The General Conversation Area

NormanicGrav said:
So I'm 20 years old today. Feels weird.

I only received 2 T-Shirts but that's because I wanted to import stuff so in return I've been given cash.

It was also Father's Day today so I got my dad the Mr Turner film which he wanted to see.
Happy birthday NormanicGrav. Also there is nothing wrong with getting cash instead of presents - at least you can make sure you get what you want.
Thank you everyone (and Mangaranga who tweeted to me last night, cheers!). I had a good day for those wondering! As a birthday treat we went to see Jurassic World yesterday, good film (some flaws) but overall entertaining.

mangaman74 said:
Happy birthday NormanicGrav. Also there is nothing wrong with getting cash instead of presents - at least you can make sure you get what you want.

Nothing wrong indeed. I had a choice between getting the items at day one or just get the cash and potentially have an opportunity to buy something that could otherwise go on sale or out of print. Did the exact same thing last year and why not do it again.

Still haven't decided on what to buy though. I might wait for the next Rightstuf sale and see if the Sentai one pops up so that I could pre-order NGNL CE at a reduced price (assuming they'll discount pre-orders, I know RS is no longer allowed to do it on Funimation).
Joshawott said:
@Chaz - I typically never let my employers know that I am even considering employment elsewhere, just in case it sours relations or anything like that. When I've had interviews for other places, I've arranged for them to be on my day's off. I did however, recently accidentally spill in an email to my manager discussing my desire for reduced hours that I am still looking into a starting a career in the media industry. My manager's tone when I discussed the email with him wasn't the best, so maybe I'd advise against so?
I agree with that, and from my perspective, it's not even their business if I'm looking for other opportunities. Yes, they may not be happy with that option if they found out, but I don't make long-lasting friendships with people at work, as that being one of my reasons. Business is business, and I don't try to mix it with my personal lifestyle.
I suppose that could be a reputable theory, as much as I hate round-about thinking that these strategies provide. They need to know that I'm the person they can trust, but I feel like if you ask that question to someone who has been looking for a new job for 6 months+, it doesn't support ideas that they're necessarily hating something and trying to escape something. They, just like someone who has just started looking, might be trying to find the next level of progression (hours, wage/salary, climbing-the-ladder etc.) If they want to know how well I get on with them, why not ask me the direct question of "Have you had any issues with your current employer?" or "Is there something you didn't like about your last employment?" And if they want the other side of the story, all they needed to do was contact them via reference. Only you can make the decision on whether you trust that person or not. And I prefer a direct approach to things, so even if I'm not my boss' closest pal or so - I don't think that means I should stay if I can get a better opportunity. I really don't know much about them, but I can still treat them with as much respect as I would anyone else.

But I should take your advice and try to add content that may support myself in such cases, rather than a simple:
"Does your employer know you're looking for a job?"
"Not really."

On another note, Happy belated b-day NGrav. Enjoy spending the money as much as you did getting it. ;)
Awww Grav you're a baby! Happy belated Birthday!

Today is going slow at work. I'm also in rib pain again. Like if I poke under my ribs it hurts like it's bruised. It will be because I did the Ab Intervals workout yesterday and it is PAINFUL.
Received a resounding rejection from a job I thought I was well suited for. Didn't even get an interview. This is why I hate job hunting. And, I went to the dentist about my wisdom tooth as it's got infected again. It's coming out on Wednesday.
I'm going on Holiday for a week tomorrow so I likely won't be around until next Tuesday as I have no idea what the internet situation is going to be like. Just a heads up so you all don't think I've died or something :p
Yowanda-san said:
I celebrated the solstice yesterday (my favourite holiday of the year)
Yack-Deculture! I find that I hate summers - Too hot, feels lousy with hay-fever and I burn too easy. Everyone gets hype over it only to complain about it when summer doesn't go their way.
However, I can say I'm now happy that solstice has come by because I can say this -

Edit: Tried to change to photobucket - working?
The extraction itself wasn't too bad. I went in on Monday because it was infected, and the dentist suggested that I just get it taken out as that was the 4th time it's been infected in the past 2 years. She said it would be a pretty easy one to take out as it wasn't impacted or anything. Luckily, she was right. Once the anaesthetic kicked in, it was out in less than 5 minutes. It was once the anaesthetic wore off that it started hurting. I'm on scrambled eggs for dinner tonight.
Wuss :)

I had my wisdom teeth out under local anaesthetic and azide from the standard "dull throb" was fine and dandy. One was impacted with a warped root meaning it had to be split in half before it could be pulled. Whole lot of gouging with that one.
Never had a problem with dental work itself but the injections for anesthetic... ouch... Once the dentist actually snapped the syringe and the needle remained jammed between two teeth. Surely she must have been doing something wrong for that to happen...? She keeps bending it but I don't know why. I have screamed on a couple of occasions when being injected. Wasn't nice.
Gemsy-chan said:
msgeek said:
Watching a documentary about Hokkaido on BBC2. Weird green ball algae things on the bottom of a lake.

Googling Marimo led me to this: "Marimokkori (まりもっこり?) is a character popularized in Hokkaidō, Japan. Much like the Tamagotchi, the name "Marimokkori" is a portmanteau: marimo is the word for the green algae clusters that grow in some of Hokkaidō's lakes, while mokkori, literally "bulge", is a Japanese slang term for an erection."


I'm sorry, but at this stage let's just be real, Japan is simply mental. I keep thinking I've seen all the mentalness it can throw at me, but there's always more :lol:
yep.... I just.... don't..... have the words for that one.

the mascot for that Fukushima company always elicits a smile from me.

I found that the injections for this one hurt much less than when I had some premolars out as a teenager. The dentist told me that the further back in your mouth they are, the less the injections hurt.

@vash... No words here either.