The General Conversation Area

Jayme said:
the other was me as Spyro the Dragon flying around (think bonus world, game 3).

Wow I had a dream similar to that a few weeks was pretty awesome

Woke up and wanted to play the game lol
Aogu said:
Dreams are epic. End of. I had a MCM theme dreamed last night.
I actually underwent a dream on a similar topic recently. To my horror, I assumed it was the day of the Expo, and that I had awoken too late. One regained ones composure quickly, however.
Afternoon all, Had a good weekend and a alright day off yesterday….sadly failed my driving test, as an inpatient b*stard decided to undertake me rather than wait as he was supposed to. Nothing I could do. If I stopped I'd have failed for making other cars change speed or direction. If i carried on going, whilst indercating left as i was...i'd have the jerk undertake me and i failed for observations at a junction...there was nothing i could do. so (the road was a roundabout and i was asked to stay in the right hand lane and come off in the right hand lane, whilst at the lights on the roundabout... the lane then joined from 2 to 1, so thats when the inpatient arsewipe undercut me)

Besides being fouled over be pricks who shouldn't have driving licenses, I'm fine…got hauled into the office and given a nice complaint this morning…. Woke up at 8.30 and had to make my way in on my own, in the rain…. But managed to get some redbull and get to the bus intime, got into work early aswell. Got stuff at lunch, despite being slightly halted by beardy asian teenage girls in poundland i managed to get some lunch and get back to the office early. worked my **** off and managed to beat down the amassed crap that someone put on my desk yesterday. all whilst texting the missus and replaying advanced wars in my mind. (have ben playing it alot recently, very good strategy game)

Nearly the end of the day, gunna chill for abit. Get to go home and watch more naruto, play more advanced wars, and talk you my gorgeous girlfriend :p
ahh don't worry about it mate, it did annoy me, infact alot of things tested my patience....but the fact is.....i'm happy

Finally found peace with myself, just looking forward to the weekends, have a good 6 or so weeks booked up with plans. can't wait :)

now going to book myself a friday off and have a really nice long weekend off :) Haven't worked a full week in over a month and suprisingly...i get paid more for less work than i do for working alot, Tax is a fickle thing.

went to sleep at 2.30, woke up at 4, managed to sleep on and off till 6, slept properly till 7.45 and then wanted to just stay in bed all today. back upto northampton this weekend. Looking forward to seeing my baby again :) off to see RED, or paranormal activity 2 tonight, aswell as nando's....and i'm not paying, so looking forward to that too.

Anyway....i'm off now.. probably go find something practical to do to stay awake.
I had to demo my C# programs today and it didn't go down well. I ******* hate programming. I don't mind other types of coding, like SQL, but software development just doesn't like me.
hey maxon,

i've lived be a motto for a long time, so far its helped me through alot.... persistence is the key to success.

keep drumming it into your head, eventually it'll be second nature.
Maxon said:
I had to demo my C# programs today and it didn't go down well. I **** hate programming. I don't mind other types of coding, like SQL, but software development just doesn't like me.

If I had a penny for everytime i thought like that, There was a lot of programming that i could never get to grips with, a lot of the thinking. With C# I'm better at using it but I could never understand the principles of things like memory leaks.

Still sounds like people are having a better time then I'm having currently.
Feeling good,

went to nandos with the family (first time for parents) then went and saw RED. funny film. still unsure whether the film was meant to be taken seriously or not. :p

on call tonight....means - make a minimum of 10 calls, then the rest of the time sit relaxing, talking to the amazing gf kayls on skype. hoping i can dowload a few movies in time, i accidentally purchased the 2010 sherlock holmes instead of the 2009 - robert downey jr, jude law film. so as i've paid for it, might aswell download it. Only have until tonight...because tomorrow i'm heading to northampton for a fun filled fuc.king weekend of nandos, nachos, alcohol and fun ;) Hoping this years birthday present will be the best one ever. can't see any reason why it won't be :p
A couple of things:

- Might be going Nando myself soonish. Haven't been in ages. Love the place.
- RED, the film, is a comedy but the comic was less so.
- 2010 Sherlock (the BBC one, right?) is much much better than Sherlock Holmes with RDJ. Enjoy watching that. S2 is gonna take forever, now that Martin Freeman is a hobbit.
- Happy birthday and stuff. (for tomorrow?)
- I'm hungry...
BlackWolf said:
Maxon said:
I had to demo my C# programs today and it didn't go down well. I **** hate programming. I don't mind other types of coding, like SQL, but software development just doesn't like me.

If I had a penny for everytime i thought like that, There was a lot of programming that i could never get to grips with, a lot of the thinking. With C# I'm better at using it but I could never understand the principles of things like memory leaks.

Still sounds like people are having a better time then I'm having currently.
I don't even understand things like what classes and methods are and how they are used. I only scrape through by copypasting code from lecture slides.

Things like XHTML make sense to me because the syntax is simple; you don't have to change huge chunks of code to make it work, it has a logical flow, etc. Software development is too complicated for me.
Maxon said:
BlackWolf said:
Maxon said:
I had to demo my C# programs today and it didn't go down well. I **** hate programming. I don't mind other types of coding, like SQL, but software development just doesn't like me.

If I had a penny for everytime i thought like that, There was a lot of programming that i could never get to grips with, a lot of the thinking. With C# I'm better at using it but I could never understand the principles of things like memory leaks.

Still sounds like people are having a better time then I'm having currently.
I don't even understand things like what classes and methods are and how they are used. I only scrape through by copypasting code from lecture slides.

Things like XHTML make sense to me because the syntax is simple; you don't have to change huge chunks of code to make it work, it has a logical flow, etc. Software development is too complicated for me.

That's what i did in first year with C++, i did tweak things once i learnt how to do things but i couldn't do what others seemed to do off the top of their head. It was a bit depressing. Don't believe I've used XHTML, i've only used HTML very very briefly.
Jayme said:
A couple of things:

- Might be going Nando myself soonish. Haven't been in ages. Love the place.
- RED, the film, is a comedy but the comic was less so.
- 2010 Sherlock (the BBC one, right?) is much much better than Sherlock Holmes with RDJ. Enjoy watching that. S2 is gonna take forever, now that Martin Freeman is a hobbit.
- Happy birthday and stuff. (for tomorrow?)
- I'm hungry...

1, Nando's is goooood, going again tomorro
2, nope, have a look for a 2010 sherlock holmes film. its got dinosaurs, robots and bloody aliens, looks crap. but thats the price i pay for not waiting for the dvd image to load before purchasing.
,3 birthday is in november...same day as ryo's. but looking forward to it.
4, i'm hungry too, but with 20 glowsticks, fruitella, and 2 new tshirts from blue inc....i'm ready to party :p Turns out a guy at kayls halls isn't going home this weekend...wish i knew that this morning...i've left my shoes at home :/ so either socks over trainers....or i'll be using black polish on them, or buying new shoes....damn you essex boy. i'm ready for the weekend, just have to kill a few hours till 4 and then head off :)

Hows uni for you jayme?
Tachi- said:
2, nope, have a look for a 2010 sherlock holmes film. its got dinosaurs, robots and bloody aliens, looks crap. but thats the price i pay for not waiting for the dvd image to load before purchasing

Hows uni for you jayme?
Oh, I read about that. The same company made Snakes on a Train and Paranormal Entity. Brilliant stuff. :p

Uni's all right. Took a couple of weeks to get going (i.e. loads of waiting around, doing nothing) but now I wish I could have that back -- so many projects! lol. Wrapped our single camera thing today, got to edit it and also work on a documentary project and do the graphics for our "live" multi-camera thingy. Probably means nothing to you, but it means WORK to me, lol.
Maxon said:
BlackWolf said:
Maxon said:
I had to demo my C# programs today and it didn't go down well. I **** hate programming. I don't mind other types of coding, like SQL, but software development just doesn't like me.

If I had a penny for everytime i thought like that, There was a lot of programming that i could never get to grips with, a lot of the thinking. With C# I'm better at using it but I could never understand the principles of things like memory leaks.

Still sounds like people are having a better time then I'm having currently.
I don't even understand things like what classes and methods are and how they are used. I only scrape through by copypasting code from lecture slides.

Things like XHTML make sense to me because the syntax is simple; you don't have to change huge chunks of code to make it work, it has a logical flow, etc. Software development is too complicated for me.

I feel your pain.

Your best bet is to ask a lecturer to explain it in a quiet moment.
I return from my recreational excursion.

The rice I had prepared for myself was ultimately consumed in stages. I ate some in the ExCel centre, some in the Canning Town Bus Station, some in the City outside the 30 St Mary Axe and some back at home.

I deem my rice consumption to be the most important activity to report upon, you see.
All is good people, I've just got the feeling back in my legs, and yes some might say it's cause of my brogues, but I could have been wearing boaters or pumps, wouldn't make any difference.

Jayme said:
Oh, I read about that. The same company made Snakes on a Train and Paranormal Entity. Brilliant stuff. :p

Uni's all right. Took a couple of weeks to get going (i.e. loads of waiting around, doing nothing) but now I wish I could have that back -- so many projects! lol. Wrapped our single camera thing today, got to edit it and also work on a documentary project and do the graphics for our "live" multi-camera thingy. Probably means nothing to you, but it means WORK to me, lol.

Yeah, looks like crap :p so i downloaded the proper version.

Sounds good lol, doesn't feel like it but kayls has been at uni about 8 weeks or so. And yeah i know what you mean, either your trying to go different cameras picking up angles on the same thing. or your setting up cameras to cut out at a certain point and to start another camera somewhere else, (abit like eastenders or something) Sounds good though. Beats just recording something and then spending hours cutting clips and rearranging things to make it perfect, there's more reason to get it right first time and will hopefully take less time lol.

Right, weekend was good, i'd say great....but some things annoyed me.
Simon wasn't meant to be i didn't take my shoes with me (thinking that if he's not there nobody will really want to go out so taking shoes will just me extra weight) turns out simon stayed there at the weekend, and as far as me and kayls knew, we where all going out on saturday night. so we went to town and spent hours wandering in shop after shop to find shoes for a cheap price.... ultimately gave up.

Went back to the flat and asked if we are going out, to which simon and dave said yes....but not out out, just out to play pool at rileys. which annoyed both me and kayls because we where looking forward to going out properly. They decided that they are going out on sunday night instead (which made no sense because its common knowledge that everyone would have gone out on saturday night rather than sunday because of obligations on mondays that tend to mess up things if you have a hang over) so anyway.... we got back, opened a few beers, made which it seems that me and kayls pay and make nachos and everyone else just takes some without being offered, or asking if its okay. Secondly their taking advantage of kayls. They all want to go out according to what night sara (another flat mate) is going out. and sara goes out according to what nights her friends are available. so in the end.... its saras friends who are indirectly deciding what night everyone goes out....which to utter crap. nobody should have any say in when people go out. Their all picking days that their available. not asking whats the best night for everyone to go out and have a good night without having to get up early in a morning. (which would make more sense) so thats annoyed me, but we got up early yesterday and spent yet another day wandering round town, looking for cat ears on a hairband so kayls could be a cat for when they go out drinking...... she got back and they said their not getting dressed up now, and that they are going out at 11-12 to hit town....kayls has a 9am start on mondays, not really fair. so she said she's not going (they called a taxi at 12.20 to go to town... god knows why anyone would go out that late) someone smashed one of her plates aswell and hasn't said sorry or anything, just binned it and stayed quiet.

Sadly kayls is to nice to confront anyone, thankfully i'm the opposite to that and if something needs saying, i'll say it. So when simon said "i don't need to do my washing up, if i leave it kayleigh can do it" and i reply with "you can forget that, clean your own **** up" he didn't like it, but ultimately ended up cleaning his own stuff up. ( i won't stand for people trying to take advantage of loved ones, never havem never will)
Despite that lot, we had a good weekend, we got upto things, went for meals, had a lot of laughs and had fun :) took me near 2 hours to get back lastnight...thankfully i had my laptop on me, so just sat and watched the transporter 3.
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Sorry for the double post, but tbh.....if you ignore the previous post....this one is more important.

Just been told....that after 3 years of working here doing this job....they've decided its finally time they made me perm.

Now i can see this as a good thing....and a bad.
This week i'll be paid for the work i did last week....and all my outstanding annual leave. now thats okay....because i've been working rather alot of hours so it'll be a nice amount.

Problem is, i have £195 in bills to pay for the rest of the month with that money.... which might leave me with a couple hundred quid....or less than a hundred quid, i won't know until wednesday. So i'm now contracted to 37.5 hours a week, i can kiss goodbye to my freedom to say "need to leave early on friday" and just dock the time from my hours...i now have to stay and put in 37.5 hours worth EVERYWEEK.

Any time off, will be annualleave, i can't just take it as unpaid. I feel happy that now all my bank holidays and sickpay will be paid.... and that i'll have annual leave assigned to me, i no longer have to accrue annual leave on a ratio of 10 hours worked 1 hour annual leave. i just have to take any time i want off early, as annual leave.... working my life around a "week by week" basis has just died, now i have to plan and scrape and save and be more observant of my money.... CRAP!!!