The General Conversation Area

Latest naruto.... nothing seemed to happen in the manga volume this week, alot of talking but not much in progression.

Just building the hype right now.

Still, when the fights that are being stacked up kick off it'll be one hell of a cliffhanger every volume.

Unsure if i should order queens blade from american, or from
both R1 anyway but unsure which one will be cheaper.

looking into it.aswell as Gurren Lagann vol 2 and 3 for £20 Tempting.
I'm always impressed and respect people who actually go to the doctors. Something like a mole? I'd absolutely ignore it. I might Google it if its a persisting problem for over a month. Maybe.
I extracted a splinter of half-inch length from my foot yesterday. 'Twas lodged horizontally into the epidermis.

After fifteen minutes of precision mining, the final removal of the offending item was an achievement that imparted a most deserved sense of satisfaction.

The splinter didn't have much of a taste to it.
Finally went into the doctor today about the problems i've been having with my neck(to keep to the doctor theme), turns out they can't be sure what caused it(funny that) and are trying to get me some physiotherapy when i head back into edinburgh. Didn't expect it to be that bad but i guess anything will help. Got some prescription as well so that should keep it down when i need it. Mind you, bet it won't help with the added stress and occasional migraine
@Arbalest - Hope you feel better soon

Randomness but... I was in Nando's yesterday and I was perplexed to discover the portion sizes of their chips had shrunk. I mentioned this to a staff member who informed me that Head Office had said to reduce the portion of chips from 220g to 170/180g. She said that other people have noticed and complained to the manager. But its only if you complain, do they give you more chips. So basically, people are paying the same amount of money for less food. Cheeky or what!
Manga Girls said:
@Arbalest - Hope you feel better soon

Randomness but... I was in Nando's yesterday and I was perplexed to discover the portion sizes of their chips had shrunk. I mentioned this to a staff member who informed me that Head Office had said to reduce the portion of chips from 220g to 170/180g. She said that other people have noticed and complained to the manager. But its only if you complain, do they give you more chips. So basically, people are paying the same amount of money for less food. Cheeky or what!
Sounds like they are trying to increase their Economies of Scale in order to produce more units for the same price. It's not all that surprising for a big chain to do that.
Good luck with the doctor, stu. It's been ages since I've been to a GP. Last time I went was to get several shots before I went to India (I had 3 shots for rabies alone). Maybe I should get registered with a doctor in Edinburgh since my doctor back home is on a sabbatical.
Godot said:
Maxon said:

One of those topics that made me quit A Level Business Studies - We did these in the first year, and it's so boring xD (Easy marks in the exam, though).
Me remembering that makes me wonder how I managed to fail Business Management in school.
@MangaGirls and Stu: Thanks. Hopefully it'll die down in due course so that i can focus on my project more instead of this.

@MangaGirls: Yeah, i've noticed bits like that for a while. Shops are just as bad. Something like when i fancy a pack of doughnuts from the Co-op, they used to be about double the size they are now, at the same price. It's just not worth the money now. If i wanted something like that, i'd want my moneys worth, not some tiny portion which should be worth a few pennies.
Very possibly. A dedicated thread for feedback and ideas (maybe even dedicated threads, but it depends how big it gets) would certainly be a must. Should pick up during half-term (which I assume to be this week coming? Maybe. You won't know anyway since you're in Scotland) at least, lulz.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Tachi- said:
happy valentines day people :)

Had a excellent weeekend, just abit miffed that its over. but looking forward to thursday :D

Happy valentines day tachi-, good to hear your weekend was good, doing anything special for the missus tonight or was that what the weekend was far.

Cheers :) hope your days going well boyo

We did our valentines + anniversary stuff on the 12th. hopefully today will go quickly and i can spend tonight talkin to the missus on skype.

sadly i couldn't get today and tomorrow off (gf has long days at uni on mon and tues too) so took off friday and went up to see her on thursday evening. Hopefully she'll be back this thursday so i've been promised aroma :p going to take advantage of that buffet lol.

doing anything today stu?
Morning all! Been an especially quiet Monday morning so thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is doing?

Been a while since I've visited (besides the drunken vist to CHAT a few weeks ago). Hope all is well in the world of AUKN?

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day people!
lol i like the method'n'madness Stu,

Anime...then revision, ha fair enough. Typically i'd choose the former myself.

Alright Voddas, i'm replying to your email....honest lol just have 3 spreadsheets that have to be turned into 1 by end of play today. large task for a monday morning but not complaining, get to listen to podcasts whilst i do it, freedom from the phone for a day! :)

Stu, can you check the marketplace sub-forum please :)

- just been told the trust is hoping to move in the same direction we move as a dept. nice :)
Stuart-says-yes said:
Voddas said:
Morning all! Been an especially quiet Monday morning so thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is doing?

Been a while since I've visited (besides the drunken vist to CHAT a few weeks ago). Hope all is well in the world of AUKN?

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day people!

Voddas! you return, welcome back.

Things seem to be slowing up around here lately - I haven't even seen any spam bots recently - which is a shame but hopefully things pick up with the podcast, after all the top ten anime of the decade list was good at drawing out people.

Greetings Stu! Yeah I'm back to make sure you're all staying out of trouble. :p

I've been reading up on the podcast idea. I hope it goes ahead as I will definately be partaking in it myself.

AUKN has a history of dry spells but it always bouces back eventually. Plus everyones probably been busy with Christmas and the New Year (I know I have).

Anywhy, hows life been treating you?

edit: No rush Tach. :p
Valentines Card .... too... soppy.... *blleeeeugghhh* lol

Busy lunch now mate ao will get it read when I'm back from my Beef and Horseradish sarnie! :p