have a Death Note wallet that I have had for three years. In all this time, even in London no one has noticed it. Its so old its falling apart now. It was only when I am out in the sticks in Warsash village does anyone recognize it. There was me paying for chocolate in the local Co-op when the sales assistant recognized it. He then told me his younger sister is crazy about Death Note, but he only likes the live action.

It completely caught me by surprise. I kind of understand why those guys carry those Ghost in the Shell messanger bags now. Its precisely for a moment like this, when someone recognizes it.

On a related note, I recently saw a chap wearing a Zeon jacket in a nearby Spa town. I haven't even seen anyone wearing such apparel at the Expos I've attended.
The strangest thing happened today - some girl was just lying in the middle of the road outside my house. Looked like she was sunbathing but, she had all her clothes on.

I did do the moral thing, and walk all the way up to her and ask if she was okay, and apparently she was. I went back and she'd disappeared though.

Strange day. lol.
I really fancy a chilli con carne right now....yes this early in the morning... i was up till 2.30 because kayls went out drinking.... neeeeeeed sleeeeeep.
I'm like that throughout the beginning of the week. Mainly because I get up too early for my likings... I'm used to it, but I aint a morning person. (Kind of a curse I'm bearing atm.)

Well, after many years going off "Diet" coke/Pepsi, I just realised that I do actually like the taste of Diet Pepsi (but not CocaCola, bleh!)... Mind you, Pepsi MAX is still my fav and I'm sure that's healthier.
On the similar drinking note: I've learnt how to make a Mocha coffee at work... and now I'm implementing that at home too! (Yeah, I hate coffee in it's broadened/general type, but this is an exception.) Although instead of using the automated froth arm, I have to work with heated milk and wisk it like crazy in a measuring jug. But it's do-able, and still tastes great.
Chazzy chaz.... where we seperated at birth

I stay up till 1.30/2am but had to stay up because kayls was out. not out of worry, but out of - i wasn't tired, i'd been drinking and playing pool and had nando's.

Had a state of drinkin pepsi, and used to drink coffee before heading off to high school.... now i can't stand the stuff, orange juice :thumb:

new flatmate in kayls uni.... already put up my guard. plus....he's a he might be smoking weeds and raping people (i joke ofcorse)
Hey, that's not a joke on my side. I've shared a room with a black guy and an associate who smoked weed on a Uni trip. They "respected" my dislike for it so I didn't make an issue myself. (Plus it meant they had more to themselves, I suppose.) Wasn't like they were going through 10 spliffs an hour and there were no girls to rape. They didn't seem gay anyways. lol.

Anyways, I wish I could stay up 'til 2am... Ryo can tell you how much he hates me going to bed at 11pm, when he wants to play X-box 360 louder than he can. I just shut down on the spot, practically.