The General Conversation Area

Felicitations, Zin5ki!

Zin5ki said:
I brought a conference pear into the office as a treat.
From which convention did your fruit hail? One would suspect that of the Green Party would be the most appropriate...
Ugh after another emergency doctors appointment, turns out i've now got an eye infection, as well everything else.

I might not even be able to sit this exam tommorow.

Goodbye University.
Tachi- said:
belated happy birthday old boy, how'd it go?
I ground my own beef.
'Twas the first time such an operation was within my power.

Fate deals you a poor hand, Spyro. If you're unfit for the exam, your reason is genuine and supported by authority. I expect that the school will be obliged to allow you to sit it at another time.
Zin5ki said:
Fate deals you a poor hand, Spyro. If you're unfit for the exam, your reason is genuine and supported by authority. I expect that the school will be obliged to allow you to sit it at another time.

I've been assured I can get a free summer re-sit - just that resit would be the day before the next modules exam. It'll be a hard one. I really don't feel I can make it in though sadly. It hurts just to have my eyes open, and I feel utterly terrible.
Stuart-says-yes said:
…whilst dental surgeons open up my gums to retrieve a missing tooth.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Today, much to my charigin, I discovered that I will have to be knocked out for a good hour whilst dental surgeons open up my gums to retrieve a missing tooth. Which kind of scares me, because people some times die, from general anesthetic.

However, I did learn that I have perfect heart rate, blood pressure and weight, happy days.

Don't worry - I survived General Anesthetic. Very few cases of fatalities. You could get an allergic reaction though - that'd be a pain. I know someone who had seizures for a few months until all the anesthetic had left the body.

But seriously - that's rare too. It's pretty safe.
Hah, both times i've been knocked out for any work to be done, i've had to be put to sleep via gas. They know only too well that if a needle is involved, it would be impossible to get me in to do so. Both times i've come out a little worse for ware mind you, one for being way to warm, the other, they weren't good. Third dental treatment went without anything mind you, and despite it meant to be hella painful, i was called a monster for not feeling any.

Anywho! I'm finding my dissertation to be more of a hassle than it's really worth. Sure, i'm making progress, but now i have to prepare a presentation on it, what i've done so far, and what i aim to do. HELL NO. Worst off, deadline to handing it in is on my birthday =/ As if i'd work then.
the tooth theme continues, my filling in my cracked wisdom tooth has broken and come out

thankfully i'm ment to go to the dentist tomorrow from some fillings on the other side of my mouth, but dunno if they'll be able to do it or will have to book another day
Stuart-says-yes said:
Ah right, thats good to know, thanks.
How come you got a general Anesthetic godot?

Also today, I discovered I theres a small white lump on top of one of my moles, not good. However, I received a phone call from game, they got my Gundam 00 back, yay.

Yeah - I know the seizure thing isn't good but, it does stop after the anesthetic leaves the body, which is a few months. It's highly unlikely you'll have a reaction to it though.

And I was under anesthetic for an operation, lol.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Godot said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Ah right, thats good to know, thanks.
How come you got a general Anesthetic godot?

Also today, I discovered I theres a small white lump on top of one of my moles, not good. However, I received a phone call from game, they got my Gundam 00 back, yay.

Yeah - I know the seizure thing isn't good but, it does stop after the anesthetic leaves the body, which is a few months. It's highly unlikely you'll have a reaction to it though.

And I was under anesthetic for an operation, lol.

Aye, I get you, doesn't sound like a nice thing to experience though.
Also I assume everything went well with your operation then.

Ryo Chan said:
the tooth theme continues, my filling in my cracked wisdom tooth has broken and come out

thankfully i'm ment to go to the dentist tomorrow from some fillings on the other side of my mouth, but dunno if they'll be able to do it or will have to book another day

Ouch, thats got to hurt, sure you manage to get it done tomorrow.

nope, in the same boat as you, i have now got a gigantic hole in my tooth that i have to live with untill.............. it gets taken out :(

the difference is, after last time, i begged to be put to sleep
Stuart-says-yes said:
Aye, I get you, doesn't sound like a nice thing to experience though.
Also I assume everything went well with your operation then.

Oh heck it's a horrid experience - but at least it does end that's all I mean man.

And yeah, the Operation was a success.
UPS failed to deliver today.

I shall place a note on the front door tomorrow.

Our street is a Cul-de-sac, and the local thieves are too apathetic to check behind the wheeled bins during the winter months.
Evening folks

Turns out that all but one lesson of mine was canceled today, so in my boredom me and a friend found a memory stick lying around in the study room, I plugged it in to see who it belonged to and suprise suprise, it belonged to a friend of mine, so we decided that because we had nothing to do, we would try and fill it with as many pictures of any meme we could find unfiltered.

Hopefully this shenanigan is successful :lol: