The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
Harrogate I find overrated, though I find myself disillusioned by many British cites now; especially given the rapid decline in media retailers. I used to enjoy browsing shops, but it's no fun when there's no choice.

Yea I can see why some people think that, and hell even I can see that when I compare it to cities in the states. I do like walking around Harrogate but when it comes to shopping, I do most of it online, if anything for the sake of variety.

ayase said:
Well then, I'll have a look in Bo... Oh, Borders doesn't exist any more either.

Borders was the first shop I noticed when I came over here for the first time last year. I saw it down in York and I was SOOOO happy that my fave store was in the UK. Imagine my disappointment when I planned an outing the first weekend back in the UK to the store only to find it gone.
The Borders in Leeds used to be huge, I could spend ages in there. It's now gone from three levels of books, DVDs, and music (and let's not forget coffee) to a boring, boring discount clothing shop. All I do when I go to Leeds now is Waterstones>Costa>CEX>HMV>Gamestation>Travelling Man (last of the independents)>Station. At least half the shops I used to frequent a few years ago are gone.

It's surprising how much better the US is for having independent shops, at least in the big cities. It's the opposite of what I'd have expected, I was utterly amazed at the fact that San Francisco and LA have second hand music shops! They all died in the UK about fifteen years ago due to rents and rates.
Oh yea there are a lot of second hand music shops in the states, those are great for getting anime and video games too. I used to stock up there a lot. Had a nice one within walking distance of me, which was awesome.
ayase said:
Zin5ki said:
I have just realised that Akiha lives nearby to me.
But nearer to me. Though I also live but a 36-39 minute rail journey from yourself now Zin5ki.

Harrogate I find overrated, though I find myself disillusioned by many British cites now; especially given the rapid decline in media retailers. I used to enjoy browsing shops, but it's no fun when there's no choice.

"I think I'll have a look for that DVD I'd like in HMV. Okay, let's see what price it is in Z... Oh, Zavvi doesn't exist any more. Well then, I'll have a look in Bo... Oh, Borders doesn't exist any more either. Music Zone?"

"Forget it, I'll just go home and look on the internet."

How about where I live. I have seen the likes of Our Price, Virgin (then Zavvi) and MVC go bust while Travelling Man and Forbidden Planet shut up shop. Now I buy most things online. It is cheaper but I do miss browsing.
ayase said:
The Borders in Leeds used to be huge, I could spend ages in there. It's now gone from three levels of books, DVDs, and music (and let's not forget coffee) to a boring, boring discount clothing shop. All I do when I go to Leeds now is Waterstones>Costa>CEX>HMV>Gamestation>Travelling Man (last of the independents)>Station. At least half the shops I used to frequent a few years ago are gone.
I remember the Leeds CEX being larger than it is at present. Borders was quite a loss as well, though I have seen an outlet in London recently.

It's the opposite of what I'd have expected, I was utterly amazed at the fact that San Francisco and LA have second hand music shops! They all died in the UK about fifteen years ago due to rents and rates.
There's a second-hand music outlet in Manchester, if I recall correctly.
We've got one or two second hand music shops left in Birmingham, ayase, you should come down! Although saying that, they've probably gone and closed in the last few weeks, haha.

Japan is also pretty good for second hand shops, so I now just assume that it's only, as usual, the UK that sucks.
memorium said:
Evening folks, i hope all is well Tachi, that kind of stuff is awful for anyone in a relationship

oh a lighter and completely unrelated note, i passed my driving theory, if i am honest i was a bit apathetic when i found out, but i'm very pleased nonetheless

Ahh its fine now mate, seeing the missus in 15mins :) so everything will be fine again.

on a much better note, i have just been told all my annual leave for the past 3 years has been paid at the wrong rate, and that they should have been paying our bank holidays....i have 8 days annual leave missing per 3 and a half weeks will be paid to me next week, the week after that is my birthday and then the 25th of this month i get paid everything i work between 15th and 30th of november (yes, getting paid before i work the time....excellent :D ) then on the 27th i'm getting paid 1st nov - 15th so basically i'll be given birthday money aswell....i'm looking around £3,000 by the end of the month :)
Indeed there are. I recently returned from a nearby Council-funded event.

I was able to have a few bites of a toffee apple afterwards. How decadent!
Hey man. I was invited to zero out of several parties too ::high fives:: Anyone in chat tonight? (I'm pissed enough to join in again).

ps. I think I 404'd a 4chan thread on the same theme last night by being too pro-terrorism. ;D
ayase said:
ps. I think I 404'd a 4chan thread on the same theme last night by being too pro-terrorism. ;D

Hey I've been trying to dump a doujinshi on any kind of chan board using xchan dumper, it's over 50 pages long so sod it doing manually. Plus well if it's not on /b/ or fetish-chan there's not much point
I'm always about the chat, and i would've thought ilmae or someone else would be about, but it looks like he ain't appeared, yet. To be fair, the only time i like guy fawkes night is when i'm with other people i know, and since noone around here does anything for it, i do the "night in" malarky.

On writing this though, ilmae suddenly appears.
ayase said:
Hey man. I was invited to zero out of several parties too ::high fives:: Anyone in chat tonight? (I'm pissed enough to join in again).

Damn if i'd seen this earlier i'd have gone in earlier. Instead I played Fallout to vent my rage. I'm just seeing a swarm of Facebook statuses all like "Great night! What an awesome party! Best night of my life!" and i'm wanting to murder someone.
I've learned something new, that the pronunciation/photonics of "Atelier" is (aa-tell-lee-air) not (at-lear) how I've said it before. Also the "Khe" in Khemia is pronounced (key) not (ka) just like chemo. Another error in my judgement, I feel so uneducated :(
Stuart-says-yes said:
Hopefully you get better soon then Ryo.

Also today some people were in a frenzy of excitement about Black Ops, and actually going home at lunch just to play it, isn't it just another run of the mill FPS? from treyarch, so why the excitement, these already tons of others available for Xbox and PS3.

Isn't is obvious? It's Call of Duty which obviously makes it vastly superior to other FPS games :roll:

To note, I was being sarcastic there.

I will admit though (as Ilmaestro and Arby may remember) I did pull an all nighter on FF13 on a school night, 'cause I was that psyched to play it. I was nearly sick the next day o_O