The General Conversation Area

Tachi said:
I'm about to finish work so dont have enough time for a full reply but all i can think is;

Who measures/weighs their boobs?! You mad woman haha

I was curious as to why I weigh what I do so when I was feeling down on myself I had my mum, my friends mum and my friend hold my boobs and "guess the weight" basically. They're guessing a bag of sugar so I feel a bit better :p
(I did try to "place" them in/on one of those scales you measure flour/sugar on mind. Was an absolute farce! lol :D)

It's Friday!!!!

What are people upto this weekend?

On my lunch, I'm going to go and buy some yummy cheeses from the food market thats opened up in town. Hoping for some garlic cheese, chilli cheese, maybe cranberry cheese etc as I have some pepper crackers amongst some other varieties so basically want to go ape sh*t with some cheese over the weekend (I will take an XLS medical after :p). Other than that I just aim to check out Primark to see if they have any tops with a wolf/wolves on (h&m have a Unicorn one!!!!) and watch all of Season Three of Game Of Thrones as I haven't seen any of it :D
I've got my end-of-year exhibition tonight for my college course. It's been a great year and I'm just looking forward to next year too! It would be nice if someone wanted to buy some of my work but I won't be getting my hopes up :roll:
-Danielle- said:
Tachi said:
I'm about to finish work so dont have enough time for a full reply but all i can think is;

Who measures/weighs their boobs?! You mad woman haha

I was curious as to why I weigh what I do so when I was feeling down on myself I had my mum, my friends mum and my friend hold my boobs and "guess the weight" basically. They're guessing a bag of sugar so I feel a bit better :p
(I did try to "place" them in/on one of those scales you measure flour/sugar on mind. Was an absolute farce! lol :D)

Hang on a second, now if you had your mum holding your boobs i'd think "okay"
Your mums friend.... "okay thats abit weird"
Your friend....."The hell is this?"

My question is why wasnt i invited to have a go? I've had a helpful knack for accurately guessing the breast sizes of everyone i've come across and the topic somehow turned to breasts (only heaven knows how the hell that comes about :p )

-Danielle- said:
It's Friday!!!!

What are people upto this weekend?

On my lunch, I'm going to go and buy some yummy cheeses from the food market thats opened up in town. Hoping for some garlic cheese, chilli cheese, maybe cranberry cheese etc as I have some pepper crackers amongst some other varieties so basically want to go ape sh*t with some cheese over the weekend (I will take an XLS medical after :p). Other than that I just aim to check out Primark to see if they have any tops with a wolf/wolves on (h&m have a Unicorn one!!!!) and watch all of Season Three of Game Of Thrones as I haven't seen any of it :D

I've spent the majority of the day clearing out masses of stuff from my room... namely old gameboy pockets, a SNES, PS2 Silver, 2 gameboy colours (one of which is the pikachu special edition), 2 playstation 1's, a nokia brick from the early 90's and many games from all platforms.

Whilst i've been clearing up a load of rubbish from the wardrobe and generally de-cluttering the rest of the room i've had Lindsey Stirling feeding my ears with heavenly sounds :p I've got a 3day playlist of original content and then remixes so it's just been blaring out of my logitech Z4 subwoofer and everyone in the house and outside has had the pleasure of listening to her.... if they wanted that or not is beyond the question lol.

This weekend i'll be kickstarting my workouts, with the room clean i can again start benching, rowing, dumbell curls and generally getting my strength back up, taking the gf out for dinner tonight and organizing with my aunt when will be the best time to drive back to halifax to see her, my uncle and their kids (i was there for the birth of the eldest Lana but i havent ventured north in over 7 years now so the younger one i have never met before, over the years its just got harder to put time aside to see them so i'm sticking to my guns and making the 3.5 hour trip up :) )

Whilst i'm up north i'll contact Ayase and see if he wants to go for a pint.

Expect ALOT of WTF moments in season 3 lol its chock full of them.
vashdaman said:
Ahahaha. I think that's how most of our debates on this forum have ended though.

On a separate note, why is this EBOOK £86 ... s_vpt_read

I have no interest in buying the book whatsoever, I got all I needed from it out of the Google preview pages. But why is an i]ebookk/i] like this £89...I'd understand if it was a really rare out of print physical copy, but it's an ebook! I wonder how many copies they've sold ha../quotee

Same price as the physical book on Amazon (where the ebook for them is a mere £60)

Not the most expensive ebook, a mere £4,371.50 outlay will allow you the purchase of the International Encyclopedia of Social & Behavioral Sciences, but that is good value for money compared to "How Britain Shops: Music and Videos 2011", just £2472 for 145 glorious pages
Madness. You can actually find a surprising amount of books to download for free by typing the book's name followed by PDF into google. I find found a few books I was after this way anyway. Maybe these are the 'illicit' means Zinki was referring to?
Mutsumi said:
Likely that or torrent sites like The Pirate Bay, though they are officially 'blocked' in the UK.

Yeah, "blocked" :lol:

Fruitless effort if you ask me, when there is a will there will always be a way ^__^
The actions of the MPAA, MRAA or whatever make me more inclined to use sites like TPB, because organisations that behave as the MPAA do do not deserve my money.
Half of each block of cheese purchased was consumed over the weekend with a pack of mixed salami and parma ham. Was ace. Clocked all of GoT Saturday night and Sunday morning. Really sucks as didnt expect the episode 9 spoiler courtesy of Facebook and the Metro to ruin it for me as much as it did :(
Brilliant season and actually, worth the wait to watch it all at once. I kinda want to do it with Season 4 but half don't seeing as the effect the big spoiler had on me :(

I'm going to a "fancy" Opera Night at Stock here in Manchester on Friday. It's an amazing Italian Resturant, even my Italian friend swears by that place more than San Carlo (which tends to be rated best in Manchester) and well yes, for £49 we get a champagne and canape reception followed by a 4 course meal with a performance inbetween each course whilst they cook and serve. Not really an opera fan but I'm familiar with the popular songs so if any of them are done, I think I will like it. If not, i'll put my Zen on and just enjoy the food :p
Just spent my lunchbreak laid in my car with my music on and the windows down, so far I haven’t managed to faint (the laying down puts it off for a while)

But with no team leaders around to tell that I’m going down the wrong road and nobody is around to help me out, I may end up in A&E by the end of the afternoon 

-Danielle- You didn’t answer my question!! :p

Can't wait to just go home, i need rest!
Ah right seen the boob Q now haha. My friend Kerry was who had a feel to guess ze weight, we've been friends since Year 2 and for a while she wanted to get a boob job to my size since she said they're just right for her lol. And you didn't get an invite since this occurred way before i came on here :p

Ive been jones-ing for a wolf top/tee for a short time now, its just a weird want of mine and today I got a notification off ebay that I won one for £4.50 including delivery, and it's from Topshop too! Well chuffed. Wish they'd sell a cheap version of this t-rex tee from Goodie Two Sleeves though :( - ... fer=search

Going to look for a unicorn one, if I can't find one cheaper than a tenner, bagging the h&m one :p

Also Resident Evil: Revelations and a girly book I ordered has arrived today too! :) I loved the book "Me Before You" way more than I thought I ever would because of it's genre so I'm dying for a book to touch me like that again and it's too soon to give Me Before You a re-read seeing as I only finished it early last month. Hope this one works. It's called The First Last Kiss or something. Lmao!
Haha well if there is a revized session of sizing then i'll be about for a second opinion lol

Team leader has returned and told me to go back outside for another cool down period, if it doesnt get better then i have to go home.
What time are you having to work till?

40 minutes until I get to leave!

Kinda wana go and see my friends tonight when they do their karaoke cup (sad i know :p) but I won't get home until 11 and I'm up at 6.30 and I like my sleep. Don't know what to do :(

I'm still also dying to try Iron Maiden's beer!

I don't like how as you get older, the years go quicker. I swear until I hit 22 the years went at a decent pace. Now they're just flying. Like it's mental thinking 2 and a half years ago I parted from my psycho ex and that a year ago next month, I finally got closure over my big love. And that I'm now 25!!! Seriously, where has 3 years of my life gone? With time flying so fast, I worry I'll forget things :(
I leave at half 5, so only 2 ours to go really. I'm going to stick with it and just see how it goes.

Don't say that! i turn 23 in november and so far i've spent this year at home doing very little, the time has literally taken a flying jump and i'm still not entirly sure where it went!

Getting back to the gym tomorrow, tonight i'll sleep like a log as i havent slept at all last night. With abit of luck the weather will be decent tomorrow so i can pull the car on the drive, lift it up and start to repair rust thats appeared underneath :) then i'll clean and polish the heck out of it.

Hopefully this week will fly by and i'll be back to the weekend again.
Drank a few bottles of white wine myself over the weekend, felt so dehydrated yesterday that i had to go out and buy a few 2litre bottles of cherryade to feel rehydrated again lol.

Really should make a start on the mass effect series, i have them at home but along with my masses of anime - they've been bought and sat on my desk since, not even taken a look at the disc (for all i know they could just be empty boxes lol)
You never know, this thing with time might not happen to you. It's odd but as a teen I never bought that life is short stuff but with time escaping me, I'm starting to believe it. I've only been 25 for a little under 2 months now and I still don't feel it. My bf is only....22 in October *embarrassed* so maybe that's why I feel youung(ish) still. Didn't plan to be with a young'un at 25, didn't think you could be a "cougar" at 25 :p haha but yeah with all men being behind 3 years mentally lol, it does cause the obvious relationship troubles.

I'm aiming to start mini exercise sessions with the possibility of increase. Just like 60 crunches, 60 lunges and 60 of those leg ones that do your muffin top lol.

I was out on Friday and had a pint, wine and a skittle bomb. I was having half soda with each glass of wine too but god did it still damage. Looks like i'll still to 5% black tower as I can clock a bottle of that and feel fine in the morn :p :)

Getting really tired now. Want to go home, play some RE5 with my brother at Mums (kipping there tonight :)) followed by watching some ASMR vids on youtube and then reading a bit. 17 mins to goooooooo.
Well i felt that school took forever to finish and between now and then feels like a lifetime ago, so much has changed and happened since i left school in such a short space of time it just feels like physically its taken a long time to pass by but in actuality the years have flown by... i've got less than 4 years till my 10 year reunion which is weird.

I dont know if i'm making any sense with that or not but basically its a odd feeling lol.

Your bf is only 21 and you are 25? Craddle snatcher!! Haha i joke, my gf (of 4.5 years now) is 20 about to turn 21, i'm 22 about to turn 23 so always a year and a half to 2 years difference. With age its also an odd one, a 14 and 16 year old seems wrong to many (or a 15 and 17 year old) but over 20 its suddenly acceptable to have large age gaps :S

Just got a text off the gf, she's bought her mum a giant rabbit for her birthday, her mum already has a giant rabbit... now theres 2? they're breeding like rabbits i tell you!! lol

Tonight i'll just be casually driving back up the m1 and chilling all night :) hopefully no traffic on the way home tonight.
Yeah I think whilst he and I are still remotely young, it sounds a bit ick lol. When im 30 and he turns 27, then that sounds a lot better :p hahaha.
Yeah in year 11 your 10 year high school reunion sounds a world away, now mine's due next year if someone bothers to arrange one! :O

That's nice of your gf to get her Mum that.
I really want a new puppy for my house! Out of respect to my old lady dog I've had since I was 8, I'm not going to though as I feel it would crush her if she knew I got another dog and it gets to live with me seeing as my Penny lives at Mums since my Mums around more than I am and at her age she needs to be taken care of so I'm doing right by her. I still come round to feed her, walk her etc though. It would be nice to get a puppy to take around to Mums though and play with my brothers puppy (she turned 1 last month :))

General: How was everyone's Monday? Is there any other hay fevers sufferers here? Today is killing me! Damn pollen!
Another bar shift, another empty bar.

Completely dead, not even someone in using the WiFi.

Roll on my week of next week.