The General Conversation Area

I went weeks without posting on the forums due to health so now that i'm trying to get back to the forums and get back to normal only for people to start talking **** about what i post. its just not called for.

@maxon, i suppose.. i just dont like the idea of people being nice to me on the chat and forums when actually talking behind my back.
Zin5ki said:
I'm being economical with my paper usage. My practice is thus: I visit one of the printing terminals and gather several long-discarded pages, the undersides of which I then use to write my revision notes upon. (The pages, that is, not the printing terminals.)

Unwanted documents on which I have scribbled and highlighted thus far include:

  • A marked essay containing no references.
  • A series of printed coupons for somebody else's gymnasium membership.
  • The online banking statements of one of the college's administrative teams.
  • A health insurance declaration from the Government of Dubai.
  • Two annotated copies of the 1967 Abortion Act.

Ruddy hell at number three
Tachi said:
Fine in future i wont post any updates of what i've been upto despite being in the random chit chat sub forum and despite being in the general conversation thread - i mean, out of all the possible places to post it i choose the most out of place sub forum & thread - i mean how dim witted of me to put it in the most inappropriate place of the forums!

If others didn't want to read it then they shouldn't bother reading it, i post things for my own reasons. Up until now i thought this place wasn't as petty to be so derogative against someone for posting something in the right sub forum & thread i mean really where's the common decency to message me or even post to say "nobody really wants to know" no instead people will be so malicious as to refer to a mannerism in such a derogatory tone behind my back.

Cheers; thanks a F ucking bunch, to alienate 1 member for something so innocent.

:? I don't think it was meant in the deliberately offensive/malicious way you've taken it, tachi. And it can hardly be considered "behind your back" when it was posted openly on a forum your likely to read. Really, no one is trying alienate you. But nonetheless I apologise if my laughing at that line did upset you, I honestly didn't think you'd take it to heart.
vashdaman said:
Tachi said:
Fine in future i wont post any updates of what i've been upto despite being in the random chit chat sub forum and despite being in the general conversation thread - i mean, out of all the possible places to post it i choose the most out of place sub forum & thread - i mean how dim witted of me to put it in the most inappropriate place of the forums!

If others didn't want to read it then they shouldn't bother reading it, i post things for my own reasons. Up until now i thought this place wasn't as petty to be so derogative against someone for posting something in the right sub forum & thread i mean really where's the common decency to message me or even post to say "nobody really wants to know" no instead people will be so malicious as to refer to a mannerism in such a derogatory tone behind my back.

Cheers; thanks a F ucking bunch, to alienate 1 member for something so innocent.

:? I don't think it was meant in the deliberately offensive/malicious way you've taken it, tachi. And it can hardly be considered "behind your back" when it was posted openly on a forum your likely to read. Really, no one is trying alienate you. But nonetheless I apologise if my laughing at that line did upset you, I honestly didn't think you'd take it to heart.

No need to apologize, with regards to the bolded section its a term that i wasnt aware of and up until today was of the assumption that all was well, though for a terminology to be used and according to Ayase is well known to all but me,i'd say that was pretty much "behind my back"

I've had time to think about this and i've decided that if people want to be that petty then thats their choice, if they are having a laugh then fine let it be known, if it is widely known as "doing a tachi" by posting what you've been upto then fair enough but it would be nice for people to have the backbone to atleast post it out there that they're using the terminology - rather than sitting there laughing and not having the spine to say something directly.

i've said my piece on the matter now anyway, if nobody steps forward then i'll take it that the terminology will stop. if someone then continues to use it and i find out then a PM will be sent. i just dont think its fair to use me as the brunt or punchline to a joke that apparently everyone knows except me. in a workplace that would be called bullying. and not being one to sit idle as someone has a joke at my expense (and believe me there's a difference to banter and having a joke at someones expense), i'm going to PM them asking why they feel that its acceptable.

in a TL;DR For those who use the terminology and dont have the backbone to say it to my face, im calling you out. If you dont want to say who you are then sit the f uck down and shut the f uck up.

As for you Otaku; i've met you in person, your just a wind up merchant anyway so i dont tend to take anything you say to heart ;)
Tachi, I suppose you are making a case out of nothing. I suppose Ayase wrote that phrase with tongue in cheek, just to be an offhand joke and not an offence or whatever. At least this is how I interpreted it when I read his post.
Since you got offended, now Ayase need to repent his sins and tell where he is gone, what he is doing and so on.

By the way, we should open a "flame thread" where people are allowed to flame just for sake of flaming: meaning that nothing has to be taken personal and all that rises there dies there. Otaku-san, are you up for a flame challenge?

teonzo said:
Tachi, I suppose you are making a case out of nothing. I suppose Ayase wrote that phrase with tongue in cheek, just to be an offhand joke and not an offence or whatever.

It came across somewhat jokingly, but always the type of thing that someone might take the wrong way, dependant on their disposition (as has obviously happened here). Both sides should probably apologise (intended offence or not) and move on.

By the way, we should open a "flame thread" where people are allowed to flame just for sake of flaming: meaning that nothing has to be taken personal and all that rises there dies there.

Bad idea. Such a thing would only end in tears, people quitting and bans, I imagine.
teonzo said:
Tachi, I suppose you are making a case out of nothing. I suppose Ayase wrote that phrase with tongue in cheek, just to be an offhand joke and not an offence or whatever. At least this is how I interpreted it when I read his post.
Since you got offended, now Ayase need to repent his sins and tell where he is gone, what he is doing and so on.

By the way, we should open a "flame thread" where people are allowed to flame just for sake of flaming: meaning that nothing has to be taken personal and all that rises there dies there. Otaku-san, are you up for a flame challenge?

Okay, I'm not going to actually touch this subject - got nout to do with me or am I wanting to cause harm.
We did have a flaming thread AGES ago, but it didn't catch on well and that's the last I heard of it. I have no probs against one, as you say - flame for the sake of just letting some heat off. But 20thCent may be right and that'll be just a pain for the admin/mods.
For the record i don't hold Ayase responsible at all, i knew it was tongue in cheek from his post but what brought the red rag out was the fact that from what Ayase had said; it was commonly said that posting anything to do with your life is 1 clogging up the forum and 2 "doing a tachi" as if i was the butt of a joke that every other forumite knew except me.

My problem isnt with Ayase or Vash, its with the ones who felt it was funny or acceptable to use a mannerism as the butt of a joke, for it to be said without my knowledge up until now only shows how alienated i feel regarding the whole matter. Its like a playground "lets not say anything to his face, but in the chat or places possibly even off site well have a laugh at his expense" I'd have been fine with it if someone had come forward and said "nobody really wants to know what you've been upto" or even "it should be coined that whenever you post an essay about what you've been upto as 'doing a Tachi' " But for everyone to use it and know about it except me hit a nerve.

I'm taking it that nobody is going to come forward and admit that they've used "doing a tachi" as a joke in the past so the matter is settled, if i hear that in future someone is still using the terminology in a derogatory manner then i'll send them a PM to discuss the matter.

As for a flame thread, its possibly the worst idea for a forum to have a dedicated area to vent off at each other. The flame wars that happened years ago served the forums poorly as most of the members felt awkward when posting. Anything that would be started in a Flame thread wouldn't end in the flame thread either, history of this place has already proven that it would spill into other threads. I wouldn't have posted it on the open forums like this if it wasn't something apparently everyone knew about already and 2 wasn't posted in a place that everyone could see - even in a tongue in cheek manner.
Chaz said:
teonzo said:
Tachi, I suppose you are making a case out of nothing. I suppose Ayase wrote that phrase with tongue in cheek, just to be an offhand joke and not an offence or whatever. At least this is how I interpreted it when I read his post.
Since you got offended, now Ayase need to repent his sins and tell where he is gone, what he is doing and so on.

By the way, we should open a "flame thread" where people are allowed to flame just for sake of flaming: meaning that nothing has to be taken personal and all that rises there dies there. Otaku-san, are you up for a flame challenge?


We did have a flaming thread AGES ago, but it didn't catch on well
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Christ. I just made the phrase up Tach, nobody has been using it behind your back. I presumed you'd take it in good humour (as you usually do) and was under the impression that the concept of "the general conversation area as Tachi's blog" was a running joke both you and others had made reference to several times in the past (to your full knowledge and apparent amusement) so I didn't foresee any ill feeling arising from it.
If that's the case then i'll apologize for kicking off on the forums, i'd asked a couple of others if they'd heard it being said and they confirmed it which further "confirmed" what i thought was going on.
Firstly no flame war topic. It won't happen.

Secondly. "Doing a tachi" always seemed light hearted in use at the time but if you feel its inappropriate the I'm pretty sure the use of it will die down quick enough so there is no need to launch a witch hunt for who started what. Let it die down and have the general discussion thread return to its usual randomness and occasional seriousness. Sound good? Good!
Arbalest said:
Firstly no flame war topic. It won't happen.

Secondly. "Doing a tachi" always seemed light hearted in use at the time but if you feel its inappropriate the I'm pretty sure the use of it will die down quick enough so there is no need to launch a witch hunt for who started what. Let it die down and have the general discussion thread return to its usual randomness and occasional seriousness. Sound good? Good!

Yeah i'm fine with that, seems like a better plan than continuing anything (for the record i wasnt out for a witch hunt, just wondered if there was people saying things if they'd say it to my face, as it seems that the whole thing was for nothing then its over)

In a similar aggravated topic, everyone keeping upto date with the North Korea situation, personally i think its abit reckless for them to threaten the US when they know in a fight they'd lose, its foolish for the US to dummy run B-52 and B-2 bombers in korea, it'll only make things worse.
Firstly, I agree with Arby. Tach and I have known each other on here for a long time and like I say, I would hope by now it would be obvious there was no malicious or derogatory intent behind my joke.

Secondly, I don't talk behind anybody's back, ever. I say anything I have to say to anyone to their face - Why wouldn't I? Have I ever in the last five years I've used AUKN given any indication I give the slightest f*ck what anyone else thinks of me? I always hope everyone else does the same as the whole idea of "gossip" is something I find genuinely repulsive and has turned me off many a real-life conversation in the past. If others have used that phrase without your knowledge Tachi, it's the first I've heard of it. I think it's more likely that people just understand the concept behind it because of how we've all joked about that sort of thing in the past.
I didn't see you being malicious at all Ayase, if anything i thought it was you pointing out that others said it and being abit flippant about them using it.

I care about what people think of me on here because i'd like to think that i get on with the regulars and that if anyone would ever say something about me, they'd say it to me openly rather than behind my back.

Like i said though, i'm sorry about it all. Misunderstanding and overreaction at its finest.
I'm lonely tonight :(
Haven't felt this bad since between Christmas and new year.

Its been a crap week at work where I found out I have no natural 'next-step' due to my boss not being replaced. Being expected to remember stuff from something I haven't done since October 10 (where a lot of it has changed). I will hold out until the new account manager arrives in May before looking for another job unless she changes things around. But I can't complain as least I've got a job (until they decide to make my post not exist anymore)
Well, since I have no interest in Kindles, and we need to get the randomness back to this thread, I will bring my own intervention to bring new life to it -
