The General Conversation Area

Kite said:
The deadline for paying for Canada is 2 months away, so all that overtime is going to pay for it.
Most quaint. Its Commonwealth membership notwithstanding, can Canada not pay for itself? Why are you facilitating such a costly political gesture?
Zin5ki said:
Most quaint. Its Commonwealth membership notwithstanding, can Canada not pay for itself? Why are you facilitating such a costly political gesture?
Evidently not.

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Ath said:
Well after much gnashing of teeth, submissions and resubmissions and an alarming increase of the receding of my hairline, I finally have enough in my dissertation to get a masters degree. I now have a MSc in Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability. Phew! Now I've got to book my graduation.

Now please fix everything, this year all my fruit trees are going mad, especially the fig one.

-Danielle- said:
I'm hoping to bad a last min deal for Sept or October in Italy again :)

As I said time ago in this forum, if you want to visit Venice and want to save on the hotel money, feel free to contact me since I have spare rooms and can accomodate some people.

Hey Teo, thanks for the heads up about Venice! Venice is most definitely on our list however we don't want to go until we have more money saved up as flights and everything are fair do's it's how we get into Venice from the Airport that presents the problem as I've heard of a boat thats like one every hour and its 100 EUR+ each way?! Since you could get return flights for roughly around 100 EUR it's just a bit too steep for the budget. I will holler when we are ready to go there though :) :p

Ath, you have no love for Tuesday's eh? So is today driving you mental? Hehe. Wednesday's are hit and miss since you're right in the middle of the damn week.

I have a little over £3 in my purse to last me until Friday morning at work now. Been pack lunching so far but working where I do in town with so many good eateries, it's pure torture! If I didn't have my £10 starbucks card I got for £5 on Groupon, I'd be in tears not having my latte fix each morning! Having to "pinch" milk from my Mum this week for my Weetabix since I can' spare a quid! lol.
(I actually do have £50 in my bank still but I really don't want to use it since my outgoings are large next month).
Lawrence said:

What are you going to do now? Try find a job or take a gap year and rest or something else?
I still have £25,000 worth of student loans to pay off from my Bachelors :p It's straight to the job hunt for me!

Huh, it won't let me do more than one quote per post. Weird! Anywho, I think my dislike of Tuesdays stretches all the way back to primary school -Danielle-, since Tuesday was P.E. day :p

Decided to make a collage of pictures of my car ^___^
Just went to see Man of Steel at the cinema. I have to say, the best part was the Pacific Rim trailer at the start. Man of Steel was kind of all over the place with the pacing, etc. Javert as Superman's birth father was good though.

The movie was.....ok. Goku could totally have Superman in a fight though.
One thing I hate about cutting hedges is getting rid of the cuttings.

Part 1, getting it into bins/bags is done, part 2 getting it out of the bags/bins tomorrow at the dump is hard and picking up the small pieces of hedge from the ground.
Today I saw a young gentleman drink-cycling. The culprit was travelling westward on Clerkenwell Road earlier this evening. I could barely believe what I witnessed as he held his bottled German lager aside to prevent the gathering foam from making contact with his well-fitted shirt and professionally-coiffured haircut. Doubtlessly he wished not to splash his expensive fixed-wheel cycle either.

Heavens, I hope his comeuppance came soon. Losing fifty millilitres of his bottle's content prior to dismounting should be an adequate sanction.
ilmaestro said:
Kite said:
part 2 getting it out of the bags/bins tomorrow at the dump is hard
Do you not have a regular collection for garden waste from the council?

Some councils do not collect garden waste unless you pay a regular fee. My local council is one such example. If you pay the fee, they give you the green wheelie-bin, and a sticker to place upon it to prove your membership of the elite 'garden waste' club. :/
Mutsumi said:
You could say the situation is...


Good job I have not bin saving that pun, as it was wheelie bad.
Man, 'ure puns are sounding a bit recycled - I think your career as a stand-up is headed for the scrap heap.