Well i've done nothing on my day off today as my body has decided that yesterday was a huge effort and required 14 hours of sleep to recoup. I knew getting back to work would be a harsh contrast to my 6-7months of sleep whenever and wake whenever (leading to reversing day and night for me quite a few times) - it wasnt all fun and games though, my local hospital confirmed that the medication i was given (proprapanolol) by a GP who was "filling in" at my local surgery could have killed me or lead to oxygen starvation and brain damage.
So with that lot out of the way and the cause of my attacks confirmed by the cardiologist i've resumed work on a phased return, with bank holidays and annual leave i've missed due to the illness my work has given me the complete allowance back... meaning i now have my full entitlement of annual leave from this year but also 7 days from last financial year and every bank holiday from november 2012 to present.... and then the manager said it to me... we need you to take atleast 50% of your leave before september. So 2013 for me will become a blur of "was i really at work or did i just stay at home the whole year?"
I return to the hospital in july to be fitted with a 24hour ecg monitor for a month, based on what that tells the cardiologist i'll either have relapsed (in which case work already know they are liable for the illness as it stands) and the cardiologist will have to implant a machine not too dissimilar to a pacemaker (to which i will sue my work for affecting my health in a negative way for the rest of my life) OR i'll get the all clear and will be discharged from outpatients but will have to periodically return for check ups for another 2 years until they are sure that i'm fine again.
To those wishing to know whats actually the problem, i dont keep it a secret IRL so i dont mind saying on here either; i have a severe case of sinus arrhythmia and Bradycardia, basically my breathing and heartbeat dont match up in rhythm like normal heartbeats do, the Bradycardia is where my heartbeat drops XYZ beats per second (IIRC the doctor said mine was between 30 and 40, should be 80+ normally) the cause of both of these is prolonged stress, the heart has two vagil nerves which control tempo of the heartbeat, one for faster and one for slower, due to the stress my nerve for slowing down the heart took over and began to drop my beats per second to where it is now, the slow beats and the breathing not matching with the beats lead to starvation and i'd blackout, the doc said this also worked as a restart button for the heart. How could this have killed old Tach? Well propraponolol slows heartrates down and is used to treat severe migraines (as starvation of oxygen and migraines have similar symptoms to the brain) the doctor at the GP prescribed the one tablet which if i hadn't have had a violent reaction to, could have killed me.
Long story short, i've taken over this thread
So with that lot out of the way and the cause of my attacks confirmed by the cardiologist i've resumed work on a phased return, with bank holidays and annual leave i've missed due to the illness my work has given me the complete allowance back... meaning i now have my full entitlement of annual leave from this year but also 7 days from last financial year and every bank holiday from november 2012 to present.... and then the manager said it to me... we need you to take atleast 50% of your leave before september. So 2013 for me will become a blur of "was i really at work or did i just stay at home the whole year?"
I return to the hospital in july to be fitted with a 24hour ecg monitor for a month, based on what that tells the cardiologist i'll either have relapsed (in which case work already know they are liable for the illness as it stands) and the cardiologist will have to implant a machine not too dissimilar to a pacemaker (to which i will sue my work for affecting my health in a negative way for the rest of my life) OR i'll get the all clear and will be discharged from outpatients but will have to periodically return for check ups for another 2 years until they are sure that i'm fine again.
To those wishing to know whats actually the problem, i dont keep it a secret IRL so i dont mind saying on here either; i have a severe case of sinus arrhythmia and Bradycardia, basically my breathing and heartbeat dont match up in rhythm like normal heartbeats do, the Bradycardia is where my heartbeat drops XYZ beats per second (IIRC the doctor said mine was between 30 and 40, should be 80+ normally) the cause of both of these is prolonged stress, the heart has two vagil nerves which control tempo of the heartbeat, one for faster and one for slower, due to the stress my nerve for slowing down the heart took over and began to drop my beats per second to where it is now, the slow beats and the breathing not matching with the beats lead to starvation and i'd blackout, the doc said this also worked as a restart button for the heart. How could this have killed old Tach? Well propraponolol slows heartrates down and is used to treat severe migraines (as starvation of oxygen and migraines have similar symptoms to the brain) the doctor at the GP prescribed the one tablet which if i hadn't have had a violent reaction to, could have killed me.
Long story short, i've taken over this thread